Files that are stored in Assets can be shared with others for a variety of purposes by creating a Shared Link. As part of this, it can also be allowed that additional files are uploaded.
In a separate process, contributors can be asked to share their files through a Share request.
Both processes make use of 2 pages: a main page for showing the shared or uploaded files, and an upload page for uploading files.
Figure: The main page showing the option to upload files, the currently shared files (and optionally the uploaded files), and the Metadata panel on the right.
Figure: The page for uploading files with the Metadata panel on the right.
Various parts of these pages can be configured, as described in this article.
Look and feel
The look and feel of the pages (colors and branding) can be changed by changing the look and feel of Assets itself. See Changing the look and feel of Assets.
Metadata fields
When one or more files are selected, the Metadata panel appears showing the metadata information for the files. Which fields appear in the panel can be controlled separately for the panel on the main page and the panel on the upload page.
Main page
The Metadata panel on the main page contains a group of generally used fields. Fields can be added or removed by configuring the following option in Assets Server:
- Location: Management Console > Server configuration > Cluster properties page
- Option name: authKeyViewableFields
- Value: One or more metadata fields in Assets Server. Multiple values are separated by a comma.
Note: Fields do not appear in Metadata panel when the user who created the Shared Link does not have viewing permission for those fields.
Upload page
The Metadata panel on the upload page contains a sub-set of the fields shown on the main page. Fields can be added or removed by configuring the following option in Assets Server:
- Location: Management Console > Server configuration > Cluster properties page
- Option name: authKeyUploadFields
- Value: One or more metadata fields in Assets Server. Multiple values are separated by a comma. Any fields added here must also be part of authKeyViewableFields (see above).
Note: Fields do not appear in Metadata panel when the user who created the Shared Link does not have viewing permission for those fields.
The files that are shown on the main page can be sorted by using the Sort list.
Figure: The Sort list.
This list contains default items to sort the files on, but this list can also be customized to show specific items only. This can be modified by setting the authKeySortFields option through the Management Console as described in Customizing the list for sorting files in Assets, the Brand portal, or Shared Links.
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