The Release Notes for Enterprise Server 10.1 contain information about the new features, changes, fixed issues, known issues, and upgrade instructions for each release of Enterprise Server 10.1.
Note: Release Notes of other versions of Enterprise Server 10 can be found in the Release Notes section.
The versions are sorted by version number in descending order. Use the Navigation block to the right of the page to quickly navigate to the information of a released version.
Enterprise Server 10.1.10 build 262
Release date: 20 December 2018
The download files for this version of Enterprise Server can be found in the Release announcement.
New features
No new features have been introduced in this release of Enterprise Server.
The following changes have been made in this version of Enterprise Server:
- RabbitMQ integration: configuring connection timeouts. When Enterprise Server connects to RabbitMQ it sends HTTP requests using the REST protocol or the AMQP protocol. The timeout period for both protocols has been lowered and can now also be controlled through the following options in the configserver.php file:
- RABBITMQ_CONNECTION_TIMEOUT. When Enterprise Server connects to RabbitMQ, it sends HTTP requests. The timeout period for these requests has been set to 2 seconds and can be controlled through this option.
Note: The higher the number, the more the Enterprise workflow operations are delayed in case RabbitMQ is suddenly no longer accessible. The lower the number, the higher the risk of losing push message notifications.
- RABBITMQ_EXECUTION_TIMEOUT. During a workflow operation (such as file check-in, save version, and so on), Enterprise Server invokes RabbitMQ by sending HTTP requests. The timeout period for these requests has been set to 2 seconds and can be controlled through this option.
Note: The higher the number, the more the Enterprise workflow operations are delayed in case RabbitMQ is suddenly operating very slow. The lower the number, the higher the risk of losing push message notifications.
For more information, see Integrating RabbitMQ in Enterprise Server 10.
- RabbitMQ integration: Improving performance by excluding users from receiving notifications. When Enterprise Server connects to RabbitMQ, it sends HTTP requests for each Brand that a user has access to. This includes Issues for which the Overrule Brand option is enabled.
Each request takes a few milliseconds to complete, so even when a user has access to a few dozen Brands the process does not take long. When a user has access to a significantly high number of Brands though, the log-on duration can be negatively impacted.
While it is common practice for Enterprise installations to limit the number of Brands that a user has access to, some users (such as Brand administrators or system administrators) will typically have access to a high number of Brands. However, for those users the push message notifications may be not important.
These users can now be excluded from receiving notifications by setting the RABBITMQ_MAX_PUBLICATIONS option in configserver.php. In it, the maximum number of Brands that a user can have access to in order to receive notifications through RabbitMQ is specified.
When the number of Brands that a user has access to is lower than or equal to the defined maximum, notifications are sent to that user by RabbitMQ.
When the number of Brands that a user has access to is higher than the defined maximum, notifications are not sent to that user by RabbitMQ.
The users that are excluded from receiving notifications by RabbitMQ as a result of setting this option can be seen by running the RabbitMQ test on the Health Check page. It will also show the number of Brands and overruled Issues that each user has access to.
For more information, see Integrating RabbitMQ in Enterprise Server 10.
- RabbitMQ integration: Setting up Enterprise Server jobs to clean up message queues. When RabbitMQ is temporarily down during production hours, Enterprise Server can no longer push message notifications.
Enterprise Server can also not remove message queues in RabbitMQ when tickets expire or when users log off.
The result of both scenarios is that the resource administration of RabbitMQ may get out-of-sync.
If RabbitMQ would remain down for many hours while many users are connected, many message queues could remain abandoned in RabbitMQ forever. If this problem repeats itself many times, there is a potential risk that RabbitMQ gets exhausted by using too many resources.
For this purpose, message queues in RabbitMQ can now be periodically cleaned up by running the Enterprise Server Job named AutoCleanRabbitMQ.
For more information, see Integrating RabbitMQ in Enterprise Server 10.
- RabbitMQ integration: change in queue name. The RabbitMQ queue name format has changed from ticket.<ticket> to user.<userId>.ticket.<ticketId>.
Note: When upgrading to Enterprise Server 10.1.10 or any other higher version of 10.1, run the RabbitMQ test on the Health Check page in your current installation to make sure that no orphaned queues exist after the upgrade.
- Publishing processed images using Content Station 9. By default, when publishing an image to the Internet (such as to Drupal, WordPress, or Twitter) using Content Station 9, and that image is cropped or scaled, the image is published without any property values. Including properties can now be done by configuring them using the option named 'PROCESSED_IMAGE_PROPERTIES_PUBLISH_OPTIONS' in the configserver.php file of Enterprise Server. For details, see the comments in the file.
The following documentation accompanies this release of Enterprise Server:
- Integrating RabbitMQ in Enterprise Server 10 - updated
- Working with Enterprise Server Jobs in Enterprise Server 10 - updated
- Upgrading an existing installation of Enterprise Server 10 - updated
Known issues
No known issues exist for this release of Enterprise Server.
Fixed issues
The following issues have been fixed in this release of Enterprise Server:
EN-90656 Crashed RabbitMQ stops users from logging in with no indication of the problem.
EN-90827 ClientFeatures for custom jobs do not fall back to 'default' setting.
EN-90842 Cropped image published to Publishing Channel looses its metadata.
- Full installation. For information about installing Enterprise Server on a system on which Enterprise Server is not yet installed, see Enterprise Server 10 full installation.
- Upgrading from an earlier version. For information about upgrading Enterprise Server 8 or 9 to Enterprise Server 10, see Upgrading Enterprise Server 8 or 9 to Enterprise Server 10.
- Upgrading an existing installation. For information about upgrading an existing installation of Enterprise 10 to the newly released version of Enterprise Server 10, see Upgrading an existing installation of Enterprise Server 10.
Enterprise Server 10.1.9 build 257
Release date: 15 October 2018
The download files for this version of Enterprise Server can be found in the Release announcement.
New features
The following feature has been introduced in this release of Enterprise Server:
- InDesign Server CC 2018. Support for InDesign Server CC 2018 has been added. It can now be used for the InDesign Server Automation or for running tasks such as the generation of previews.
The following change has been made in this version of Enterprise Server:
- LDAP integration. When importing user groups from LDAP, the list of user groups that is shown is now displayed in alphabetical order.
The following documentation accompanies this release of Enterprise Server:
- Compatibility of Enterprise Server 10.1 - updated.
- Upgrading an existing installation of Enterprise Server 10 - updated
Known issues
No known issues exist for this release of Enterprise Server.
Fixed issues
The following issues have been fixed in this release of Enterprise Server:
EN-90839 Password is not obfuscated from server logging for Smart Mover.
EN-90942 Exclude deleted children objects when querying for workflow objects or the other way round.
EN-90995 Groups on the LDAP Import Groups page should be sorted alphabetically.
EN-90997 Unable to publish from 2 Brands to 1 Drupal 8 website when taxonomy tags are used.
- Full installation. For information about installing Enterprise Server on a system on which Enterprise Server is not yet installed, see Enterprise Server 10 full installation.
- Upgrading from an earlier version. For information about upgrading Enterprise Server 8 or 9 to Enterprise Server 10, see Upgrading Enterprise Server 8 or 9 to Enterprise Server 10 .
- Upgrading an existing installation. For information about upgrading an existing installation of Enterprise 10 to the newly released version of Enterprise Server 10, see Upgrading an existing installation of Enterprise Server 10.
Note: When upgrading from Enterprise Server 10.1.8 or lower to 10.1.9 or any higher version of 10.1.x and a 'Database Error S1004' appears when publishing to a Drupal 8 site that is configured in two Publication Channels — each for a different Brand — then the 'smart_terms' and 'smart_termentities' tables need to be emptied. For more information see Upgrading an existing installation of Enterprise Server 10.
Enterprise Server 10.1.8 build 241
Release date: 26 June 2018
The download files for this release of Enterprise Server can be found in the Release announcement.
New features
The following features have been introduced in this release of Enterprise Server:

Integrating RabbitMQ in Enterprise Server makes it possible to instantly push message notifications to client views of all users who are connected to Enterprise (for example when a user updates the properties of a file). This ensures that users immediately see the changes that other users make.
Support for RabbitMQ 3.7 has now been added to Enterprise Server.
For a full overview of the compatibility between Enterprise Server and RabbitMQ, see, the Compatibility Matrix.
The following changes have been made in this version of Enterprise Server:
- Twitter Publish Form: support for tweets containing up to 280 characters. The maximum length of Twitter messages (tweets) that are sent by using the Publish Form in Content Station 9 has been extended from 140 to 280 characters.
- LDAP: passwords are no longer shown on the PHP Info page. The LDAP password (obtained when importing LDAP groups) is revealed in session (cookie) variables. These variables are displayed on the PHP Info page (accessed from the Health Check page). From Enterprise Server 10.1.8 onwards, PHP variables are no longer shown on this page to prevent the exposure of this password.
The following documentation accompanies this release of Enterprise Server:
- Compatibility of Enterprise Server 10.1 - updated
Known issues
No known issues exist for this release of Enterprise Server.
Fixed issues
The following issues have been fixed in this release of Enterprise Server:
EN-90272 Update cached Elvis fields.
EN-90435 No background job processed when foreground job is re-planned.
EN-90503 InDesign Server Automation: large number of SQL statements are stored when no InDesign Server is available.
EN-90513 Make InDesignServerJob.jsx script more robust against crashes, ticket expiration and other failures.
EN-90563 PHP fatal error when calling WflDeleteObjectRelations.
EN-90585 The BizTarget.class.php is not consistently included and results in a fatal error.
EN-90601 Adjustments to BizEmail::sendMail and BizEmail::SendEmail.
EN-90660 Slow or inaccessible Enterprise Server when deleting objects without Solr enabled
- Clean installation. For information about installing Enterprise Server on a system on which Enterprise Server is not yet installed, see Enterprise Server 10 full installation.
- Major upgrade. For information about upgrading Enterprise Server 8 or 9 to Enterprise Server 10, see Enterprise Server 10 major upgrade.
- Minor upgrade. For information about upgrading an existing installation of Enterprise 10 to the latest version of Enterprise Server 10, see Upgrading an existing installation of Enterprise Server 10.
Enterprise Server 10.1.7 build 236
Release date: 24 April 2018
The download files for this release of Enterprise Server can be found in the Release announcement.
New features
The following features have been introduced in this release of Enterprise Server:

When logging is enabled for Enterprise Server, the generated log files can now be accessed through the 'Server Logs' application that has been added to the Advanced page.
Opening the application will show a list of daily log directories.
Each of these directories links to a list of directories named after the client IP.
From there, the log files can be accessed.

When Service logging is enabled, the smart_log table can quickly fill up with a large number of entries. This can result in performance issues.
An Enterprise Server Job named 'AutoCleanServiceLogs' has now been added for automatically and periodically cleaning up the smart_log table (see Working with Enterprise Server Jobs).
Configuring the time period after which the entries in the smart_log table should be deleted can be done through the following option in configserver.php (or better, the config_overrule.php file):
Make sure also that the options LOGLEVEL and AUTOCLEAN_SERVICELOGS_DAYS are enabled by setting them to any value other than 0 (zero).
For more information, see:

When an issue occurs with a license in Enterprise, a warning is displayed to the user.
However, the text in the messages did not indicate that the issue was to do with licenses for WoodWing. The messages have therefore been updated by including 'WoodWing':
- "The concurrent WoodWing users limit has been reached."
- "WoodWing license is expired."
- "The current WoodWing license has to be renewed."
- and so on...
The following changes have been made in this version of Enterprise Server:
- Logging: Service logs now also contain failed log-on attempts (a log-in attempt in which the user name and/or password was incorrect) In previous versions, only successful attempts were logged.
- InDesign Server Automation: When InDesign Server Automation is used, a preview is now also generated for layout templates and Layout Module templates. This makes it possible to let instances of InDesign Servers fully handle preview generations. In previous versions of Enterprise Server, preview generation for layout templates and Layout Module templates needed to be handled by the client applications.
The following documentation accompanies this release of Enterprise Server:
- The Maintenance pages in Enterprise Server 10 - updated
- Logging Enterprise Server 10 activity - updated
- Setting up InDesign Server Automation in Enterprise Server 10 - updated
- Working with Enterprise Server Jobs in Enterprise Server 10 - updated
- Monitoring system activity in Enterprise 10 - updated
Known issues
The following known issue exists for this release of Enterprise Server:
- EN-89041 Logging: "Show full context" links can only be opened when the date and IP address correspond to those of the generated log file. Note that this issue has been fixed but only applies to log files generated with Enterprise Server 10.1.7. Logs generated with older versions will still experience the error.
Fixed issues
The following issues have been fixed in this release of Enterprise Server:
EN-89041 Logging: "Show full context" links can only be opened when the date and IP address correspond to those of the generated log file.
EN-89749 Service log does not contain unsuccessful log on attempts.
EN-90216 'Force Track Changes' Access Right is not communicated as disabled for 'Full Control' profile.
EN-90299 Health Check: File Store test case fails when folder is set directly below the root directory (of a different drive).
EN-90305 Performing a Save Version action on an Elvis shadow object in Enterprise checks-in the object in Elvis.
EN-90327 Issue names containing a comma are incorrectly displayed in the "Issues" column in client applications.
EN-90441 'Used in' field is empty when uploading an .xls file to a Dossier in a DPS Issue.
- Clean installation. For information about installing Enterprise Server on a system on which Enterprise Server is not yet installed, see Enterprise Server 10 full installation.
- Upgrading from previous versions. See Upgrading Enterprise Server 8 or 9 to Enterprise Server 10.
- Upgrading an existing installation. See Upgrading an existing installation of Enterprise Server 10.
Enterprise Server 10.1.6 build 224
Release date: 19 February 2018
The download files for this version of Enterprise Server can be found in the Release announcement.
New features
No new features have been introduced in this version of Enterprise Server.
No changes have been made in this version of Enterprise Server.
No changes to the documentation have been made for this version of Enterprise Server.
Known issues
No known issues exist for this version of Enterprise Server.
Fixed issues
The following issues have been fixed in this version of Enterprise Server.
EN-84515 SOAP error is shown when saving objects and deleted custom property is not removed from the dialog setup.
EN-88079 Elvis InDesign plug-in fails retrieving assets from Elvis when the Elvis plugin ELVIS_URL setting differs from ELVIS_CLIENT_URL.
EN-89290 InDesign Server Automation job fails if layout is set to a status without 'Open for Edit' right.
EN-90012 Planning interface: dividing a spread, and joining back together inserts a "section" break.
EN-90026 CopyWithPlacements plug-in not functioning with Enterprise 10.1.x.
EN-90072 Database upgrade fails because of the conversion of type 'other' to 'SpreadSheet'.
EN-90119 After logging out from Content Station 9, Content Station 11 is automatically logged out as well.
EN-90153 Workaround for deprecated jQuery.browser method since jQuery 1.9.
EN-90166 Health Check on InDesign Server fails when the 'WEBEDITDIR' is a mount.
EN-90174 Article components do not show after placing an article on many layouts.
EN-90204 Admin user cannot log in to the Web Application when all connections are taken.
EN-90258 The automatic renewal of Enterprise licenses fails.
- Clean installation. For information about installing Enterprise Server on a system on which Enterprise Server is not yet installed, see Enterprise Server 10 full installation.
- Major upgrade. For information about upgrading Enterprise Server 8 or 9 to Enterprise Server 10, see Enterprise Server 10 major upgrade.
- Minor upgrade. For information about upgrading an existing installation of Enterprise 10 to the latest version of Enterprise Server 10, see Upgrading an existing installation of Enterprise Server 10.
Enterprise Server 10.1.5 build 213
Release date: 12 December 2017
The download files for this version of Enterprise Server can be found in the Release announcement.
New features
The following feature has been introduced in Enterprise Server 10.1.5 build 213:
- Enterprise Server logging: DEPRECATED option added. When DEBUG mode is used, 'DEPRECATED' can now appear in the logging. This indicates that a deprecated function is used in a custom Server plug-in. It should be seen as a notice that this function is likely to be removed by WoodWing some time in the future and that the affected function should therefore be adjusted.
For more information, see Logging Enterprise Server 10 activity.
No changes have been made in Enterprise Server 10.1.5 build 213.
The following documentation accompanies the release of Enterprise Server 10.1.5 build 213:
- Logging Enterprise Server 10 activity - updated
Known issues
No known issues exist for Enterprise Server 10.1.5 build 213.
Fixed issues
The following issue has been fixed in Enterprise Server 10.1.5 build 213:
EN-87143 No new preview generated when layout is changed within the same Produce status.
EN-88412 Rotated image is not correctly cropped by InDesign Server when previewing in Content Station.
EN-88557 Object cannot be opened again after save action is canceled due to a deadline error.
EN-88922 Message 'Elvis server not available' appears even when action does not involve Elvis.
EN-89302 No IDSAutomation job created when a layout is moved to another Produce status.
EN-89499 Solr Search returns no results when searching on 'empty' PlacedOn.
EN-89563 GetPagesResponse->WorkflowMetaData->RouteTo is returning short username instead of full username.
EN-89639 Imported Elvis asset with long name is not truncated to 63 characters.
EN-89710 No previews of layouts when name of a layer contains an apostrophe.
EN-89711 Status sort order is not respected on the Authorization Report.
EN-89748 Elvis image property containing Unified Ideographs Extension character causes SOAP error.
EN-89786 Objects of inactive issues still appear in the search results when Solr is enabled.
EN-89842 Editions are not set correctly in the PreviewArticleAtWorkspace response.
EN-89887 Error "Wrong user name or password (S1053)" occurs during log on when user name contains apostrophe.
- Clean installation. For information about installing Enterprise Server on a system on which Enterprise Server is not yet installed, see Enterprise Server 10 full installation.
- Major upgrade. For information about upgrading Enterprise Server 8 or 9 to Enterprise Server 10, see Enterprise Server 10 major upgrade.
- Minor upgrade. For information about upgrading an existing installation of Enterprise 10 to the latest version of Enterprise Server 10, see Upgrading an existing installation of Enterprise Server 10.
Enterprise Server 10.1.4 build 183
Release date: 14 August 2017
The download files for this version of Enterprise Server can be found in the Release announcement.
New features
No new features have been introduced in Enterprise Server 10.1.4 build 183.
The following changes have been implemented in Enterprise Server 10.1.4 build 183:
- Log files: only system administrators can access log files. The log files of Enterprise Server can now only be accessed by users who are part of an admin group. All other users will get a 'Permission denied' message when trying to access the error logging page (Enterprise/server/admin/showlog.php). After logging in to Enterprise Server, they will also not see the pop-up window that notifies them about new error logging or PHP error logging.
- Elvis integration: provide a more descriptive error message when the connection to Elvis Server is lost. In the scenario where an Elvis node goes down and Enterprise Server is not able to communicate with Elvis anymore, it is important for the user to not interact with Elvis Server in any way but to wait until the connection is restored (either until the node recovers itself or is manually restored by the system administrator). For this purpose, a message with clearer instructions is now shown.
Previous message:
Error connecting to the service named Elvis. Please check your connection and try again. (S1144) |
New message:
An error occurred while getting a file from Elvis because of a lost connection. (S1144) Please contact your system administrator. IMPORTANT: We strongly advise to stop working on ANY of the files in the system until the connection is restored again and to not perform ANY action such as abort check-out, check-in, save version, check-out, opening files or Dossiers and so on. Continuing to work on the files in any way can result in data loss or corrupted files. |
- Elvis integration: logging in to Elvis is now done silently and only when needed. Previously, Enterprise Server automatically logged in to Elvis at the moment the user logged in to Enterprise. Now, logging in to Elvis is only done when Enterprise Server requests assets from Elvis. Logging in is also done automatically and silently in the background; the user is not asked to log in manually.
- Elvis integration: decoupling the Enterprise workflow activity from the Elvis integration. Previously, a periodical call was made to Elvis to make sure that the session is kept alive. In situations where the connection to Elvis was lost, the user was not able to work with Enterprise anymore, even when the user was not working on Elvis assets at all. Now, the periodical call is no longer needed when the session is expired. Also, Enterprise will now silently log in to Elvis in the background.
No documentation changes have been made for the release of Enterprise Server 10.1.4 build 183.
Known issues
No known issues exist for Enterprise Server 10.1.4 build 183.
Fixed issues
The following issues have been fixed in Enterprise Server 10.1.4 build 183:
EN-88266 Auto purging the Trash Can resets the Brand ordering.
EN-88547 [Drupal 8] Error message should show the reason why an image upload fails.
EN-88717 GIF image added to an article is resized because of missing dimensions.
EN-88894 Enterprise Web Application cross-site scripting vulnerability because of error logging.
EN-89001 Cannot check-in and InDesign layout when Elvis node becomes unhealthy.
EN-89200 SetProperties fails (S1001) on shadow image and status with "permanent version" enabled.
EN-89263 Layout stays locked when Elvis node becomes unhealthy.
EN-89279 Export of Folio results in a fatal PHP error: 'PHP Fatal error: Class 'BizPublishForm' not found'.
EN-89306 Elvis connection error is not localized.
EN-89307 AMF errors not logged when Elvis does not return HTTP 200 OK.
EN-89310 Avoid parallel log-in to Elvis for one Enterprise user.
EN-89316 Error 'Unable to save attached data to file' shown after an Elvis shadow object is edited first.
EN-89334 Access denied S1002 shown when trying to edit a shadow image.
EN-89340 [Elvis Content Source] Retrying a REST call fails because of incorrect parameter.
EN-89347 With Solr enabled the check-in of a layout leads to a corrupted layout when Elvis is down.
EN-89394 [WordPress] Add support for GIF images.
EN-89395 [WordPress] Request/responses to WordPress are not logged on Windows.
- Clean installation. For information about installing Enterprise Server on a system on which Enterprise Server is not yet installed, see Enterprise Server 10 full installation.
- Upgrading from previous versions. See Upgrading Enterprise Server 8 or 9 to Enterprise Server 10.
- Upgrading an existing installation. See Upgrading an existing installation of Enterprise Server 10.
Enterprise Server 10.1.3 build 181
Release date: 7 July 2017
The download files for this version of Enterprise Server can be found in the Release announcement.
New features
No new features have been introduced in Enterprise Server 10.1.3 build 181.
The following change has been implemented in Enterprise Server 10.1.3 build 181:
Controlling the behavior when an asset is moved from the Elvis Production Zone folder to Enterprise
When an asset is moved from Elvis to Enterprise, it can be stored in various ways in Elvis and Enterprise. (See Controlling how Elvis assets are used in Enterprise 10.)
When the 'variant' method is used, each time an asset is moved from Elvis to Enterprise, the original asset is copied in Elvis and then linked to a shadow object in Enterprise. The copy in Elvis is stored in a dedicated folder named the 'Production Zone' folder. Multiple Production Zone folders can exist, for example one for each Brand.
From a user's perspective, the assets in this Production Zone folder are like assets in any other folder in Elvis and can therefore also be moved to Enterprise.
From the perspective of Enterprise though, these assets in the Production Zone folder are special: Enterprise knows that they have originally been copied in Elvis and that a shadow object exists for these assets in Enterprise.
Because of this special status, moving an asset from that folder to Enterprise will not by default create a copy of the file. Instead, Enterprise recognizes that the asset already exists as a shadow object and will simply make that same shadow object available once more.
To force Enterprise to create a copy of the file, the option ELVIS_CREATE_COPY_WHEN_MOVED_FROM_PRODUCTION_ZONE can now be set in the configuration file of the Elvis plug-in in Enterprise.
For more information, see:
- Working with assets that are stored in the Production Zone folder of Elvis 5
- Controlling how Elvis assets are used in Enterprise 10
The following documentation accompanies the release of Enterprise Server 10.1.3 build 181:
- Working with assets that are stored in the Production Zone folder of Elvis 5 - new
- Controlling how Elvis assets are used in Enterprise 10 - updated
- Adding Elvis 5 images to Enterprise 10 - updated
- - updated
- Integrating Facebook in Enterprise Server 10 - updated
Known issues
No known issues exist for Enterprise Server 10.1.3 build 181.
Fixed issues
The following issues have been fixed in Enterprise Server 10.1.3 build 181:
EN-88533 Full credentials are not passed to the Elvis Content Source plugin.
EN-88914 No license usage bar shown with more than 400 activated licenses.
EN-88920 Make IDPreview script more robust against open documents before logging out.
EN-88942 InDesign Server Queue - High priority jobs are not picked up directly.
EN-88974 The registration for Facebook channel stops at Facebook page and the registration is not successful
EN-88990 Performance: to many SQL-statements about access features during logon.
EN-88999 Provide flag information in GetPages and/or GetPagesInfo response for Publication Overview.
EN-89016 LogHandler::getPhpLogFile() returns empty string.
EN-89020 Not possible to replace image in Content Station on a spread page that does not contain an article.
EN-89035 The server should delay adding the InDesign Server Automation job after an object operation has been created.
EN-89047 Filter object operations that are superseded by the same operation later on.
EN-89055 The previews of articles sometimes fail when the 'webedit' folder is a cifs mount.
EN-89185 Users are randomly logged out of Enterprise.
EN-89203 'Deprecated message' shown to user on password expiration.
- Clean installation. For information about installing Enterprise Server on a system on which Enterprise Server is not yet installed, see Enterprise Server 10 full installation.
- Upgrading from previous versions. See Upgrading Enterprise Server 8 or 9 to Enterprise Server 10.
- Upgrading an existing installation. See Upgrading an existing installation of Enterprise Server 10.
Enterprise Server 10.1.2 build 169 Quick Patch
Release date: 23 May 2017
The download files for this version of Enterprise Server can be found in the Release announcement.
Fixed issues
The following issues have been fixed in Enterprise Server 10.1.2 build 169:
EN-89054 Full credentials are not passed to the Elvis Content Source plug-in.
EN-89039 Elvis integration: When saving an image, it is loaded into memory instead of streaming it.
EN-88996 Elvis integration: When connection takes more than 10 seconds it times out.
EN-88960 Long log-in time of InDesign Server slows down preview generation.
Additional notes
- Using load balancers on Amazon AWS: With the current Elvis integration, only the classic 'ELB' load balancer is supported. The Application Load Balancer (ALB) is not yet supported and will not work with the Elvis integration.
- Clean installation. For information about installing Enterprise Server on a system on which Enterprise Server is not yet installed, see Enterprise Server 10 full installation.
- Upgrading from previous versions. See Upgrading Enterprise Server 8 or 9 to Enterprise Server 10.
- Upgrading an existing installation. See Upgrading an existing installation of Enterprise Server 10.
Enterprise Server 10.1.2 build 156
Release date: 27 March 2017
The download files for this version of Enterprise Server can be found in the Release announcement.
New features
The following new feature has been introduced in Enterprise Server 10.1.2 build 156:
- Support for Drupal 8 entities. By making use of Drupal Entities (by using the module 'Dynamic Entity Reference'), you can let users enter or add data based on values that are predefined in Drupal. For example: instead of having to manually type the name of an author or product (with the risk of misspelling it) the user can choose from a list of Drupal user accounts or a list of product names. This list is defined as an Entity in Drupal.
With the Dynamic Entity Reference module, multiple Entities can be linked from within the same field. For example: the Tags field can be set up to make use of multiple entities.
For more information about using Drupal 8 in Enterprise Server, see:
- Integrating Drupal 8 in Enterprise Server 10
- Supported Drupal fields for use in Publish Form templates in Enterprise 10
The following changes have been implemented in Enterprise Server 10.1.2 build 156:
- Support for PHP 5.4 dropped. With the release of Enterprise Server 10.1.2, PHP 5.4 is no longer supported. Note that it was supported for Linux only.
This is done for the following reasons:
- Changes to Elvis integration. Enterprise Server 10.1.2 contains an important improvement for the stability of the integration between Enterprise and Elvis. These changes have been applied in both the Elvis Content Source plug-in and the core of Enterprise Server. One of the fixes in this area requires an upgrade of Zend Framework from 2.4.9 to 2.5.3 (related to this zendframework issue).However, Zend Framework only supports PHP 5.5 and up, so we have to move on with Enterprise Server too.
- Security. PHP 5.4 is no longer supported by the PHP community since late 2015, also not for critical security fixes. From a security point of view therefore, it is unwise to continue supporting PHP 5.4 for Enterprise Server.
For more information, see Compatibility of Enterprise Server 10.1.
- Support for Windows Server 2016. Windows Server 2016 has been tested with Enterprise Server 10.1.2 and has been found fully compatible. It is also expected to be compatible with any other version of Enterprise Server 10.0 and 10.1. For more information, see the Compatibility of Enterprise Server 10.1.
The following documentation accompanies the release of Enterprise Server 10.1.2 build 156:
- Integrating Drupal 8 in Enterprise Server 10 - updated
- Supported Drupal fields for use in Publish Form templates in Enterprise 10 - updated
- Compatibility of Enterprise Server 10.1 - updated
Known issues
No known issues exist for Enterprise Server 10.1.2 build 156.
Fixed issues
The following issues have been fixed in Enterprise Server 10.1.2 build 156:
EN-88824 "Database error (S1004)" is displayed when user tries to Save version/ Check-in the layout after replacing the inline image.
EN-88807 Planning Interface - Ghost issues are created.
EN-88776 InDesign Server Automation is not triggered when saving a layout twice within the same 'Output' status.
EN-88761 Nothing happens when user selects Remove option from context menu of article header under Channel overview panel.
EN-88731 Elvis field info is stored in PHP session which slows down Enterprise Server.
EN-88725 Enterprise/Elvis Content Source plug-in does not work in AWS environment.
EN-88713 Smart Connection/Content Station should raise re-login dialog when the Elvis session ID is expired.
EN-88659 Elvis content source plug-in truncates multi-byte file names to 21 characters.
EN-88648 Copyfit information in Content Station is not correct for stand-alone articles created from article template.
EN-88611 [Drupal 8] - Article without element name cannot be published.
EN-88596 [Drupal 8] - Content will not be published if it is contained in several components of one article file.
EN-88559 [Drupal 8] - Publish Form without a body gives constraint error on Drupal insert statement.
EN-88539 Reduce the number of database queries during the InDesign Server Preview generation to improve performance.
EN-88464 Add option to define how the system should link or copy an Elvis asset when the user is about to use it in Enterprise.
EN-88653 [Drupal 8] - Add support for entity references.
EN-88866 MSSQL error causes Layout Restore, and Content source not working with Copy To production setting.
- Clean installation. For information about installing Enterprise Server on a system on which Enterprise Server is not yet installed, see Enterprise Server 10 full installation.
- Upgrading from previous versions. See Upgrading Enterprise Server 8 or 9 to Enterprise Server 10.
- Upgrading an existing installation. See Upgrading an existing installation of Enterprise Server 10.
Enterprise Server 10.1.1 build 130
Release date: 13 December 2016
The download files for this version of Enterprise Server can be found in the Release announcement.
New features
The following new features have been introduced in Enterprise Server 10.1.1 build 130:

When an asset that is stored in Elvis is used in Enterprise, the asset can already be used as a copy or as a shadow object that is linked to the original asset.
A third option has now been added: using a variant of the asset. In this scenario, a copy of the asset is stored in Elvis and linked to a shadow object in Enterprise. The variant is also linked to the original image, thereby making it possible to see the original asset and all its variants. Variants are stored in a dedicated folder in Elvis, known as a 'Production Environment'. Multiple Production Environments can be set up, one for each Brand / Category combination. This makes it possible to use the same asset across different Brands.
This feature requires Elvis 5.18 or higher.
For more information, see Controlling how Elvis assets are used in Enterprise 10.

When maintenance tasks need to be performed on Enterprise Server such as upgrading the software or updating the configuration settings, it is important that users do not have access to the system. At the same time, processes such as InDesign Server Jobs or Smart Mover Tasks should still be allowed.
For this purpose, Enterprise Server can now be placed in 'Maintenance Mode'. It currently has the following features:
- It prevents users from logging in to the system
- The date and time when Maintenance Mode should be enabled can be configured
- A custom message to show the user can be added
The Maintenance Mode is provided through a new Enterprise Server plug-in named Maintenance Mode (it is disabled by default). Once enabled, its settings can be accessed through Integrations > Maintenance Mode.
Tip: When not planning on scheduling maintenance it is best to leave the Maintenance Mode Server plug-in disabled to prevent it from constantly checking if it needs to go into Maintenance Mode or not.

Publishing to WordPress is now possible over a secure connection such as HTTPS.
For more information, see:
The following change has been implemented in Enterprise Server 10.1.1 build 130:
Numbering options added to the Planning interface
A PageNumber element has been added to the SmartEditorialPlan wsdl. Its purpose is to support variants of human readable page number variations. Currently supported options are:
- Prefixes of page numbers
- Styles: roman lower case, alpha numeric lower case, Arabic, roman upper case, alpha numeric upper case
This improvement includes some limitations:
- No support for using a mixture of styles and prefixes in the same planned layout.
- Page style and page prefix cannot be made Edition dependent.
To benefit from this improvement, the following is required:
- Smart Connection for CC 2014 version 10.2.5 or higher
- Enterprise Server 10.1.1 or higher or the upcoming Enterprise Server 10.0.3
Smart Connection will transform the page numbers of the planned pages to actual page numbers in InDesign.
The following documentation accompanies the release of Enterprise Server 10.1.1 build 130:
- Controlling how Elvis assets are used in Enterprise 10 - new
- Integrating Elvis 5 and Enterprise Server 10 - how it works - new
- Restoring an archived layout to Enterprise 10 from Elvis 5 Server - updated
- Restoring an archived layout in Elvis 5 Server - configuration - updated
- Setting Enterprise Server 10 to Maintenance Mode - new
- Using SSL to secure the connection between Enterprise Server and WordPress - new
- Integrating WordPress in Enterprise Server 10 - updated
- Upgrading an existing installation of Enterprise Server 10 - updated
Known issues
The following known issue exists for Enterprise Server 10.1.1 build 130:
- EN-88403 A copied Brand value is not updated to the new Brand name in Production Zone on the Brand Maintenance page
Fixed issues
The following issues have been fixed in Enterprise Server 10.1.1 build 130:
EN-87967 WordPress update of Gallery leads to image duplicates and does not unpublish the ones removed from the Publish Form.
EN-88202 Enterprise usage information in Elvis.
EN-88285 Inconsistent AMF logging and error handling.
EN-88286 Security: Elvis passwords are logged as base64 which is easy to decode.
EN-88315 Server logs shows many warnings when Elvis is enabled: "Could not resolve client version from ticket".
EN-88321 Many warnings "Could not resolve client version from ticket" in Server logging when Elvis import module is enabled.
EN-88337 Security: The wwinfo.php page reveals passwords of custom/release plug-ins in the overrule_config.php section.
EN-88363 Add Numbering Options to the Planning interface.
EN-88365 InDesign Server entry in Health Check should give an error when "-previews" was not provided in startup parameters.
EN-88366 HealthCheck for InDesign Server / Content Station editor stats that 'products.xml' file cannot be written when a remote file store is used.
EN-88367 The 'locktoken' results in an unstable InDesign Server when preview generation fails.
EN-88368 Extra text '<br/>' appears in error message when clicking Update button with empty user name or password field on User Maintenance page.
EN-88369 LDAP: The 'Assigned to User group' field is selected for all users by default.
EN-88370 Redirections to test aliveness of the server fails when the SERVERURL_ROOT is not accessible from the local network.
EN-88371 Extend the planning WSDL with a Publication Channel element to create a layout or advert.
EN-88372 InDesign Server crashes when creating a preview of a Malayalam article.
EN-88373 Making a CreateObjects service call instead of calling the business class function directly in Elvis Content Source plug-in.
EN-88374 Publish to WordPress over secure (https/ssl) connection.
EN-88375 Error when dragging and dropping a WCML file from Elvis to Content Station and the file is copied.
EN-88402 Incorrect behavior when dragging and dropping Elvis image to Content Station Dossier when user has no permission on Production Zone folder.
EN-88431 For PHP5.4.x; PHP log error on running wwtest page, when Elvis Content Source plug-in is enabled
- Clean installation. For information about installing Enterprise Server on a system on which Enterprise Server is not yet installed, see Enterprise Server 10 full installation.
- Upgrading from previous versions. See Upgrading Enterprise Server 8 or 9 to Enterprise Server 10.
- Upgrading an existing installation. See Upgrading an existing installation of Enterprise Server 10.
Enterprise Server 10.1.0 build 120
Release date: 2 November 2016
The download files for this version of Enterprise Server can be found in the Release announcement.
Change in Maintenance and Innovation versions
As announced previously, Enterprise Server 9.4 and Content Station 9.4 are reaching the end of their lives. As of 2 November 2016 therefore, the following changes are implemented:
- Enterprise Server 10.0 and Content Station 9.8 become the new Maintenance versions.
- For Enterprise Server 9.4 and Content Station 9.4 a long-term extended maintenance version for an additional 12 months is introduced to allow migration at your own pace. The maintenance offers support upon request for issues that are blocking and which require technical assistance and / or software updates.
So what does that mean in practice?
For Enterprise Server:
- Enterprise Server 10.1 is the new Innovation version
- Enterprise Server 10.0 is the new Maintenance version
- We offer long-term extended maintenance on Enterprise Server 9.4 untill November 2017
For Content Station:
- Content Station Air 9.8 is the new Maintenance version for Content Station AIR
- We will only release Innovation versions for Content Station 10 due to the rapid release cycle and the continued implementation of features to be on par with Content Station AIR.
- We offer long-term extended maintenance on Content Station 9.4 untill November 2017
For Smart Connection:
The changes do not affect the current maintenance of Smart Connection:
- Smart Connection for CS6 is a Maintenance version
- Smart Connection for CC 2014 is a Maintenance version
- Smart Connection for CC 2015 is an Innovation version
- Enterprise Server 10 is compatible with Smart Connection for CS6, CC 2014 and CC 2015
New features
The following new features have been introduced in Enterprise Server 10.1.0 build 120:

To ease the process of managing and upgrading Enterprise Server installations, Enterprise Server 10.1 can be configured by using just a single configuration file.
This is done by defining any setting that you want to change from any configuration file in Enterprise to this file. These settings are then used to overrule their corresponding values in the default configuration files.
This has the following advantages:
- Easy management: configuration is done from a single file in a central location instead of configuring separate files in multiple locations.
- Easy upgrading: the single configuration file can be simply migrated to any new installation and saves you from having to update the default versions of these files by comparing the new version with the old version.
The file is named 'config_overrule.php' and is placed in the following location:
For more information, see Using a central file to configure Enterprise Server 10.

A new Access Right has been introduced named 'Open for Edit (unplaced)'. It accompanies the already existing Access Right 'Open for Edit'.
The difference between the two is as follows:
- Open for Edit (unplaced). Allows a user to open a file for editing, but only when it is not yet placed on a layout or used in a Publish Form.
- Open for Edit. Allows a user to open a file for editing regardless if it is placed on a layout or used on a Publish Form.
A typical use case is a workflow in which external editors provide content, for example in the form of Word documents. As long as the document has not yet been placed or used in a Publish Form they should be allowed to edit the document. Once the file is placed though, external users should not be allowed to edit the file. However, internal editors should always be able to edit the document.
This is now possible by setting up separate Access Profiles: one for the external editors with 'Open for Edit (unplaced)' enabled and another for internal editors with 'Open for Edit' enabled.
For more information, see Adding a user to a Brand in Enterprise Server 10.

When using an image in an article for print or for publishing on the Internet, the original image often needs to be cropped and/or resized. On top of that, the size of the image that is used on the Internet is usually much smaller than the same image that is used in print.
Using Content Station 9.8.6 in combination with Enterprise Server 10.1, each image that is used in a Publish Form or in an article as an inline image can now be individually cropped and resized, without affecting the original image.
For more information, see Cropping and resizing an image in Content Station 9.

The following metadata properties have been introduced:
- Dimensions. This property is used to better display the width and height information of an image to the user by combining the two properties into one field. Another benefit is that it takes the orientation of the image into account. Note that the field is read-only.
- Orientation. This property enables Enterprise Server and Content Station to properly crop images. Note that this property is used by the system only: it can be addressed by clients and plug-ins but for end-users it is hidden and cannot be added to the query results or workflow dialogs.

In order to correctly and accurately crop images (see above), Enterprise Server needs detailed metadata information of each image. This is made possible by integrating the ExifTool. This tool is therefore a required component of any Enterprise Server 10.1 installation.
For more information, see:
- Enterprise Server 10 full installation
- Enterprise Server 10 major upgrade
- Upgrading Enterprise Server 8 or 9 to Enterprise Server 10

When publishing content to the Internet (by using a Publication Channel of type 'Web') and ImageMagick is used for image processing, the quality of the image can now be controlled.
This is done through a new option named 'IMAGE_MAGICK_PUBLISH_OPTIONS' that has been added to the configserver.php file.
The option contains placeholders that can be replaced with fixed values. For more information, see the comments in the configserver.php file.
-colorspace sRGB -quality 92 -sharpen 5 -depth 8 -strip -background none -layers merge
The following changes have been implemented in Enterprise Server 10.1.0 build 120:

When users want to use Content Station, Smart Connection or any other application that is based on Enterprise Server, they need to be added to at least one Brand that is set up on that server.
Adding a user to a Brand is done by making that user part of a user group and assigning that group to the Brand.
This is accomplished by setting up an Authorization Rule: a combination of a Category, Workflow Status and an Access Profile. Together, they define what actions a user is allowed to perform on a file while that file is part of that Category and Workflow Status combination.
Typically, multiple Authorization Rules are set up: one for each specific scenario.
Managing such Authorization Rules has been improved by updating the way the Authorization Maintenance page works: instead of having to set up a separate Rule for each combination of Category, Workflow and Access Profile, combinations of Categories and Workflows that share the same Access Profiles can now be defined in one Rule. This greatly reduces the number of Rules that need to be set up.
In the following example, all articles, images and layouts that are part of the Categories 'News' and 'Sport' and which are set to a Workflow Status of 'Final' can be worked on based on the rules defined in the Access Profile named 'Top level'.
In previous versions of Enterprise Server, setting up this scenario required 6 separate Rules.
For more information, see Adding a user to a Brand in Enterprise Server 10.

The way in which the format of the DPI field in an object's ContentMetaData is stored has been changed from 'unsigned integer' to 'double' in order to gain more precision.
The following documentation accompanies the release of Enterprise Server 10.1.0 build 120:
Related to Authorization Rules:
Related to the 'Open for Edit (unplaced)' Access Right:
- Access Rights in Enterprise 10 - updated
Related to the config_overrule.php file:
- Using a central file to configure Enterprise Server 10 - new
- All articles that refer to the location where configuration files are store - updated
Related to the ExifTool:
- Enterprise Server 10 full installation - updated
- Upgrading Enterprise Server 8 or 9 to Enterprise Server 10 - updated
- Upgrading an existing installation of Enterprise Server 10 - updated
Fixed issues
The following issues have been fixed in Enterprise Server 10.1.0 build 120:
Note: All fixed issues that were part of the Enterprise Server 10.0.2 release are also included in Enterprise Server 10.1.0.
EN-87797 Clean installation gives SQL error.
EN-87813 Scrollbars shown on Safari.
EN-87881 The "Drupal 8 - Publish Forms" entry on the Health Check does not inform how to solve problems.
EN-87882 When Drupal 7 and Drupal 8 are enabled, error raises "Cannot redeclare class DrupalXmlRpcClient" during logon.
EN-87891 Publish operation leaks files in transfer server folder.
EN-87912 DPI should be changed to double.
EN-87922 Twitter: Publishing a Publish Form with placed image fails on Windows.
EN-88022 Sips: Preview is not rotated but has Orientation flag.
EN-88024 ImageMagick: Preview does not reflect image rotation by Orientation flag.
EN-88026 The EXIF Orientation flag should be tracked in Object properties.
EN-88064 Preview of image is shown with dark back ground for Enterprise which has ImageMagick plug-in enabled.
- Clean installation. For information about installing Enterprise Server on a system on which Enterprise Server is not yet installed, see Enterprise Server 10 full installation.
- Upgrading from previous versions. See Upgrading Enterprise Server 8 or 9 to Enterprise Server 10.
- Upgrading an existing installation. See Upgrading an existing installation of Enterprise Server 10.
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