This is step 9 of performing a major upgrade from Enterprise Server 7 to Enterprise Server 9.2 or higher. (See a list of all steps)
Purpose of this step
The Solr index has to be filled with the characteristics of the Enterprise objects that exist in the database.
Steps to follow
After upgrading a previously installed version of Enterprise Server to version 9, the Solr index has to be filled with the characteristics of the Enterprise objects that exist in the database.
Step 1. Test the Solr configuration by running the Solr Search Server test on the Health Check page.
Step 1a. In the Maintenance menu, click Advanced. A page showing links to advanced Enterprise options appears.
Step 1b. Click Health Check. The Health Check page appears.
Step 1c. Clear all tests by clicking Clear All.
Step 1d. Select the test named Solr Search Server.
Step 1e. Click Test.
Step 2. Run an index on the Solr Search Server.
Step 2a. In the Maintenance menu, click Integrations. A page showing links to integrated services appears.
Step 2b. Click Search Server.
The Search Server page appears. It provides an overview of the installed search servers, including the number of Enterprise objects that are indexed for searching. As you are upgrading, the number of indexed objects will be zero.
Step 2c. Click the Start button below the Indexing progress bar. The indexing process starts.
Note: The indexing can take a while depending of the number of objects to be handled.
Step 3. Optimize the Solr index.
- On the Search Server page, click the Start button located below the Optimizing bar.
Next step
Step 10. Configuring the InDesign Server installations
Reference Materials
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