When placing an article template (or an article created in InCopy based on an article template) on a layout in InDesign, it can sometimes happen that some or all of the placed article components are not visible.
Analysis: This can happen when these article components have been assigned a different Edition than the one that is currently active for the layout.
Resolution: In the Editions panel, select the Edition to which the placed components belong by clicking the eye icon.
Figure: Clicking the eye icon in the Editions panel makes all objects on the layout visible that are assigned to that Edition.
Example: Take a scenario where a layout is opened containing 2 Editions: 'North' and 'South', and that currently Edition 'North' is active (by having its eye icon selected in the Editions panel). Assume that we want to place an article template on the layout and that all article components belong to Edition 'South'. What happens after placing is that these article components are not visible because the Edition that they belong to is currently hidden. You might therefore come to the incorrect conclusion that nothing has happened. To make you aware of the fact that these components have indeed been placed, the following message appears directly after placing: One or more objects are placed in an Edition which is currently not visible.
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