Studio Server can be configured to send out an e-mail to a user or user group each time a file is routed to them. Receiving such e-mails makes users more aware that files that they should work on have been routed to them.
Note: Routing files is done by changing the Route To property of the file. Files that are routed to a user appear in the Inbox of the user (available in Studio and Studio for InDesign and InCopy. For more information, see Sending a file to another user or user group with Studio and Sending a file to another user or user group using Studio for InDesign and InCopy.
For authenticating users with the e-mail server, only the SMTP LOGIN authentication protocol is supported.
Enabling e-mail notifications is a 3-step process:
Step 1. Setting the basic e-mail configuration options.
Info: Performing the described step requires direct server access. Depending upon how your system is hosted and the level of access you have to that system, coordination may be required with your Partner or WoodWing Support team. For a full overview of the steps that need to be done by WoodWing and how to request them, see WoodWing Cloud - Change management.
The following settings should be configured in the E-mail Notification section of the configserver.php file (recommended: config_overrule.php file):
The location of this file is:
<Studio Server path>/config
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// E-mail notification
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// SMTP server to send e-mail. For example: ''.
// Default value: ''.
define ('EMAIL_SMTP', '');
// Log-in user name for your SMTP server. Leave empty when log-in is
// not required. Default value: ''.
define ('EMAIL_SMTP_USER', '');
// Log-in user password for your SMTP server. Leave empty when log-in
// is not required. Default value: ''.
define ('EMAIL_SMTP_PASS', '');
// SMTP server port. Allows overruling the SMTP server port.
// Default value: 25.
define ('EMAIL_PORT', 25);
// Whether or not to use a secure connection to the email server.
// Use 'ssl' or 'tls' SSL types for secure connections.
// Leave empty '' for no security. Default value: ''.
define ('EMAIL_SSL', '');
// E-mail address to use as the sender of the e-mail.
// When left empty, the e-mail address defined on the User Maintenance
// page of the user who sent the e-mail is used instead.
// Default value: ''.
define ('EMAIL_SENDER_ADDRESS', '');
// User name to use for the sender of the e-mail.
// When left empty, the name defined on the User Maintenance page of
// the user who sent the e-mail is used instead.
// Default value: ''.
define ('EMAIL_SENDER_NAME', '');
Step 2. Enabling the e-mail notification option per Brand.
E-mail notification can be configured per Brand. This is done through the Brand Maintenance page by selecting the E-mail Notifications option. See Brand settings.
Step 3. Enabling per user if notifications should be sent.
Note: The options for sending e-mail notifications are enabled by default. Perform the following steps only when the notification needs to be disabled for a user or a group that the user belongs to.
On the User Maintenance page of a user, set the following options to your needs:
- Send E-mail Notification When File Routed To Me
- Send E-mail Notification When File Routed To One of My Groups
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