This is step 7 of performing a major upgrade from Enterprise Server 7 to Enterprise Server 9.2 or higher. (See a list of all steps)
Purpose of this step
By following this step you will activate the license for Enterprise Server and any client applications. This allows you to access the Maintenance pages of Enterprise Server and allows users of client applications to log in to the Server.
Steps to follow
Choose the activation method:
Step 1. Log in to Enterprise server.
Since no licenses are activated yet, the License Status page automatically appears, informing you that licenses need to be activated.
Step 2. Click the Get License link.
The Activatepage appears.
Note: To continue with the automated process, a Web browser with Internet access is required. A browser connection status is displayed at the bottom of the page, indicating whether or not your current browser can be used for this process. If your browser cannot be used, check your Internet connection, such as your proxy settings, (software) firewalls, router configuration, and so on. Your browser needs to support Javascript, but you will see an error message in cases when Javascript support has been switched off.
The activated server license will be stored server-side, but the client system which runs the browser will actually make the connection to the WoodWing Activation server via Internet. This allows your server to be located in a subnetwork without internet-out access.
Step 3. Click Next.
Make sure that the Web server user has Write access to the file store.
The Web server user can be:
- Unix / Mac OS systems: www / daemon / nobody
- Windows: IIS_<MachineName> and/or IIS_WPG
The Serial Number page appears.
Step 4. From the Product list, choose the required product.
Step 5. Enter the serial number and number of concurrent licenses (this allows you to divide your licenses among several application servers).
Step 6. (Optional) If you are unsure of the number of concurrent licenses available for this serial number, click the Check button.
Step 7. Select the check box to register Enterprise Server.
Note: Only registered copies of Enterprise are entitled to upgrades.
Step 8. Select the check box The Actual Server Time is... to confirm the time on the application server.
Step 9. Click Next.
The Contact Information page appears.
Step 10. Enter all required fields.
Step 11. Click Next.
The License Status page appears. If all has gone well, a message displays that the license has been activated successfully.
Step 12. Return to the License Status page by clicking License Status.
Note: When activating a license offline, it takes 2 working days to process your request.
Offline activation is a 2-step process:
- Sending the activation request by email
- Processing the received activation
Sending the activation request by email
Step 1. Log in to Enterprise server.
Since no licenses are activated yet, the License Status page automatically appears, informing you that licenses need to be activated.
Step 2. Click the Get License link.
The Activatepage appears.
Step 3. Select the check box I don’t have access to the Internet or I prefer activating by e-mail.
Step 4. Click Next.
The Offline Activation page appears.
Step 5. Send the following details by e-mail to authorize [at]
- Product name and version
- Per product: the serial number
- Per product: the number of concurrent users/connections for this installation.
- The installation code (as provided on screen)
Step 6. Click Cancel to terminate the process for now and wait for WoodWing to send you an activation code.
Processing the received activation
Step 7. Repeat Steps 1 to 4.
Step 8. Enter the received serial number and activation code.
Step 9. Click Next.
The License Status page appears. If all has gone well, a message displays that the license has installed successfully.
Step 10. Return to the License Status page by clicking License Status.
Next step
Step 8. Initializing Enterprise Server plug-ins
Reference Materials
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