Info: This feature is not available in Enterprise Server 10.6.0 or higher.
The Drupal 7 Maintenance page in Enterprise Server 10 is used for importing the following components from Drupal 7:
- Content types: for use as Publish Form templates
- Taxonomies: for use as tags in a Publish Form
Figure: The Drupal 7 Maintenance page.
Accessing the Drupal 7 Maintenance page
Step 1. In Enterprise Server, click Integrations in the Maintenance menu or on the Home page. A page with all integrated services appears.
Troubleshooting: why does Drupal 7 not appear on the Integrations page?
The Drupal 7 icon is only available on the Integrations page when the Server plug-in "Drupal 7 - Publish Forms" is enabled.
For more information, see Integrating Drupal 7 in Enterprise Server.
Step 2. Click Drupal 7.
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