This article describes how to set up a Publication Channel in Enterprise Server 10 for outputting content to print, such as for printed magazines, printed newspapers, and so on.
Step 1. Access the Brand Maintenance page.

In the Maintenance menu or on the Home page, click Brands.
Step 2. Locate the Publication Channel options.
Step 3. Click Add.
The Publication Channel Maintenance page appears.
Step 4. In the Name field, enter a name.
Step 5. In the Description field, enter a description.
Step 6. From the Publication Channel Type list, choose Print.
Step 7. From the Publish System list, choose Enterprise (this is the default setting which does not use a publishing system).
Step 8. Leave the Suggestion Provider option set to None.
Step 9. Click Create.
New items appear on the page:
- An additional property named 'Current Issue' appears below the Publication Channel Type property. Leave this field for now, it will be set at the end of this process.
- Below the Publication Channel properties area, sections for adding Editions and Issues appear. We will set these now.
Figure: After clicking Create, additional options appear.
Creating Editions
Step 10. Click Add Edition.
The Edition Maintenance page appears.
Step 11. Enter a name in the Name box.
Step 12. (Optional) Enter a description in the Description box.
Step 13. Click Update.
The Publication Channel Maintenance page appears with the newly created Edition added to the Editions menu.
Step 14. (Optional) Add additional Editions as required.
Step 15. (Optional) In the Order box on the Publication Channel Maintenance page, enter an order number for each Edition and click Reorder. This will determine in which order the Editions are displayed in the client application interfaces.
Note: We recommend using a unique order number in order to prevent technical issues when a search is performed.
Creating Issues
Step 16. On the Publication Channel Maintenance page, click Add Issue.
The Issue Maintenance page appears.
Step 17. Fill out the details.
Note: At the most basic level, only a name needs to be entered; all other options can also be set at a later stage by modifying the created Issue.
- Name. Name of the Issue.
- Publication Date. Date (and time, if required) when the Issue needs to be published by.
- Deadline. Date (and time, if required) when the Issue needs to be finished by.
Tip: Instead of entering a date, enter the number of days, hours, and/or minutes before the publication date is reached and click the Recalculate icon. This will automatically calculate the Deadline based on the entered Publication Date.
- Expected Pages. Number of expected pages.
- Subject.This feature is currently not functional.
- Description. Description of the Issue.
- Active. Use to deactivate the Issue. This will hide the Issue from the users without actually removing the Issue from the system.
Note: Any objects that are assigned to the Issue can still be found by searching on All Issues.
- Overrule Brand. (Not supported in Enterprise Server 10.7 or higher) Use to determine if the new Issue should have its own Categories, Workflow, and User Authorization definitions. After selecting this option, click the Update button to display the options for setting the Categories, Workflow, and Authorizations for this Issue.
Note: When using this option, make sure to enable Overruled Issues in Content Station.
- Reading Direction. Only available when Overrule Brand is active (and after clicking Update). Determines whether the pages in the Issue are displayed left to right or right to left (reversed) when viewed in the Publication Overview of Content Station.
- Activate Relative Deadlines. (Only appears when 'Overrule Brand' is active (and after clicking Update). Activates the functionality for assigning deadlines to Categories and Workflow Statuses. When selected, the 'Time Settings' icon appears.
- Time Settings. Only available when Overrule Brand is active (and after clicking Update), and after clicking 'Activate Relative Deadlines'. Displays the Relative Deadline page.
- Deadlines. (Only appears when 'Activate Relative Deadlines' is selected on the Brand Maintenance page.) Displays the Issue Deadlines page.
Step 18. Click Update.
Finishing the setup
Step 19. Click the arrow at the bottom of the page to return to the Publication Channel Maintenance page.
Step 20. (Optional) Add additional Issues as needed.
Step 21. (Optional) In the Current Issue field, define which Issue should be the Current Issue.
Note: When making use of the Current Issue feature, make sure that each Issue has a unique order number so that the system can determine the correct Previous and Next Issue.
Step 22. Click the arrow at the bottom of the page to return to the Brand Maintenance page.
Step 23. (Optional, only if multiple Publication Channels have been created) From the Default Publication Channel list at the top of the Brand Maintenance page, choose the default Publication Channel Publication Channel that should act as the default print channel used by InDesign/InCopy.
Note: In order for this feature to work properly, it is imperative that an order sequence for the created Issues is correctly specified on the Publication Channel Maintenance page. If this is not done (or not done correctly), Enterprise may not be able to properly determine the Previous and Next issues.
Figure: The Default Publication Channel list.
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