Info: This feature requires Assets Server 6.54 or higher.
One of the ways of creating an image in Assets is by making a copy of an existing image (either directly in Assets or via the integration with Studio).
This creates an exact copy of the original image (also referred to as a variant).
When the original image is subsequently changed (for example when a low-resolution version of the image is replaced by a high-resolution image) or image specific metadata of the file is changed (such as width, height, color space, and so on), it may be that some or all of the copies need to be updated with these changes.
This can be done by using the Image Synchronization feature of Assets Server.
How it works
The feature works with 2 folders:
- A Source folder which defines the folder in which the original image is located.
- A Target folder in which the variant of the original image is located.
When the original image in the specified source folder is changed, the variants in the defined target folders are synchronized.
Variants that should not be changed (such as those that are archived) can be left out by not defining their folder as a target folder.
What is synchronized?
The following is synchronized when a change has been made to it:
- The file itself
- The following image related metadata fields:
- Bit depth
- Color mode
- Color space
- File type
- Height (inches)
- Height (millimeters)
- Height (pixels)
- Height (points)
- Image aspect ratio
- Image orientation
- MIME type
- Image orientation
- Pixel unit
- Pixels per unit x
- Pixels per unit y
- Resolution
- Resolution unit
- Resolution X
- Resolution Y
- Size (inches)
- Size (millimeters)
- Size (points)
- Size (pixels)
- Width (inches)
- Width (millimeters)
- Width (pixels)
- Width (points)
Note: For the synchronization of other metadata fields, see Synchronizing metadata across file variations in Assets Server.
Step 1. Access the Image Synchronization page in the Management Console.
Step 2. For each original image, define the Source folder in which it is located.
Step 3. For each variant, define the Target folder in which it is located.
Step 4. Click Apply Changes.
Do you have corrections or additional information about this article? Leave a comment! Do you have a question about what is described in this article? Please contact Support.
Is there a possibility to change the logic of this image synchronization? Therefore i want to change the shadowobject (placed on the Layouts in Woodwing Studio) and want to redistribute the changes to the original of the image. So I don't have to search the original image in the filesystem to make the changes on the image wich is placed on a layout.
So the workflow would be something like: Client places image from Assets on a layout in Studio. Assets generates a shadow copy. We make the image editing on the placed object, Assets would redirect the Changes to the original image in the filesystem.
I have asked our support team to respond to your request. They will contact you directly.
Best regards,
Maarten van Kleinwee
Senior Technical Writer, WoodWing Software
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