The Release Notes for Enterprise Server 10.7 contain information about the new features, changes, fixed issues, known issues, and upgrade instructions for each release of Enterprise Server 10.7.
Note: Release Notes of other versions of Enterprise Server 10 can be found in the Release Notes section.
The versions are sorted by version number in descending order. Use the Navigation block to the right of the page to quickly navigate to the information of a released version.
Enterprise Server 10.7.1 build 300 Quick Patch
Release date: 11 March 2020
The download files for this version of Enterprise Server can be found in the Release announcement.
Fixed issues
The following issue has been fixed in this release of Enterprise Server:
EN-92909 Security issue related to LDAP / LDAP configuration.
- Full installation. For information about installing Enterprise Server on a system on which Enterprise Server is not yet installed, see Enterprise Server 10 full installation.
- Upgrading from an earlier version. For information about upgrading Enterprise Server 8 or 9 to Enterprise Server 10, see Upgrading Enterprise Server 8 or 9 to Enterprise Server 10.
- Upgrading an existing installation. For information about upgrading an existing installation of Enterprise 10 to the newly released version of Enterprise Server 10, see Upgrading an existing installation of Enterprise Server 10.
Enterprise Server 10.7.1 build 292
Release date: 7 November 2019
The download files for this version of Enterprise Server can be found in the Release announcement.
New features
The following feature has been introduced in this release of Enterprise Server:
- InDesign Server Automation: new configuration option. Controlling if pages that were created or changed by a planning tool should be processed by the InDesign Server Automation can now be controlled by the IDSA_PLANNED_PAGES_PROCESSING option. It accepts the following values:
- true. An InDesign Server Job is created for the InDesign Server Automation to process pages that are created or changed by the Planning tool.
- false. No InDesign Server Job is created; pages that are created or changed by the Planning tool are not processed by the InDesign Server Automation.
Example: define ( 'IDSA_PLANNED_PAGES_PROCESSING', false );
This option takes over this control from the existing option 'PageSyncDefaultsToNo', see the Changes section.
For more information, see Setting up InDesign Server Automation in Enterprise Server 10.
The following changes have been made in this version of Enterprise Server:
- Planned pages: use of the PageSyncDefaultsToNo option. In previous versions, the PageSyncDefaultsToNo option performed two tasks:
- It made sure that planned pages were not synchronized when an InDesign Server Job was picked up by InDesign Server.
- It made sure that an InDesign Server Job was created for the InDesign Server Automation to process pages that are created or changed by the Planning tool.
Task 1 is still taken care of by the PageSyncDefaultsToNo option but task 2 is now controlled by the IDSA_PLANNED_PAGES_PROCESSING option. See the New features section.
- Planned pages synchronization.The option 'PageSyncDefaultsToNo' is no longer compulsory. When it is not set in the configserver.php file or the config_overrule.php file, no error will be shown anymore on the Health Check page.
- ExifTool configuration options added. When images are uploaded, Enterprise Server extracts metadata. This metadata is used for populating basic metadata fields (such as author, credit, format, and so on), as well as specific fields such as width and orientation (used for cropping images).
The ExifTool is part of the Enterprise Server installation and can now optionally be configured by defining the order in which image properties are resolved. This is based on the metadata containers (such as 'Exif', 'XMP', an 'IPTC') that are extracted by the ExifTool application.
Different metadata containers can contain different values for the same image attribute.
Example: 'Credit' => [ 'IPTC', 'XMP' ] means that first the 'IPTC' metadata container is used to resolve the 'Credit' attribute. If this gives a result, the 'XMP' container is ignored. Only in case of no result is the 'XMP' container used.
To do this, configure the following option:
- File: config_overrule.php file
- Possible values: See below.
- Example:
Uncomment the attribute and change the order of the containers as needed.
The following documentation accompanies this release of Enterprise Server:
- Setting up InDesign Server Automation in Enterprise Server 10 - updated
- Enterprise Server 10 full installation - updated
- Upgrading an existing installation of Enterprise Server 10 - updated
Known issues
No known issues exist for this release of Enterprise Server.
Fixed issues
The following issues have been fixed in this release of Enterprise Server:
EN-91957 Planned pages: Move part of the functionality of the 'PageSyncDefaultsToNo' setting to a new setting 'IDSA_PLANNED_PAGES_PROCESSING'.
EN-91964 Versioning: A new version for an object with 'Permanent version' status set should only be created when the current version is a minor version.
EN-92034 Maintenance pages: 'Reorder' button not working on the Brand page and Access Profiles page.
EN-92060 Health Check: When running the ionCube test, PHP error 'non-numeric value encountered' appears.
EN-92084 Rogue users with names that match Routing Groups keep re-appearing.
EN-92092 Shorten the LDAP binding network timeout.
EN-92108 Color space incorrectly displays CMYK as uncalibrated.
EN-92109 Credit field not extracted correctly.
EN-92113 Unable to delete an Issue when it contains a layout with adverts.
EN-92123 The 'Skip InDesign Server Automation' option should not be disabled in Workflow statuses for articles and images.
EN-92135 Publication Overview: after refreshing, the 'In use by' field shows user names in short name format.
EN-92145 Deactivated user is able to log in to Enterprise Server 10.7.0 using Content Station.
EN-92149 Maintenance pages: 'Source user' list on Copy User page should show full names and should be sorted by full names.
EN-92154 Maintenance pages: Unable to remove multiple groups from a user on the Overview of Users page.
EN-92169 LDAP: When logging in, error 'Uncaught throwable "Typerror" ' appears.
EN-92198 LDAP: When logging in as an LDAP user with no e-mail address set, error 'Database error (S1001)' appears.
EN-92202 Enterprise Server log is polluted with errors about re-planned InDesign Server Automation jobs.
EN-92295 Maintenance pages: rename 'Reorder' button and 'order' column on Brand Maintenance and Access Profiles pages.
EN-92349 Health Check: When running the 'Authentication' test while SSO is enabled, error 'Failed to create folder’ appears.
EN-92359 ‘IDS_AUTOMATION’ option configured under ‘CLIENTFEATURES'->'InDesign Server’ is not respected.
EN-92384 LDAP: Errors in log file when connecting to Enterprise Server with LDAP configured.
- Full installation. For information about installing Enterprise Server on a system on which Enterprise Server is not yet installed, see Enterprise Server 10 full installation.
- Upgrading from an earlier version. For information about upgrading Enterprise Server 8 or 9 to Enterprise Server 10, see Upgrading Enterprise Server 8 or 9 to Enterprise Server 10.
- Upgrading an existing installation. For information about upgrading an existing installation of Enterprise 10 to the newly released version of Enterprise Server 10, see Upgrading an existing installation of Enterprise Server 10.
Enterprise Server 10.7.0 build 299 Quick Patch
Release date: 11 March 2020
The download files for this version of Enterprise Server can be found in the Release announcement.
Fixed issues
The following issue has been fixed in this release of Enterprise Server:
EN-92909 Security issue related to LDAP / LDAP configuration.
- Full installation. For information about installing Enterprise Server on a system on which Enterprise Server is not yet installed, see Enterprise Server 10 full installation.
- Upgrading from an earlier version. For information about upgrading Enterprise Server 8 or 9 to Enterprise Server 10, see Upgrading Enterprise Server 8 or 9 to Enterprise Server 10.
- Upgrading an existing installation. For information about upgrading an existing installation of Enterprise 10 to the newly released version of Enterprise Server 10, see Upgrading an existing installation of Enterprise Server 10.
Enterprise Server 10.7.0 build 289 Quick Patch
Release date: 28 August 2019
The download files for this version of Enterprise Server can be found in the Release announcement.
Fixed issues
The following issue has been fixed in this release of Enterprise Server:
EN-92142 Deactivated user is able to log in to Enterprise Server 10.7.0 using Content Station.
- Full installation. For information about installing Enterprise Server on a system on which Enterprise Server is not yet installed, see Enterprise Server 10 full installation.
- Upgrading from an earlier version. For information about upgrading Enterprise Server 8 or 9 to Enterprise Server 10, see Upgrading Enterprise Server 8 or 9 to Enterprise Server 10.
- Upgrading an existing installation. For information about upgrading an existing installation of Enterprise 10 to the newly released version of Enterprise Server 10, see Upgrading an existing installation of Enterprise Server 10.
Enterprise Server 10.7.0 build 286
Release date: 14 August 2019
The download files for this version of Enterprise Server can be found in the Release announcement.
New features
The following feature has been introduced in this release of Enterprise Server:
- Support for Single Sign-on (SSO) using Okta. Single sign-on is a process in which users log in once to an authentication provider that manages their user credentials.
Once logged in to that authentication provider, each subsequent log-in to an application that is connected to that provider is automatically handled by that system. This drastically reduces the number of times that users have to manually log in on a daily basis.
Implementing single sign-on in Enterprise Server can be beneficial for users who access Enterprise Server through various applications: the Enterprise Server Maintenance pages, Content Station Aurora, and Smart Connection.
Single Sign-on can now be implemented by making use of authentication provider Okta and is supported for the following versions:
- Enterprise Server 10.7.0
- Smart Connection 12.3.0 for Adobe CC 2017
- Smart Connection 13.1.0 for Adobe CC 2018 (not yet released)
- Smart Connection 14.1.0 for Adobe CC 2019 (not yet released)
- Content Station 11.43 or higher and its accompanying Desktop application
To support SSO, the following Web Services have been added:
- GetWebAppAuthenticationInfo
- GetNativeAppAuthenticationInfo
The following property has been added to the LogOnRequest:
- Params
For more information, see:
- Implementing single sign-on in Enterprise 10 using Okta
- Logging in to Enterprise Server
- Logging in to Content Station Aurora
- Managing user accounts in Enterprise Server 10
- Managing user groups in Enterprise Server 10
- The Web Services SDK of Enterprise Server 10
The following changes have been made in this version of Enterprise Server:
- Improved usability of Maintenance pages: To make working with the Maintenance pages more user friendly, additional tools have been added to various pages. With these tools, the following actions can now be performed:
- Column sorting
- Selecting or de-selecting all rows
- Deleting selected rows
- Filtering based on user input
- Controlling the maximum number of rows to show on a page
- Pagination
The improvements (where applicable) can be found on the following pages:
- Brand maintenance
- Access Profiles
- Overview of User Groups
- Overview of Users
- User Group Maintenance
- User Maintenance
- InDesign Server Jobs
- InDesign Servers
- Named Queries
- Support for Overruled Issues has been dropped. Support for the Overruled Brand feature (used in print publications, also known as the 'Overruled Issues feature') has been dropped in Enterprise Server 10.7.0.
Should you make use of this feature in your current Enterprise Server environment, perform the following upgrade steps:
Step 1. Safeguard the content by either migrating or archiving it.
Step 2. In your original Enterprise Server installation, make sure that 'Overrule Brand' is not selected on the Issue Maintenance pages for any of the Brands.
Step 3. Upgrade your database using the newly installed Enterprise Server.
- Logon flow changes. Changes to the logon flow have been made which can impact any integration that uses the LogOnService.
- The RequestTicket property has been removed from the LogOnRequest.
- The RequestInfo property has been deprecated in the LogOnRequest.
- The following Web Services have been added to supersede the RequestInfo:
- GetPublications
- GetNamedQueries
- GetServerInfo
- GetUsers
- GetUserGroups
- GetTerms
- GetMessageList
- GetMessageQueueInfo
- GetUserProfile
- GetAuthorizations
- GetCustomProperties
- GetUserProfile
- The following properties have been deprecated in the LogOnResponse:
- Publications
- NamedQueries
- ServerInfo
- Settings
- Users
- UserGroups
- Membership
- ObjectTypeProperties
- ActionProperties
- Terms
- FeatureProfiles
- MessageList
- MessageQueueConnections
- MessageQueue
- The following properties will always return null in the LogOnResponse:
- TrackChangesColor
- Dictionaries
For more information about the changes, see the Web Services Guide.
- Health check changes: The Health Checks named 'Logon/Logoff' and 'LDAP' have been combined into a single Health Check named 'Authentication'.
- Licensing. The following changes have been made:
- Enterprise Server will not automatically fall back on a Content Station Basic license anymore when a user logs in with Content Station Pro while no Basic licenses are available, or when the user does not have sufficient access rights.
- All Enterprise Server communication with the WoodWing Activation Server (WAS) will now happen over HTTPS. This has the following consequences:
- The WoodWing Activation Server URL has been changed. This could have impact on any firewall settings.
- When using an Enterprise Server without SSL enabled, the licensing process in the Enterprise Server Maintenance pages will now show warnings regarding unsafe HTTP communication.
- Adobe DPS. Support for creating content that is to be published with Adobe DPS has been dropped.
- Changes to managing users and user groups when using an identity provider. Using an identity provider such as LDAP or Okta has the following effect on managing users on the User Maintenance page in Enterprise Server:
- The following fields are disabled :
- New Password
- User Cannot Change Password
- Password Expiration in Days
- Valid From
- Valid Till
- When user groups are managed by the identity provider, the options to manage user groups are hidden.
- Content Station CS4 Article Conversion plug-in. The Content Station CS4 Article Conversion plug-in is no longer shipped with Enterprise Server.
The following documentation accompanies this release of Enterprise Server:
For Single Sign-On:
- Implementing single sign-on in Enterprise 10 using Okta - new
- Logging in to Enterprise Server - updated
- Managing passwords in Enterprise Server 10 - updated
- Logging in to Content Station Aurora - updated
- Content Station Aurora quick start - updated
- Managing user accounts in Enterprise Server 10 - updated
- Managing user groups in Enterprise Server 10 - updated
- The Web Services SDK of Enterprise Server 10 - updated
- Integrating LDAP in Enterprise Server 10 - updated
For Overruled Issues:
- Upgrading an existing installation of Enterprise Server 10 - updated
- Upgrading Enterprise Server 8 or 9 to Enterprise Server 10 - updated
- Upgrade paths for Enterprise Server - updated
Compatibility matrix:
- Compatibility of Enterprise Server 10.7 - updated
Known issues
The following known issues exist for this release of Enterprise Server:
- Smart Caching cannot be used in combination with Single Sign-on (SSO).
- Articles cannot be opened in InCopy by checking them out from Content Station using the Content Station Desktop app on MacOS.
Fixed issues
The following issues have been fixed in this release of Enterprise Server:
EN-92102 Cross-site scripting: Sanitize user input to prevent the execution of malicious code.
EN-92046 Maintenance pages: After logging in using SSO, values entered in the 'Organization' and 'Location' fields on the Overview of Users page are incorrectly preceded by a space.
EN-92033 Maintenance pages: When clicking the 'Delete selected' button on the InDesign Server Jobs page when Italian is set as the user language, nothing happens.
EN-91967 Health Checks: Unwanted delay of 10 seconds between InDesign Server Jobs that are run.
EN-91965 Licensing: Auto-renewal of license intermittently corrupts Enterprise licenses.
EN-91922 RabbitMQ: No AMQP connection initiated when opening a layout from Content Station.
EN-91834 Maintenance pages: The Server Plug-ins page takes 10 seconds to load.
EN-91803 Maintenance pages: Improve the usability of the Brands page.
EN-91802 Maintenance pages: Improve the usability of the Access Profiles page.
EN-91661 Maintenance pages: Improve the loading of the Brands page.
EN-91648 Maintenance pages: Improve the usability of the Overview of User Groups page.
EN-91529 Maintenance pages: Improve the usability of the Overview of Users page.
EN-91343 Logging in: Make it possible for users with a user name that exceeds 40 characters to log in.
- Full installation. For information about installing Enterprise Server on a system on which Enterprise Server is not yet installed, see Enterprise Server 10 full installation.
- Upgrading from an earlier version. For information about upgrading Enterprise Server 8 or 9 to Enterprise Server 10, see Upgrading Enterprise Server 8 or 9 to Enterprise Server 10.
- Upgrading an existing installation. For information about upgrading an existing installation of Enterprise 10 to the newly released version of Enterprise Server 10, see Upgrading an existing installation of Enterprise Server 10.
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