This is step 16 of performing a major upgrade from Enterprise Server 7 to Enterprise Server 9.2 or higher. (See a list of all steps)
When upgrading Enterprise Server you very likely installed the new Server next to the existing Server so that it could be tested before it is ready to take into production.
As soon as everything is found to be in order, the new Server will have to be made live at some stage. This can be done in one of the following ways:
- Replace the full folder content of the old (current production) Enterprise Server with the full folder content of the new Enterprise Server.
Note: Make sure that the INETROOT option in config.php is updated correctly.
- Remove the old (current production) Enterprise Server folder and rename the new Enterprise Server folder so that it matches the name of the old (current production) Enterprise Server folder.
- Keep the newly created folder and provide all administrators with the new URL and update the WWSettings.xml files for the client application users with the new path to the Server. Once the new Server is taken into production, you might want to remove the old server installation.
Note: Switching from the “old” environment to the “new “environment should be done when no user is logged in. Furthermore it is preferable that the “old’ environment is cleaned (for example: see if there are any objects which can be removed, and subsequently empty the Trash Can. For more information about cleaning up the system, see Deleting an Issue and Permanently deleting files from Enterprise Server 9).
Next step
Step 17. Removing unused InDesign Server instances
Reference Materials
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