The Home page — also known as the 'Dashboard' — in Xtendis is your starting point for working with the system. You will return to it frequently to perform specific tasks such as adding documents, searching for documents that you want to work with, or accessing often used documents or folders.
It is also the first screen that you will see after logging in to Xtendis.
This article explains the components of the Dashboard and provides links to articles with more information about working with these components.
Figure: The Dashboard is your starting point for working with Xtendis.
1. Buttons for quick access to often used actions and areas. These buttons on the left side of the screen take you directly to areas that are often used such as adding documents, finding documents, or viewing which documents have been shared with external users.
Note: Depending on the setup of your environment, you might see additional buttons for quickly accessing external applications.
2. Notifications are shown to inform you when processes have been completed, documents exist that still need to be indexed, documents in which you have been mentioned, and so on.
3. The avatar shows the image that represents you as set in your personal settings.
4. The cog wheel takes you to a page where you can define your personal settings such as the language in which Xtendis should be displayed, your password, or who should replace you in the system when you are on leave.
5. The close icon lets you log out of the system. Click it when you are done working in Xtendis.
6. The Search box is used for quickly finding a document, for example by entering a relation name, (part of) the subject of a document, and so on.
7. The quick access links give you quick access to folders, dossiers, or documents that you have marked as favorite, or documents or dossiers that you have recently viewed. After clicking one of the links, the results are shown on the Dashboard page; you will stay on the Dashboard page until you click one of the links that are shown, for example when opening a folder or document.
8. Favorite folders, documents or dossiers, or recently viewed documents or dossiers. When clicking on one of the quick access links (see item 7), the results are shown at the bottom of the page. When using the links, the last link that was clicked is remembered.
The dashboard as a toolbar
When opening a folder or viewing a document, you leave the Dashboard. However, the left part of the Dashboard permanently stays in view as a toolbar so that you can use its tools to quickly access different parts of the system or quickly perform another action.
To take up minimal space, only icons are shown.
Returning to the Dashboard
When working in Xtendis such as viewing a folder or document, click the Xtendis logo in the top left corner to return to the Dashboard.
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