The overview below shows the database tables that Studio Server makes use of.
Table | Content |
smart_actionproperties | Custom metadata properties assigned to workflow dialogs. |
smart_appsessions | Articles that are currently in draft by users working with the Web Editor application. This includes new, locked and viewed articles. |
smart_authorizations | Holds the authorization rules. |
smart_cache | Used to cache data shared by different application servers. |
smart_channeldata | Configured properties for the Issue Maintenance pages. Typically used for Issues of Web Publication Channels. |
smart_channels | Definitions of Brand Channels. |
smart_config | Version of installed database model. Used by database setup scripts to update the model to newer versions. |
smart_datasources |
Definitions of structured data sources. Note: This table has been removed in Studio Server 10.13.0. |
smart_deletedobjects | If an object is deleted, it is moved to this table from smart_objects. |
smart_dsobjupdates |
Information about updates on objects for use with structured data sources. Note: This table has been removed in Studio Server 10.13.0. |
smart_dspublications |
Brands for use with structured data sources. Note: This table has been removed in Studio Server 10.13.0. |
smart_dsqueries |
Queries for use with structured data sources. Note: This table has been removed in Studio Server 10.13.0. |
smart_dsqueryfamilies |
Information about query families for use with structured data sources. Note: This table has been removed in Studio Server 10.13.0. |
smart_dsqueryfields |
Query fields for use with structured data sources. Note: This table has been removed in Studio Server 10.13.0. |
smart_dsqueryplacements |
Information about query placements for use with structured data sources. Note: This table has been removed in Studio Server 10.13.0. |
smart_dssettings |
Contains settings for use with dynamic data sources. Note: This table has been removed in Studio Server 10.13.0. |
smart _dsupdates |
Information about updates for use with structured data sources. Note: This table has been removed in Studio Server 10.13.0. |
smart_editions | Definitions of Editions. |
smart_elements | Components that an article consists of. |
smart_featureaccess | Profile feature access definitions for features provided by server plug-ins. (Core server features are not included.) This table is used to determine IDs and flags that are unique system wide. Other feature attributes (such as display name, default value) are hard-coded and provided by server plug-ins. Records are never deleted to make sure that the unique values remain preserved when plug-ins are plugged out and plugged back in again. |
smart_groups | Definitions of user groups. |
smart_idarticlesplacements | Placements that belong to an InDesign Article. |
smart_indesignarticles | InDesign Articles listed in the Articles panel of InDesign. |
smart_indesignserverjobs | Currently defined jobs for InDesign Server. |
smart_indesignservers | InDesign Server instances. |
smart_issueeditions | Information about the actual deadline defined for an Edition in a particular Issue. |
smart_issues | Holds all Issues. |
smart_issuesection | Information about the actual deadline defined for a section in a particular Issue. |
smart_issuesectionstate | Information about the actual deadline and relative deadline defined for a status/section combination in a particular Issue. |
smart_log | Logs user actions. Can be viewed on the Service Logs Maintenance page. |
smart_lvs_tokens | Access tokens for Assets Server. |
smart_messagelog | Holds user and system messages sent to objects as well as Sticky Notes added to layouts. Also used by plan system integrations for storing messages to inform the designer working on the layout about changes made to the plan. |
smart_mtp_trigger | Definitions that trigger the creation of MadeToPrint jobs. |
smart_namedqueries | Named Query definitions. |
smart_objectflags | Holds flags for objects. |
smart_objectlabels | Object label definitions. |
smart_objectlocks | Instead of using DB-specific SQL features, Studio Server uses this table to lock objects. This way the system can be used cross-database. |
smart_objectoperations | Holds the operations that are created for a layout object. Typically to be done when the layout is not open in InDesign. |
smart_objectrelationlabels | Links the objects to object labels. |
smart_objectrelations | Holds relations between objects, such as which articles are placed on a layout. |
smart_objectrenditions | Holds rendition information for objects. |
smart_objects | Metadata for all objects. Note that all objects have a unique ID. Custom properties are added by using “c_” prefixes. |
smart_objectversions | Information about older version of object versions. |
smart_pages | For each layout (InDesign) object, this table holds the metadata of its pages. |
smart_placements | Holds detailed information about the placements of a story/image on a layout. |
smart_placementtiles | Contains tile information for specific placements. |
smart_profilefeatures | Definition of Access Profiles. |
smart_profiles | List of Access Profiles that can be used in the entire system. |
smart_properties | Custom metadata property definitions. |
smart_publadmin | Administrators assigned to Brands. |
smart_publications | Brand definitions of the entire system. |
smart_publishedobjectshist |
Publish history of individual objects in a Dossier. Note: This table has been removed in Studio Server 10.12.0. |
smart_publishhistory |
Publish history of Dossiers. Note: This table has been removed in Studio Server 10.12.0. |
smart_publobjects |
Publication-specific object rights (by user group). Note: This table has been removed in Studio Server 10.12.0. |
smart_publsections | The sections with links to their Brand. |
smart_routing | The automatic routing definitions. |
smart_sectionstate | Information about the relative deadline for a status in a section. |
smart_semaphores | Contains the application locks for objects. |
smart_serverconnectors | Information about which connectors are available. |
smart_serverjobconfigs | Contains the configuration for created Server Jobs. |
smart_serverjobs | Contains Server Job run information. |
smart_serverjobsupports | Links Studio Servers to certain Server Job configurations (telling which Server can do which job). |
smart_serverjobtypesonhold | Stores job types that are temporary put on hold; these will not be picked up for processing for a while. |
smart_serverplugins | Information about which Server plug-ins are enabled. |
smart_servers | Contains (additional) server configurations for servers to be used with Server Jobs. |
smart_settings | User settings, for example the user defined queries. |
smart_states | Workflow status definitions. |
smart_targeteditions | Information about which Editions are selected for which targets. |
smart_targets | Information about which objects are targeted for which Publication Channel(s) and/or Issues. |
smart_termentities | All Term Entities from various auto-complete providers. |
smart_terms | All terms that are grouped by Term Entity. |
smart_tickets | Tickets for users that are logged on. When a user logs on, a ticket is generated which is used for the subsequent calls. |
smart_users | User definitions and encrypted password. |
smart_usrgrp | Links users with user groups. |
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