This is step 7 of performing a minor upgrade of Enterprise Server 9. (See a list of all steps)
Step 1. (Optional) Some tests require a user name and password. In the shipped Enterprise configuration, the “woodwing” user with password “ww” is hard-coded and should therefore be changed in order to make these tests work in your production configuration.
Step 1a. Open the configserver.php file.
<Enterprise Server URL>/Enterprise/config
Step 1b. Locate the TestSuite section:
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Testing - Options used by TestSuite modules (at wwtest page)
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
define( 'TESTSUITE', serialize( array(
'User' => 'woodwing', // User name => for automatic login during tests
'Password' => 'ww', // User password => " "
'Brand' => 'WW News', // Brand name => picked to create/retrieve test data
'Issue' => '2nd Issue', // Issue name => " "
'SoapUrlDebugParams' => '',// Debug params posted by SoapClient at SOAP entry
// point URL (only applied when DEBUGLEVELS is set
// to 'DEBUG'). Typically useful to trigger
// Zend/Komodo debuggers.
Step 1c. Change the following values:
- User. User name
- Password. Password
- Brand. Name of the Brand to create or retrieve data
- Issue. Name of the Issue to create or retrieve data
- SoapUrlDebugParams. Debug parameters posted by the SoapClient at the SOAP entry point URL (only applied when the DEBUGLEVEL option is set to DEBUG. For more information, see chapter 13, Enterprise Server Configuration – section 2.3, System Monitoring and Logging). Typically used to trigger Zend/Komodo debuggers. One parameter which can be added is start_debug=1. This will trigger the debugger of Zend Studio or Komodo.
Step 1d. Save and close the file.
Step 2. In Enterprise Server, access the Health Check page.
Step 2a. In Enterprise Server, click Advanced in the Maintenance menu or on the Home page. A page with all advanced Maintenance features appears.
Step 2b. Click Health Check. The Health Check page appears.
Step 3. (Optional) If LDAP or Drupal (version 6 or 7) are not installed or used, clear the check boxes for these tests.
Step 4. Click Test.
The test(s) are executed and the results are displayed next to each test. They should all display “OK”.
Note: If a test fails, an error is displayed together with instructions for solving it. Follow the instructions and then run the test once more
Next step
Step 8. Taking the new Server into production
Reference Materials
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