The Publication Overview Application provides a general overview of how far the production process of a print publication has progressed by showing all layouts of a publication and their Workflow Status.
This makes it possible to quickly see which areas of the publication are (nearly) completed and which areas still need work.
It also shows areas that need attention such as multiple pages that have the same page number.
Figure: The Publication Overview Application shows you a complete overview of the progress of a publication.
This article describes how to use the Publication Overview Application.
Using the Publication Overview Application on a tablet
Because Studio and the Publication Overview Application is run as a dynamic Web page, it can be easily used on a tablet.
Accessing the Publication Overview
From the Apps menu in the toolbar, choose Publication Overview.
Figure: The Publication Overview Application is accessed through the Apps menu.
Available views
The Publication Overview Application offers the following views:
- The Publication Overview, showing all pages of the publication.
- The Full Layout View, showing a full page or spread at a time. Access this view by double-clicking a layout anywhere in the Publication Overview.
Figure: The Publication Overview.
Figure: The Full Layout view, showing placed Sticky Notes and the Sticky Notes panel.
Using the Publication Overview page
When accessing the Publication Overview Application, the Publication Overview page is displayed. It shows all pages of the publication: pages that are created, planned or missing.
Note: Depending on the way Studio Server is configured, missing pages may be hidden.
For each available page, the following information is or can be shown:
- The page number
- The name of the layout
- The name of the user or user group to which the layout has been routed
- Icons that show different states:
Icon | Description |
Workflow Status. Indicates the color of the Workflow Status that is assigned to the layout. |
Indicates that the layout needs attention, for example because an update for the layout is available. Hover the mouse pointer over the flag to see the exact message as a tooltip. The flag can have the following colors:
Sticky Notes. When colored red: indicates that Sticky Notes are added and that at least one is not set to status 'Done' or 'Rejected' (and therefore needs attention). When colored green: indicates that Sticky Notes are added and that they are all set to status 'Done' or 'Rejected'. |
PDF download. Indicates that a PDF of the page is available for download. Click the icon to download the PDF. |
On the page you can:
- Switch between Issues by using the Filter.
Note: Because the Publication Overview shows layouts, only Issues of type 'Print' can be selected.
- Change the size of the thumbnails by using the zoom slider.
- Open a page in Full Layout view by double-clicking the page. While in this view, articles or Sticky Notes can be placed:
- Placing articles on a layout in Studio 11.172 and lower
- Placing articles on a layout in Studio 11.173 and higher
- Working with Sticky Notes on layouts in Studio 11.172 and lower
- Working with Sticky Notes on layouts in Studio 11.173 and higher
Note: See how to check the version of Studio that is installed.
- Access the context menu of a layout by right-clicking it.
- Open all Dossiers that a layout is part of in a new Browser tab by Alt+double-clicking the layout from the Duplicate pages panel.
- Show the name of the user or user group to which the layout has been routed by choosing Show Route To info from the action menu in the top right corner. The name is shown below each layout thumbnail.
Figure: When choosing 'Show Route To info' from the action menu (left) the name of the user or user group to which the layout has been routed is shown in the thumbnail (right).
Using the Full Layout view
The Full Layout view makes it possible to view the content of the page in more detail. Access it by double-clicking a layout anywhere in the Publication Overview.
Many of the tools that are found on this page are self explanatory, but see the following articles about more details about their functionality:
- Working with Sticky Notes on layouts for versions 11.172 and lower and for versions 11.173 and higher.
- Placing articles on a layout in versions 11.172 and lower or versions 11.173 and higher.
Note: See how to check the version of Studio that is installed.
Tip: Press Escape or the Spacebar to quickly close the Full Layout view.
Accessing objects
When an article or a frame in which an article can be placed is (partly) placed on top of another image or article, accessing that article or frame is done as follows:
- Smaller objects are placed above larger objects so that they are not obscured. When hovering the mouse pointer over the object, it becomes active and the toolbar for performing actions on that object appears.
- When objects are identical in size and placed on top of each other, the top-most object can be hidden by Alt+clicking it. Hidden objects can be shown again by left-clicking anywhere outside of the object, or by closing and opening the layout preview.
Example: Frames A, B, and C are identical in size and placed on top of each other. When Alt+clicking frame A, frame A is hidden and frame B is shown. When next Alt+clicking frame B, frame B is hidden and frame C is shown. When left-clicking outside of the frame, all frames are loaded again with frame A at the top.
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