On Mac OS
Important: Use a PHP distribution that includes the GD2, SOCKETS, MBSTRING, CURL and EXIF libraries. The PHP distribution by Entropy and the MAMP/XAMP distribution contains these libraries.
Step 1. Execute the PHP installer and choose the Standard installation.
Step 2. Edit the php.ini file as described below.
- Use a text editor such as TextWrangler or BBEdit.
- Open the /usr/local/php5/lib folder by doing one of the following:
- Use File > Open Hidden and browse to /usr/local/php5/lib
- Use Go > Go to Folder and enter /usr/local/php5/lib/.
Step 2a. Ensure that variables_order is set to EGPCS:
variables_order = “EGPCS”.
Step 2b. Change the following settings to at least the shown values:
- upload_max_filesize = 100M
- post_max_size = 100M
- memory_limit = 250M
Step 2c. (For PHP 5.3.0 and onwards) Ensure that request_order is set to EGPCS:
request_order = “EGPCS”.
Step 2d. Add the correct time zone, for example:
date.timezone = Europe/Amsterdam
Note: For a full list of time zones, see http://nl3.php.net/manual/en/timezones.php.
Step 2e. Restart the Web service.
On Windows
Tip PHP reference site with installers for Windows: www.php.net.
Step 1. Execute the PHP installer and choose the Standard installation.
You are prompted to select your IIS version.
Step 2. Choose FastCGI.
Step 3. Install the required PHP extensions by doing the following:
Step 3a. When one of the following DLLs is missing, copy them from PHP setup’s extensions folder:
- php_curl.dll
- php_gd2.dll
- php_exif.dll
- php_soap.dll
- php_sockets.dll
- php_mbstring.dll
Step 3b. (Optional, for MSSQL Server only) When using MSSQL Server, perform the following steps:
1. Download and install Microsoft SQL Server Native Client 2012. (It is part of the Microsoft SQL Server 2012 Feature Pack).
2. Download and install the required SQL Server Driver.
3. Copy php_sqlsrv_xxx.dll from the directory created in the previous step to the extensions folder. Which version you need depends on which PHP version is used. More information can be found in SQLServerDriverForPHP_Readme.htm, also created in the previous step.
Step 4. Edit the php.ini file.
Tip: Edit the php.ini file with Notepad. The file is normally found in the Windows directory, but when using WAMP for example, the php.ini file can be found in a subdirectory of WAMP.
Step 4a. Make sure that the extension_dir
is pointing to the folder in which the extensions mentioned in Step 3 are located.
In the list of Windows Extensions, do the following:
Step 4b. Enable the following extensions by removing the “;” character from the start of the line:
- extension=php_exif.dll
- extension=php_gd2.dll
- extension=php_mbstring.dll
- extension=php_openssl.dll
- extension=php_curl.dll
- extension=php_sockets.dll
- extension=php_soap.dll
Step 4c. Ensure that the entry extension=php_exif.dll
is listed last.
Step 4d. Add or install the following modules:
PHP folder:
- ssleay32.dll
- libeay32.dll
Extensions folder:
- php_openssl.dll
Step 4e. If Oracle Server is used:
Switch on the following extensions by removing the “;” character from the start of the line:
Step 4f. If MSSQL is used:
Switch on the following extensions by removing the “;” character from the start of the line:
Step 4g. Change the following settings to the values indicated (or higher if required):
- upload_max_filesize=100M
- post_max_size=100M
- memory_limit=250M
Step 4h. (For PHP 5.3.0 and onwards) Ensure that request_order is set to EGPCS:
request_order = “EGPCS”
Step 4i. Add the following entries:
session.save_path = C:\PHP\sessiondata
upload_tmp_dir = C:\PHP\uploadtemp
Note: Ensure that both folders have full Read and Write access enabled for the Internet Guest User.
Step 4j. Add the correct time zone, for example:
date.timezone = Europe/Amsterdam
Note: For a full list of time zones, see: http://nl3.php.net/manual/en/timezones.php.
Step 4k. Ensure that variables_order is set to EGPCS:
variables_order = “EGPCS”
Step 4l. Restart the Web server.
On Linux
Note: Since Enterprise 7, Enterprise cannot connect to MSSQL from Linux anymore.
Step 1. Perform the installation by referring to the documentation of your specific Linux distribution.
Step 2. Edit the php.ini file by following these steps:
Step 2a. Ensure that variables_order
is set to EGPCS:
variablesorder = “EGPCS”
Step 2b. If Oracle Server is used: Make sure that the PHP OCI8 extension is enabled.
Step 2c. Change the following settings to the values indicated (or higher if required):
- upload_max_filesize = 100M
- post_max_size = 100M
- memory_limit = 800M
Step 2d. Ensure that request_order is set to EGPCS:
requestorder = “EGPCS”
Step 2e. Add the correct time zone, for example:
date.timezone = Europe/Amsterdam
Note: For a full list of time zones, see: http://nl3.php.net/manual/en/timezones.php.
Step 2f. Restart the Web server.
On Apache
To manually configure the Apache configuration files for PHP, edit /httpd/httpd.conf to enable PHP support in both the Load Module list and Add Module list.
Some Apache installations overrule the character set of HTML pages. As a result, accented characters are not displayed correctly by the Enterprise Maintenance applications. This can be fixed by changing or adding AddDefaultCharSet in the Apache configuration file /httpd/httpd.conf to:
AddDefaultCharSet UTF-8
AddDefaultCharSet off
Also set the DefaultType to:
DefaultType text/htm
Note: The default Web page for Enterprise should be index.htm. However, for Apache it can be index.php as well in which case the Enterprise logon page remains empty. To avoid this problem, make sure the index.htm file is listed above the index.php file in the httpd configuration file.
Reference Materials
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