The default Enterprise Server installation makes use of the following standard terminology:
- Brand
- Issue
- Category
- Edition
- Status
These may work fine for newspaper publishers, but book publishers would most likely prefer terminology such as Project, Book, Chapter, Region, and Status instead.
When needed, the terminology can therefore be changed.
How the terminology is controlled
The terminology is configured in various locations of the server and controls various parts of the UI in the server and the client applications:
- Terminology shown in the properties is controlled through the Metadata Maintenance page. These properties are displayed in various places in the client applications such as Workflow dialog boxes, the Properties panel in Studio, column headers in list views in Studio and Smart Connection, and more.
- Terminology displayed in the Brand Maintenance pages in Enterprise Server and in Workflow dialog boxes and various other UI components in the client applications is controlled through the configlang.php file or through individual language files. These terminologies are displayed in various places in the client applications such as the Search Criteria panel or the column names in the Search panel of Smart Connection.
Each method is described below. Which method to choose depends on factors such as the environment used (single language or multi-language), which areas to change (Workflow dialog boxes only or the whole system), or preference in working (upgrading Enterprise Server more often involves having to manually update individual language files compared to changing the configlang.php file).
Changing the names of metadata properties
In this method, terminology is changed by modifying the static metadata properties that are stored in the Enterprise Server database.
This method makes two levels of configuration possible: Global and specific per Brand. The latter is a huge advantage over the other two methods explained in the succeeding sections.
- Terms renamed on global level are shown in the UI in places where the brand context is unknown (or not fixed), such as the column headers in the search dialogs of Studio and Smart Connection.
- Terms renamed for a specific Brand are shown in the workflow dialog boxes only. In that dialog, the Brand is selected and the terms are shown as configured (renamed) for that Brand.
Step 1. Access the Metadata page.

Click Metadata in the Maintenance menu or on the Home page.
The Metadata page appears.
Step 2. In the list of Brands, do one of the following:
- Choose <All> to start renaming on global level.
- Choose a Brand to start renaming for a specific Brand.
Step 3. In the Static Properties section, click the name of the Static Property that needs to be changed.
The Static Property page appears.
Step 4. In the Display Name field, enter the name that you want to use.
Step 5. Click Update.
You are returned to the Metadata page.
Note: Properties for which the display name has been changed show the display name in black text instead of the gray text used for default display names.
Step 5. Repeat Steps 3 – 5 for all Properties that need to be changed.
Changing the configlang.php file
In this method, the standard terminology is changed. This is displayed in the Brand Maintenance pages in Enterprise Server, Workflow dialog boxes, and various other UI components in the client applications.
Step 1. Make a backup of the current configlang.php file.

<Enterprise Server path>/config
Step 2. Open the configlang.php file.
Step 3. Locate the section function getUiTerms()
function getUiTerms()
global $sLanguage_code;
static $termsForLanguages;
if( !isset( $termsForLanguages[ $sLanguage_code ] ) ) { // not cached yet
$terms = array();
$terms[] = new Term( 'Publication', BizResources::localize( 'PUBLICATION', false ) );
$terms[] = new Term( 'Publications', BizResources::localize( 'PUBLICATIONS', false ) );
$terms[] = new Term( 'Issue', BizResources::localize( 'ISSUE', false ) );
$terms[] = new Term( 'Issues', BizResources::localize( 'ISSUES', false ) );
$terms[] = new Term( 'Section', BizResources::localize( 'CATEGORY', false ) ); // redirection to Category
$terms[] = new Term( 'Sections', BizResources::localize( 'CATEGORIES', false ) ); // redirection to Categories
$terms[] = new Term( 'Category', BizResources::localize( 'CATEGORY', false ) );
$terms[] = new Term( 'Categories', BizResources::localize( 'CATEGORIES', false ) );
$terms[] = new Term( 'Edition', BizResources::localize( 'EDITION', false ) );
$terms[] = new Term( 'Editions', BizResources::localize( 'EDITIONS', false ) );
$terms[] = new Term( 'State', BizResources::localize( 'STATE', false ) );
$terms[] = new Term( 'States', BizResources::localize( 'STATES', false ) );
$terms[] = new Term( 'Phase', BizResources::localize( 'WORKFLOW_PHASE', false ) );
Step 4. Replace each BizResources reference by the new term, using the following format:
Current format:
$terms[] = new Term( '[OLD NAME]', BizResources::localize('[NEW NAME]',false) );
New format:
$terms[] = new Term( '[OLD NAME]', '[NEW NAME]' );
Example: Here, the term 'Brand' has been changed to 'Project': $terms[] = new Term( 'Publication', BizResources::localize('PUBLICATION',false) ); $terms[] = new Term( 'Publication', 'Project' ); |
Step 5. Save the file in plain text (UTF-8) format.
Step 6. Let Enterprise Server rebuild its cache for resource strings. This is needed to make the changes that were made appear in the UI.

Open a language file (XML) of Enterprise Server in a plain-text editor. This language file should correspond with the language that you are making changes for.

File name | Language |
csCZ.xml | Czech |
deDE.xml | German |
enUS.xml | English |
esES.xml | Spanish |
fiFI.xml | Finnish |
frFR.xml | French |
itIT.xml | Italian |
jaJP.xml | Japanese |
koKR.xml | Korean |
nlNL.xml | Dutch |
plPL.xml | Polish |
ptBR.xml | Brazilian Portuguese |
ruRU.xml | Russian |
zhCN.xml | Chinese (Simplified) |
zhTW.xml | Chinese (Traditional) |
Add a new line at the end of the file. This harmless change will trigger Enterprise Server to reload the language file and invoke your changes made to the configlang.php file.
Step 7. Have users log out and log back in to the client applications so that they can see the changes that have been made. (This step is not needed for Enterprise Server; changes are displayed straight away on the Brand Maintenance pages.)
Multi-language support
If your editorial team uses more than one language, your changes to the configlang.php file should be enhanced to avoid having your changes affect all languages.
In the following example, the German language is changed by renaming 'Ausgabe' to 'Projekt', without affecting the other languages:
if( $sLanguage_code === 'deDE' ) { // German ...
$terms[] = new Term( 'Publication', 'Projekt' );
$terms[] = new Term( 'Publications', 'Projekte' );
} else { // other languages ...
$terms[] = new Term( 'Publication', BizResources::localize( 'PUBLICATION', false ) );
$terms[] = new Term( 'Publications', BizResources::localize( 'PUBLICATIONS', false ) );
In the following example, the term 'Issue' is changed for two language without affecting the other languages:
switch( $sLanguage_code ) {
case 'frFR': // French...
$terms[] = new Term( 'Issue', 'Livre' );
$terms[] = new Term( 'Issues', 'Livres' );
case 'nlNL': // Dutch...
$terms[] = new Term( 'Issue', 'Boek' );
$terms[] = new Term( 'Issues', 'Boeken' );
default: // other languages...
$terms[] = new Term( 'Issue', BizResources::localize( 'ISSUE', false ) );
$terms[] = new Term( 'Issues', BizResources::localize( 'ISSUES', false ) );
Section and Category are the same
Enterprise Server initially focused on Print publishing only. Within that concept, the term Section made sense. When Enterprise Server later also embraced Digital publishing, it was felt that the term Section was too much related to Print. It was then renamed to Category to fit both worlds.
However, the term Section was not only used by the core server but also by customizations. By simply renaming Section to Category those customizations would break. For that reason, Category was added and the term Section was left untouched. As the meaning of both term is (or should be) exactly the same, the term Section is redirected in the configlang.php file to Category.
In other words, Section and Category coexist but mean exactly the same thing.
When renaming one, also be sure to rename the other.
In the following example, Section and Category are renamed to 'Resort':
$terms[] = new Term( 'Section', 'Resort' );
$terms[] = new Term( 'Sections', 'Resorts' );
$terms[] = new Term( 'Category', 'Resort' );
$terms[] = new Term( 'Categories', 'Resorts' );
Changing specific languages
Tip: Language files often change when new versions of Enterprise Server are released. For each update, changes made in an old version need to be merged into those upgraded language files in the new version. Although the same is true for the configlang.php file, this file hardly changes. It may therefore be more manageable to change the configlang.php file (see earlier in this article) instead of specific language files.
In this method, terminology is changed on a per-language basis by modifying each individual language file of Enterprise Server. This terminology is shown in the Brand Maintenance pages in Enterprise Server and in Workflow dialog boxes and various other UI components in the client applications.
Note: This file also contains many other terms and messages used by Enterprise Server.
The files are stored in the following location:
<Enterprise Server path>/config/resources

File name | Language |
csCZ.xml | Czech |
deDE.xml | German |
enUS.xml | English |
esES.xml | Spanish |
fiFI.xml | Finnish |
frFR.xml | French |
itIT.xml | Italian |
jaJP.xml | Japanese |
koKR.xml | Korean |
nlNL.xml | Dutch |
plPL.xml | Polish |
ptBR.xml | Brazilian Portuguese |
ruRU.xml | Russian |
zhCN.xml | Chinese (Simplified) |
zhTW.xml | Chinese (Traditional) |
Step 1. Make a backup of the current file.
Step 2. Open the file in a text editor that supports UTF-8 encoding.
The top section of the file contains the terminology keys:
<LocalizationMap language="enUS">
<Term key="ISSUE">Issue</Term>
<Term key="ISSUES">Issues</Term>
<Term key="PUBLICATION">Brand</Term>
<Term key="PUBLICATIONS">Brands</Term>
<Term key="CHANNEL">Publication Channel</Term>
<Term key="CHANNELS">Publication Channels</Term>
<Term key="SECTION">Section</Term>
<Term key="SECTIONS">Sections</Term>
<Term key="DESK">Desk</Term>
<Term key="DESKS">Desks</Term>
<Term key="EDITION">Edition</Term>
<Term key="EDITIONS">Editions</Term>
<Term key="STATE">Status</Term>
<Term key="STATES">Statuses</Term>
<Term key="DOSSIER">Dossier</Term>
<Term key="DOSSIERS">Dossiers</Term>
<Term key="CATEGORY">Category</Term>
<Term key="CATEGORIES">Categories</Term>
Step 3. Edit the terminology as required.
Example: Here, the term 'Issue' has been changed to 'Book' in the English language file:
Step 4. Save the file.
Step 5. Have users log out and log back in to the client applications so that they can see the changes that have been made. (This step is not needed for Enterprise Server; changes are displayed straight away on the Brand Maintenance pages.)
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