Info: This feature is not available in Enterprise Server 10.6.0 or higher.
This article describes how to set up a Publication Channel in Enterprise Server for publishing content to a Web site running on Drupal 8 (see Integrating Drupal 8 in Enterprise Server 10).
Step 1. Access the Brand Maintenance page.
In the Maintenance menu or on the Home page, click Brands.
Step 2. Locate the Publication Channel options.
Step 3. Click Add.
The Publication Channel Maintenance page appears.
Step 4. In the Name field, enter a name.
Step 5. In the Description field, enter a description.
Step 6. From the Publication Channel Type list, choose Web.
Step 7. From the Publish System list, choose Drupal 8 — Publish Forms.
Step 8. (Optional, only when tags should be automatically suggested. See About adding tags to Web articles). From the Suggestion Provider list, choose the provider for suggesting tags.
Note: The default Suggestion Provider in Enterprise is the one from OpenCalais.
Step 9. Click Create.
New items appear on the page:
- An additional property named 'Current Issue' appears below the Publication Channel Type property.
- Options for the Drupal account appear.
- Below the Publication Channel properties area, a section for adding Issues appears.
Drupal account settings
Step 10. Set the options for the Drupal account:
- Web Site. Choose the Web site to publish to.
- Certificate. (Optional, required for HTTPS (SSL) connections only.) Enter the file path of the cacert.pem file. See Using SSL to secure the connection between Enterprise Server and Drupal.
Step 11. Click Update.
Creating Issues
Step 12. Click Add Issue.
The Issue Maintenance page appears.
Step 13. Fill out the details.
Note: At the most basic level, only a name needs to be entered; all other options can also be set at a later stage by modifying the created Issue.
- Name. Name of the Issue.
- Subject.This feature is currently not functional.
- Description. Description of the Issue.
- Active. Use to deactivate the Issue. This will hide the Issue from the users without actually removing the Issue from the system.
Note: Any objects that are assigned to the Issue can still be found by searching on All Issues.
Step 14. Click Update.
Finishing the setup
Step 15. Click the arrow at the bottom of the page to return to the Brand Maintenance page.
Step 16. (Optional) Add additional Publication Channels as needed.
Step 17. (Optional, only if multiple Publication Channels have been created) From the Default Publication Channel list at the top of the Brand Maintenance page, choose the default Publication Channel that should act as the default Drupal channel.
Figure: The Default Publication Channel list.
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