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Synchronizing images in Assets Server


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  • Dbrechbuehl

    Is there a possibility to change the logic of this image synchronization? Therefore i want to change the shadowobject (placed on the Layouts in Woodwing Studio) and want to redistribute the changes to the original of the image. So I don't have to search the original image in the filesystem to make the changes on the image wich is placed on a layout. 

    So the workflow would be something like: Client places image from Assets on a layout in Studio. Assets generates a shadow copy. We make the image editing on the placed object, Assets would redirect the Changes to the original image in the filesystem.

  • Maarten van Kleinwee


    I have asked our support team to respond to your request. They will contact you directly.

    Best regards,

    Maarten van Kleinwee
    Senior Technical Writer, WoodWing Software 


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