After applying a Smart Style containing a table with merged cells to another table, you may find that the table is not styled correctly.
To make this work, follow these steps:
Step 1. Drag the Smart Style item from the library while holding down the Option key (Mac) or Alt key (Windows). This will allow the item to be edited.
Step 2. Select a merged cell and from the Table menu, choose Unmerge Cells.
Step 3. Copy the contents of the merged cell to all cells that formed the merged cell before.
Step 4. Repeat Step 2 and Step 3 for all merged cells.
Step 5. Delete the old Smart Style (see Step 1) from the library.
Step 6. Drag the Smart Style item back to the library.
Step 7. Apply the style to a table containing a merged cell; it should now format correctly.
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