With the Smart Caching feature of Studio for InDesign and InCopy, a file can be automatically downloaded onto a user's system when the file is routed to that user. Downloading the file takes place in the background while the user continues working with Studio for InDesign and InCopy.
As a result, the file is immediately available when the user wants to edit the file and saves the user from having to manually start the download process and then having to wait for it to be completed.
This feature is especially useful when connection speeds are low and/or when files in large sizes need to be downloaded.
By default this feature only works when a file is routed to an individual user but it can also be enabled for user groups of up to 7 users.
This article explains how to configure Smart Caching for Studio for InDesign and InCopy. For information about using it, see Automatically downloading a routed file in Studio for InDesign and InCopy.
Using Smart Caching for Studio for InDesign and InCopy requires the following to be in place:
- The Studio Server plug-in
- The Studio Desktop app1
- A Studio Server license (used by the Desktop app for connecting with Studio Server).
1 Studio for InDesign and InCopy makes use of the Smart Caching feature of Studio and therefore requires components of Studio. Studio itself is not required.
It is assumed here that all these are in place and fully working.
Note: Smart Caching is not supported for Studio for InDesign Server.
Before you start
Please be aware that even when enabling Smart Caching on system level, that each individual user can pause or disable the Smart Caching functionality on their system from within the Studio Desktop app or from the preferences of Studio for InDesign or InCopy. In other words: enabling Smart Caching on system level does not guarantee that the feature is actually active for each user that is allowed to use it because the user may have paused or disabled it on their system.
Configuration steps
Configuration steps need to take place in Studio Server and optionally in Studio for InDesign and InCopy, and in Studio:
- Studio Server: enabling Smart Caching on system level
- Studio Server: allowing the user to use Smart Caching
- Studio for InDesign and InCopy: enabling Smart Caching through the WWSettings.xml file
1. Studio Server: enabling Smart Caching on system level
The Smart Caching feature first needs to be enabled in Studio Server.
Step 1. In the instance of Studio Server in which the Studio Server plug-in is installed, access the Studio Management Console by clicking Integrations > Studio.
Step 2. In the menu on the left, select Smart Caching.
Step 3. Click Enable Smart Caching.
Smart Caching now works when a file is routed to a single user. Making it work for sending a file to a user group requires additional steps.
Note: For performance reasons, this feature is restricted to user groups of no more than 7 users.
Step 4. (Optional) Enable Smart Caching for each user group as needed.
2. Studio Server: allowing users to use Smart Caching
Users need to be given permission to use Smart Caching by setting the Access Profile for users and user groups.
In Studio Server, set the following Access Right:
Applications > Smart Caching
Note: Enabling this Access Right and assigning it as part of an Access Profile to one Brand makes Smart Caching available for use in ALL Brands on that server that the user has access to.
3. Studio for InDesign and InCopy: enabling Smart Caching through the WWSettings.xml file
Smart Caching for Studio for InDesign and InCopy is enabled by default. If needed, users can disable it through the preferences of Studio for InDesign and InCopy.
Note: Smart Caching can also be disabled in the Studio Desktop application itself but this would also disable it for Studio. The preference in Studio for InDesign and InCopy makes it possible to only disable Smart Caching for Studio for InDesign and InCopy.
Optional: to make sure that the Smart Caching preference is always enabled or always disabled without allowing the user to change the preference, add the following option to the WWSettings.xml file and set it to yes or no depending on your needs:
Location of this file:
- macOS: /Library/Application Support/WoodWing
Info: Running Enterprise Server 10 on macOS is only supported on Enterprise Server version 10.8 or lower.
- Windows: c:\ProgramData\WoodWing
Note: This folder is hidden by default. To display this folder, change the folder options. (See the Windows Help file.)
<SCEnt:SmartCaching Enabled="yes"/>
Important: Make sure to validate the WWSettings.xml file for correct content. See Validating the WWSettings.xml file.
How users connect to Smart Caching
Even though Smart Caching has been enabled in Studio Server and users have been given permission to use it, the users can influence the working of Smart Caching through the Desktop app in the following ways:
- Whether or not Smart Caching is enabled on their system. When first using Smart Caching for a particular server, the user is asked if Smart Caching needs to be enabled. Should users be on a slow connection, they may decide to disable Smart Caching for performance reasons. Users can also disable Smart Caching at any point through the Desktop app settings or the preferences of Studio for InDesign and InCopy.
- Pausing Smart Caching. Smart Caching can at any time be paused through the Studio Desktop app.
For more information about using Smart Caching in Studio for InDesign and InCopy see Automatically downloading a routed file in Studio for InDesign and InCopy.
When Smart Caching is for some reason not working correctly, be aware that the working of it can be controlled or influenced in various locations. Make sure to check these locations when troubleshooting issues:
- Smart Caching option in the Studio Management Console. This can be seen as the 'main switch' for Smart Caching. When disabled, the feature is not working at all.
- Smart Caching Access Right. Users need to be given permission to use Smart Caching through an Access Right.
Note: Enabling this Access Right and assigning it as part of an Access Profile to one Brand makes Smart Caching available for use in ALL Brands on that server that the user has access to. Or in other words: even when the Access Right is not assigned to a Brand through an Access Profile, it might still be available for that Brand because it is assigned to another Brand in the same instance of Studio Server.
- Smart Caching Preference for Studio for InDesign and InCopy. Smart Caching can be enabled or disabled for Studio for InDesign and InCopy only through the Preferences of Studio for InDesign and InCopy. Whether or not this preference can be edited by a user is controlled through the WWSettings.xml file.
- Smart Caching options in the Studio Desktop app. For each instance of Studio Server that is connected to the Studio Desktop app, Smart Caching can be disabled. The working of Smart Caching (for Studio for InDesign and InCopy as well as for Studio) can also be paused from within the app.
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