The following list shows the default file formats that are supported by Studio Server. Files of these types can be uploaded or saved to Studio Server (using Studio or Studio for InDesign and InCopy) and opened using Studio or Studio for InDesign and InCopy.
Image files
- ai
- eps
- gif
- jpeg
- jpg
- png
- psd
- svg*
- tif
- tiff
* Take note of the following:
- Requires Studio Server 10.14 or higher.
- Can be used in InDesign 2020 or higher.
- The embedded text is not searchable.
- Previews and thumbnails are in JPEG format.
Video files
- asf
- asx
- avi
- flv
- flv
- m4v
- mov
- mp4
- mpeg
- mpg
- swf
- wm
- wma
- wmd
- wmv
- wmx
- wmz
Audio files
- aif
- aifc
- aiff
- au
- kar
- m3u
- mid
- midi
- mp2
- mp3
- mpga
- ra
- ram
- rm
- rpm
- snd
- wav
Document files
Standard file types
- csv (requires Studio Server 10.34.0 or higher)
- rtf
- txt
InDesign / InCopy file types
- incd - InCopy article
- incx - InCopy article
- indd - InDesign layout
- indt - InDesign layout template
WoodWing file types
- wcml - article (includes WCML2 and WCML3, see Setting the WoodWing article format to use.)
- wcmt - article template
- wwea - article
- wweat - article template
Word file types
- doc - Word document
- docm - Word document
- docx - Word document
- dot - Word template
- dotm - Word template
- dotx - Word template
Powerpoint file types
- pot - PowerPoint presentation template
- potm - PowerPoint presentation template
- potx - PowerPoint presentation template
- ppam - PowerPoint add-in
- ppsm - PowerPoint slideshow
- ppsx - PowerPoint slideshow
- pptm - PowerPoint presentation
- pptx - PowerPoint presentation
- sldm - PowerPoint presentation
- sldx - PowerPoint presentation
Excel file types
- xlam - Excel add-in
- xls - Excel sheet
- xlsb - Excel binary workbook
- xlsm - Excel worksheet
- xlsx - Excel workbook
- xltm - Excel template
- xltx - Excel template
iWork file types
- key
- numbers
- pages
Open Office file types
- odm - Article template
- odp - Presentation
- ods - Article
- odt - Article
- oth - Article
- otp - Presentation template
- ots - Article template
- ott - Article template
Web files
- htm
- html
XML files
- xml
InDesign / InCopy file types
- incd - InCopy article
- incx - InCopy article
- wwcx - InCopy article
- wwct - InCopy article template
- indd - InDesign layout
- indt - InDesign layout template
- indl - InDesign library
Flash files
- swf (obsolete/deprecated)
Archive files
- gz
- zip
WoodWing file types
- htmlwidget - Widget for Digital Publishing
- ofip - ofip file (obsolete/deprecated)
- wcml - article (includes WCML2 and WCML3, see Setting the WoodWing article format to use.)
- wcmt - article template
- wwea - article
- wweat - article template
Apple files
- dmg - Apple disk image
Adobe files
- ai - Illustrator file
- folio - Adobe folio file
- incd - InCopy article
- incx - InCopy article
- wwcx - InCopy article
- wwct - InCopy article template
- indd - InDesign layout
- indt - InDesign layout template
- indl - InDesign library
- pdf - PDF file
- psd - Photoshop file
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