This is step 1 of setting up Solr 4.5 in Enterprise Server 9.2 or higher. (See a list of all steps)
For using Solr 3.6 in Enterprise Server 9.0 and 9.1, see Setting up Solr 3.6.
On Mac OS X
Step 1. Download the Apache Tomcat 7.x Binary Distribution file.
Step 2. Unpack the file to an installation directory, for example \Applications\Tomcat.
Note: From here on, this installation directory is referenced as <tomcat>.
Step 3. Edit the <tomcat>/conf/tomcat-users.xml file to:
<xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?>
<role rolename="manager-gui"/>
<role rolename="standard"/>
<user username="woodwing" password="ww" roles="standard,manager-gui"/>
Note: The user specified in “username” is needed to manage Tomcat; it is not an Enterprise user).
Step 4. Download Apache Solr 4.5.1 (recommended version) or higher from the Solr archive.
Note: Enterprise Server 9 ships with a separate Solr package that has been updated to Solr 4.5 standards. For exact compatibility information, see the Compatibility Matrix.
Step 5. Unpack the file to a temporary directory.
Note: From here on, this directory is referenced as <temp>.
Step 6. Copy the file apache-solr-4.5.x.war from <temp>/dist/ to <tomcat>/webapps/.
Tip: For ease of use, the file can be renamed to solr.war.
Step 7. Copy <temp>/example/solr to the installation directory \Application\Solr.
Note: From here on, this directory is referenced as <solr>.
Step 8. Copy the content of the <temp>/example/lib/ext folder to the Tomcat libs directory <tomcat>/lib.
Step 9. Restart Tomcat.
On Windows
Step 1. Download the Java Virtual Machine 6.0.
Step 2. Download and install the Apache Tomcat 7.x Windows Service Installer.
Note: From here on, this installation is referenced as <tomcat>.
Step 3. Edit the <tomcat>/conf/tomcat-users.xml file to:
<xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?>
<role rolename="manager-gui"/>
<role rolename="standard"/>
<user username="woodwing" password="ww" roles="standard,manager-gui"/>
Note: The user specified in “username” is needed to manage Tomcat; it is not an Enterprise user.
Step 4. Download Apache Solr 4.5.1 (recommended version) or higher from the Solr archive.
Note: Enterprise Server 9 ships with a separate Solr package that has been updated to Solr 4.5 standards. For exact compatibility information, see the Compatibility Matrix.
Step 5. Unpack the file to a temporary directory.
Note: From here on, this directory is referenced as <temp>.
Step 6. Copy the file solr-4.5.1.war from <temp>/dist/ to <tomcat>/webapps/.
Tip: For ease of use, the file can be renamed to solr.war.
Step 7. Copy <temp>/example/solr to the installation directory C:\Solr.
Note: From here on, this directory is referenced as <solr>.
Step 8. Copy the content of the <temp>/example/lib/ext folder to the Tomcat libs directory <tomcat>/lib.
Step 9. Use the System Tray icon to configure Tomcat (Configure > Java) so that it starts with the following Java option:
Step 10. Restart Tomcat.
On Linux
Step 1. Download the Apache Tomcat 7.x Binary Distribution file.
Step 2. Unpack the file to an installation directory, for example /home/<username>/Tomcat.
Note: From here on, this installation directory is referenced as <tomcat>.
Step 3. Edit the <tomcat>/conf/tomcat-users.xml file to:
<xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?>
<role rolename="manager-gui"/>
<role rolename="standard"/>
<user username="woodwing" password="ww" roles="standard,manager-gui"/>
Note: The user specified in “username” is needed to manage Tomcat; it is not an Enterprise user).
Step 4. Download Apache Solr 4.5.1 (recommended version) or higher from the Solr archive.
Note: Enterprise Server 9 ships with a separate Solr package that has been updated to Solr 4.5 standards. For exact compatibility information, see the Compatibility Matrix.
Step 5. Unpack the file to a temporary directory.
Note: From here on, this directory is referenced as <temp>.
Step 6. Copy the file apache-solr-4.5.x.war from <temp>/dist/ to <tomcat>/webapps/.
Tip: For ease of use, the file can be renamed to solr.war.
Step 7. Copy <temp>/example/solr to the installation directory, for example \opt\Solr.
Note: From here on, this directory is referenced as <solr>.
Step 8. Copy the content of the <temp>/example/lib/ext folder to the Tomcat libs directory <tomcat>/lib.
Step 9. Restart Tomcat.
Next step
Step 2. Starting Apache Tomcat
Reference Materials
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