This is step 2 of setting up Solr 4.5 in Enterprise Server 9.2 or higher. (See a list of all steps)
For using Solr 3.6 in Enterprise Server 9.0 and 9.1, see Setting up Solr 3.6.
On Mac OS X
Step 1. Create a shell file in the Tomcat installation directory (as specified in the Solr installation).
Example: startupTomcatSolr.
Note: From here on, this shell file is referenced as <startup>.
Step 2. Add the following code:
#Set JAVA_HOME environment variable
export JRE_HOME="/System/Library/Frameworks/JavaVM.framework/Versions/1.6.0/Home"
#Set the Solr Current Working Directory
export JAVA_OPTS="-Dsolr.solr.home=<solr>"
#Switch to the bin directory
cd /<tomcat>/bin
#Startup Tomcat as a background process
./ &
Step 3. Open a Terminal and enter:
cd <tomcat>/bin
chmod a+rx *
Note: This is a brute force; it gives every user execute and read rights on the binaries.
cd <tomcat>
sudo ./<startup>
Note: When Tomcat is started, a directory named /solr/ is automatically created in /<tomcat>/webapps/.
On Windows
Start the Tomcat service from the System Tray icon.
On Linux
Step 1. Create a shell file in the Tomcat installation directory (as specified in the Solr installation).
Example: startupTomcatSolr.
Note: From here on, this shell file is referenced as <startup>.
Step 2. Add the following code:
#Set JAVA_HOME environment variable
export JRE_HOME="<enter the path to Java Home>"
#Set the Solr Current Working Directory
export JAVA_OPTS="-Dsolr.solr.home=<solr>"
#Switch to the bin directory
cd /<tomcat>/bin
#Startup Tomcat as a background process
./ &
Step 3. Open a Terminal and enter:
cd <tomcat>/bin
chmod a+rx *
Note: This is a brute force; it gives every user execute and read rights on the binaries.
cd <tomcat>
sudo ./<startup>
Note: When Tomcat is started, a directory named /solr/ is automatically created in /<tomcat>/webapps/.
Next step
Step 3. Testing the Tomcat installation
Reference Materials
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