Once a publication is published, its layouts are typically archived to Assets Server and subsequently removed from Studio Server.
There may come a time though that these layouts need to be restored, for example to use them as the basis for a new publication.
How it works
When restoring an archived layout to Studio Server, it is important that:
- The archived version itself is not changed in any way.
- The restored version contains restored links to any articles, spreadsheets or images that are placed on it.
During the restore process therefore, the following takes place:
- The layout is copied from Assets Server to Studio Server.
A copy is created of the layout; you are asked to enter a name for the layout and you can save it to any Brand of your choice and set all of the properties for the layout.
- Any articles or spreadsheets that are placed on the layout are copied from Assets Server to Studio Server in the same Brand and Issue as the layout.
They will maintain their original name and will get the first status within their Workflow assigned.
- Any images that are placed on the layout are treated in one of the following ways, depending on the version of Studio Server used and how it is configured:
Images are copied in Assets Server and used as a shadow object in Studio Server in the same location as the layout.
They will maintain their original name and will get the first status within their Workflow assigned.
Images are copied from Assets Server to Studio Server and the Studio Server image is placed on the layout.
They will maintain their original name and will get the same properties as the parent layout, with the exception of the Workflow Status which will be the first status within the Workflow.
Images are not copied but directly linked via a shadow object in Studio Server.
They will maintain their original name and will get the same properties as the parent layout, with the exception of the Workflow Status which will be the first status within the Workflow.
For a detailed explanation, see Restoring a layout archived in Assets Server - configuration.
- Any Adverts are archived and restored as images and follow the same restore process as images (see above).
When using other versions, the image is detached and the following message appears: "The following files could not be restored from Assets Server and were unlinked from the layout".
Restoring an archived layout
Step 1. In InDesign, log in to Studio Server and Assets Server by doing the following:
For Studio Server: choose WoodWing Studio > Log in.
For Assets Server: choose WoodWing Assets > Log in.
Step 2. In Assets, locate the archived layout that you want to restore. Right-click the layout and choose Open in InDesign.
The layout is opened in InDesign.
Step 3. Restore the layout by choosing WoodWing Studio > Restore from Archive... .
Troubleshooting: Why is the Restore from Archive... option missing or grayed out? This option is only available when you have been given Edit rights for files in Assets Server. Check with your system administrator. The option is grayed out when links to any articles, spreadsheets or images that are placed on the layout are not correctly restored. Relink these files and try again. |
The layout is restored. During this process, various dialog boxes and messages appear.
Step 3a. In the Restore from Archive dialog box, enter a name for the layout and set the properties for it such as the location where the layout should be stored, its Status and so on.
Step 3b. (Optional, only when the layout contains placed images, only when restored images are copied in Assets Server, or when the asset is not stored in a Production Zone folder) In the Select Assets Server Folder window, choose the folder where the placed images should be stored (this can either be an existing folder or you can create a new folder). Choose Skip if you do not want to restore the images (the layout will still show previews though of the images to give you an idea of the content that used to be placed there).
Once the process is completed, you can verify that the layout has been restored by doing any of the following:
- Locate the layout in the Studio panel or Elements panel.
- Open the WoodWing Studio panel: all regular commands should now be active.
- When the layout has been added to a Dossier: open the Dossier panel (Windows > Studio > Dossier). The layout is shown with all its placed content.
- When restoring an archived layout from Assets Server, the File > Package command in InDesign is not available. This requires Studio for InDesign and InCopy 18.0.4 as well as Assets for InDesign 4.7.2 (scheduled to be released as part of Assets Server 6.105 in early January 2024).
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