Working within a company is teamwork and when a document needs clarification or the next steps in the workflow need to be discussed or clarified, communicating this within your team can be done by adding notes to a document.
This way, a discussion or time line can be created which gives context about the state that the document is in (such as 'on hold' when waiting for an invoice to be payed).
This article describes how to work with document notes.
Viewing notes
Documents that contain notes can be recognized by the yellow badge for the Notes icon in the vertical toolbar. The total number of notes in the documents is shown in the badge.
Clicking the Note icon in the toolbar opens the Notes panel, showing any notes that have been added to the document, as well as a field for adding a new note.
Notes are sorted by date, with the most recent one at the top.
The text of notes that are added on the document itself (see below) can also be seen by hovering the mouse pointer over the marked area.
Adding notes
Notes can be added in the following ways:
- By adding the note in the Notes panel.
- By marking an area on the preview of a document.
Using the Notes panel
In this method, a note is added by using the note field in the Notes panel.
Step 1. Use the Find option to search for the document to which you want to add a note.
Step 2. Select the document so that it is outlined in blue.
Step 3. In the vertical toolbar on the right side of the screen, click the Notes icon.
The Notes panel appears.
Step 4. In the Type a note... field, type your message. Optionally do one of the following:
- Click the Emoticon icon to add an emoji.
- Tag other users that exist in the system by typing @ followed by their user name.
- Link to another document or dossier by pasting its URL. After saving the note, the document name is displayed.
Info: This feature requires Xtendis 7.2.4 or higher (see how to check which version of Xtendis you are using).
Tip: Get the URL of a document or dossier by opening the dossier or by opening a document in a new browser tab. The URL is then shown in the address bar of the browser. The following format is expected:
Step 5. When done, click Save to post the message.
Marking an area on the document preview
In this method, a note is added by marking an area on the document preview. This is especially useful if you want to point out something on the document itself, such as an error.
Note: This method is only available for documents in TIF, JPG, or PNG format.
Step 1. Use the Find option to search for the document to which you want to add a note.
Step 2. Select the document so that it is outlined in blue.
Step 3. In the toolbar of the document preview, click the Add note tool.
Note: The Add note tool does not appear when viewing only thumbnails. Click the Book icon at the far left of the toolbar to switch views. For more information, see Viewing documents in Xtendis 7.
- The Book icon to toggle views.
- The Add note icon.
Step 4. Drag an area on the document preview that you want to highlight.
A window appears for adding the note.
Step 5. In the Type a note... field, type your message. Optionally, do the following:
- Click the Emoticon icon to add an emoji.
- Tag other users that exist in the system by typing @ followed by their user name. Tagged users are notified in Xtendis and are sent an e-mail to inform them that they have been tagged in a note.
- Select a color. It is used for the area marked on the document and to highlight the note in the Notes panel and in the search results.
Step 6. When done, click OK to post the message.
The note appears in the Notes panel.
Removing notes
Notes that have been added by yourself or by other users can at any time be removed.
Do this by hovering the mouse pointer over the note that you want to remove and clicking the trash can icon that appears.
Viewing notes in dossiers
When a dossier is opened, all notes that are part of all documents within the dossier are shown in the Notes tab at the top of the dossier.
When searching for dossiers using the Find option, all notes that are part of all documents within the dossier are shown in the Notes tab on the right side.
For more information, see Searching for dossiers in Xtendis 7.
Searching for notes
Notes or documents that contain notes can be found by using the Quick Find option or the Find option in Xtendis.
How this is done is described in detail in Searching for notes in Xtendis 7.
Whenever you are tagged in a note by someone else, a notification is shown on the Dashboard to make you aware of this.
Clicking the notification lets you open the document and the Notes panel to follow up on the note. For more information, see Notifications in Xtendis 7.
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