Port 80 is used as the default port on which communication takes place between Studio Server and the client applications such as Studio, and Studio for InDesign and InCopy.
To change this to a different port, perform the following steps:
Info: Performing the described steps requires direct server access. Depending upon how your system is hosted and the level of access you have to that system, coordination may be required with your Partner or WoodWing Support team. When Studio Server is running in WoodWing Cloud, these steps are managed by WoodWing. For a full overview of the steps that need to be done by WoodWing and how to request them, see WoodWing Cloud - Change management.
Step 1. Change the configuration of the Web Server:
Steps for IIS Step 1a. Access the IIS Manager (windows/system32/inetsrv/inetmgr.exe), Step 1b. Go to the Website properties and change the TCP port setting. |
Steps for Apache Step 1a. Access the httpd.conf file (for RedHat this is typically in /etc/httpd/conf). Step 1b. Change the Listen option. Step 1c. Restart Apache. |
Step 2. Update the URL of the Server (used in Web browsers and those defined in the WWSettings.xml file) by adding ':<port number>':
http://<server URL>:<port number>/<Studio Server name>
Example: Here port 8888 has been added: http://localhost:8888/StudioServer/server/ |
Important: Make sure to validate the WWSettings.xml file for correct content. See Validating the WWSettings.xml file.
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