This is step 5 of setting up Solr 4.5 in Enterprise Server 9.2 or higher. (See a list of all steps)
For using Solr 3.6 in Enterprise Server 9.0 and 9.1, see Setting up Solr 3.6.
In this step, the default Solr schema file is replaced by the Enterprise version.
Step 1. Unpack the file that is delivered together with the Enterprise Server installation.
Note: This must be a file for Enterprise Server 9.2 or higher.
Step 2. Copy the file named schema.xml to <solr>/<corename>/conf/. Confirm that you want to overwrite the already existing schema.xml file.
Note: The core name is usually 'collection1'.
Step 3. Copy the file named solrconfig.xml to <solr>/<corename>/conf/. Confirm that you want to overwrite the already existing solrconfig.xml file.
Step 4. Do one of the following:
- Restart Tomcat server.
- On the admin page of Solr 4, click Reload for the same collection as the one referenced in step 2.
Next step
Step 6. Testing Enterprise Server
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