When users want to use Content Station, Smart Connection or any other application that is based on Enterprise Server, they need to be added to at least one Brand that is set up on that server.
Adding a user to a Brand is done by making that user part of a user group and assigning that group to the Brand. Access profiles are used for allowing or denying the user access to features of the application and for allowing or denying the user to perform specific tasks on the files.
Before you start
Before a user can be added to a Brand, the following needs to be in place:
- A Brand with Workflow Statuses defined for the types of files that the user will be working with.
- A user account. See Creating a user account.
- A user group to which the user will be added. See Creating a user group.
- One or more access profiles. See Creating an Access Profile.
Steps to follow
Step 1. Add the user to the user group.
See Adding a user account to a user group.
Step 2. Add the user group to the Brand:
Step 2a. On the Brand Maintenance page, click Add in the User Authorizations section.
Figure: The User Authorizations section on a Brand Maintenance page.
The Authorization Maintenance page appears.
Step 2b. From the User Groups list, choose the user group that needs to be added.
Step 2c. Click Add Authorization.
Lists appear for the Category, Workflow Status and Access Profile.
Step 2c. Make a choice from each list.
Note: Use '<All>' to assign an Access Profile to all Categories and/or Workflow Statuses or choose a Category or Workflow Status from the list to assign the Access Profiles to that combination only.
Example: Imagine an Access Profile named 'Delete disabled' in which the options for deleting files have been disabled. When assigning user group A to Category '<All>', Status '<All>' and Profile 'Delete disabled', all members of user group A will not be able to delete any of the files in the Brand. When assigning user group B to Category '<All>', Status 'For publication' and Profile 'Delete disabled', users from group B cannot delete any files from the Brand that are set to the Workflow status 'For publication'. They can however delete all other files.
Step 2d. Click Update.
Step 2e. (Optional, only necessary when not having chosen '<All>' for both the Category and Workflow Status lists) Continue adding Authorizations for as many Category/Workflow Status combinations as necessary.
Related Information
About users in Enterprise Server
Deactivating user accounts versus removing user accounts in Enterprise Server 9
Related Tasks
Managing user accounts in Enterprise Server 9
Managing user groups in Enterprise Server 9
Integrating LDAP in Enterprise Server 9
Viewing which users are currently logged in to Enterprise Server
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