Info: This feature requires Enterprise Server version 9.2 or higher.
When a user publishes a post to WordPress from Content Station, Enterprise Server will try to use the name of this user as the WordPress author. For this to work, the following requirements need to be met:
- The user must exist in Enterprise Server and in WordPress
- The user must have one of the following WordPress roles:
- Administrator
- Editor
- Author
- The user name used by WordPress has to be mapped to the user name used by Enterprise Server
If none of these conditions are met, the name of the default user is used.
When should mapping be performed?
Mapping the names in WordPress to the names in Enterprise Server should be done when:
- Setting up the WordPress integration for the first time on a system
- Adding a user (who should be allowed to publish) to WordPress or Enterprise, or changing the way the name is written
Setting up WordPress
Step 1. Access your WordPress Dashboard and click Users.
Step 2. For each user who is allowed to publish from Enterprise, make sure that one of the following roles is assigned:
- Administrator
- Editor
- Author
Step 3. Make sure that the way the user name is written is identical to the corresponding name in Enterprise Server.
Note: The mapping is not case-sensitive.
Example: Mapping 'WoodWing User' to 'woodwing user' will be successful, but mapping 'R. Smart' to 'Rob Smart' will not.
Setting up Enterprise Server
Step 1. Access the User Maintenance page for the user.
In the Maintenance menu or on the Home page, click Users.
A page showing all created user accounts appears.
Figure: The Overview of Users page shows all created user accounts.
Step 2. Click the name of a user who is allowed to publish posts to WordPress.
The User Maintenance page appears.
Step 2. Make sure that the way the user name is written in the User field or the Full Name field is identical to the way that the name is written in WordPress.
Note: The mapping is not case-sensitive.
Example: Mapping 'WoodWing User' to 'woodwing user' will be successful, but mapping 'R. Smart' to 'Rob Smart' will not.
Mapping the WordPress users to the Enterprise Server users
Mapping the users is done by importing the WordPress users into Enterprise Server.
Note: Names are considered to be a match when the lower-case name of a user in WordPress matches the lower-case name or the full name of a user in Enterprise Server.
Step 1. Access the WordPress Maintenance page.
Step 1a. In Enterprise Server, click Integrations in the Maintenance menu or on the Home page. A page with all integrated services appears.
Step 1b. Click WordPress.
The WordPress Maintenance page appears.
The WordPress icon is only available when the Server plug-in "WordPress Publishing Connector" is enabled. See Integrating WordPress in Enterprise Server 9.
Figure: The WordPress Maintenance page
Step 2. In the Import section, choose Only Users.
Step 3. Click Import.
The user names are imported and the result of the import action is displayed.
Related Tasks
Using WordPress categories in a Publish Form in Enterprise 9
Using WordPress tags in a Publish Form in Enterprise 9
Linking WordPress tags to a Suggestion Provider through Enterprise Server 9
Reference Materials
The WordPress Maintenance page in Enterprise Server 9
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