The Release Notes for Studio contain information about the new features, changes, fixed issues, known issues, and upgrade instructions for each release of Studio.
The versions are listed by version number in descending order. Use the Navigation block to the right of the page to quickly navigate to the information of a released version, or filter the article by version to only show that version.
Filter by version:
Note: This article contains the Release Notes for Studio versions 11.134 and higher (released since January 2023). For earlier versions, see this article.
Studio 11.186
Release date: 5 February 2025
Studio 11.186 build 482
Studio 11.186 Server plug-in 414
Studio Desktop App 4.0.20
InDesign PrintToDigital script 1.0 build 31
The download files for Studio can be found in the Release announcement.
New features
No features have been added in this release of Studio.
No changes have been made in this release of Studio.
No changes to the documentation have been made in this release of Studio.
Known issues
The following known issues exist in this release of Studio:
- CSH-6506 Tasks: (Applies to Safari only) When right-clicking a file in a Dossier and choosing 'Add to Task', the list of available Tasks does not appear.
- CSH-6870 Print editor: Hidden characters are not shown for empty paragraphs when using Firefox or Microsoft Edge.
- CSH-8824 Properties: Real-time updating of the Properties panel has been disabled. To see any changes made, the panel should be closed and re-opened again.
- EN-94964 Planned images: After updating a Planned image that is stored in Assets, the image cannot be updated in InDesign.
Fixed issues
The following issues have been fixed in this release of Studio:
CSH-10424 Print Editor: When an article is placed on multiple layouts, switching the preview does not work when no Edition is assigned to the layouts.
CSH-10488 The header of the Trash Can page is incorrectly aligned.
CSH-10492 Issues with a long name are cut off in the Filter.
Use one of the following installation paths:
- Installing Studio on a system on which Studio is not yet installed
- Upgrading an existing installation of Studio
Studio 11.185
Release date: 22 January 2025
Studio 11.185 build 481
Studio 11.185 Server plug-in 412
Studio Desktop App 4.0.20
InDesign PrintToDigital script 1.0 build 31
The download files for Studio can be found in the Release announcement.
New features
The following has been added in this release of Studio:
- Users can now manage comments in a central location: the Comments feed of the Activity hub. A new area has been added to Studio: the Activity hub, currently containing one tab: the Comments feed. Here, users can view and manage comments in which they have been tagged. This gives a user a better overview of the conversations that the user is involved in, including the comments which still need acting upon.
This feature is available exclusively inside of WoodWing Studio Cloud.
The Activity hub can be accessed by clicking its icon in the top right corner of the page, next to the Inbox. A badge is shown when any comments exist which are marked as unread.
Figure: The icon for accessing the Activity hub.
The Comments feed shows all comments in which users have been tagged (see below). For each comment, details are shown such as a read/unread status, a link to the file the comment was added to, a summary of the comment, the age of the comment, and more.
Clicking a comment opens the thread for that comment, showing the same components that are shown as when replying to a comment in the Comments panel. Here, replies can be added, or the comment can be marked as resolved. Resolved comments can also be made active again here.
For more information, see Managing your comments in Studio.
- Users can now be tagged in a comment. To enhance team collaboration, users whose assistance is needed or who need to be made aware of what is being discussed can now be tagged in a comment. These users are then notified that they have been mentioned in the comment so that they can assist with resolving the comment.
This feature is available exclusively inside of WoodWing Studio Cloud.
Users can see and manage comments in which they have been tagged in the Comments feed of the Activity hub (see above).
To tag a user, type the @-symbol within any comment or reply, and select the user from the list that appears.
In a comment, tags for the currently logged in user has an orange background; tags for other users have a light-gray background.
For more information, see Adding a comment to any file anywhere in Studio.
The following changes have been made in this release of Studio:
- Digital articles: Support for Facebook and Instagram has been dropped. As announced in January 2025, support for adding a Facebook or Instagram post in a Digital article has been dropped. To add a Facebook or Instagram post, generate an embed code for that post and use the Embed component to add it to the article.
The following changes to the documentation have been made in this release of Studio:
- Managing your comments in Studio - new
- Adding a comment to any file anywhere in Studio - updated
- Keyboard shortcuts for Studio on Windows - updated
- Keyboard shortcuts for Studio on macOS - updated
- The components of a Digital article in Studio - updated
Known issues
The following known issues exist in this release of Studio:
- CSH-6506 Tasks: (Applies to Safari only) When right-clicking a file in a Dossier and choosing 'Add to Task', the list of available Tasks does not appear.
- CSH-6870 Print editor: Hidden characters are not shown for empty paragraphs when using Firefox or Microsoft Edge.
- CSH-8824 Properties: Real-time updating of the Properties panel has been disabled. To see any changes made, the panel should be closed and re-opened again.
- EN-94964 Planned images: After updating a Planned image that is stored in Assets, the image cannot be updated in InDesign.
Fixed issues
The following issues have been fixed in this release of Studio:
CSH-10326 Long names are cut off in the Issue and Status filter.
CSH-10464 Remove Facebook and Instagram support from the Media dialog.
CSH-10480 Support user @mentions in comments and add Activity Hub.
Use one of the following installation paths:
- Installing Studio on a system on which Studio is not yet installed
- Upgrading an existing installation of Studio
Studio 11.184
Release date: 8 January 2025
Studio 11.184 build 40
Studio 11.184 Server plug-in 411
Studio Desktop App 4.0.20
InDesign PrintToDigital script 1.0 build 31
The download files for Studio can be found in the Release announcement.
New features
No features have been added in this release of Studio.
No changes have been made in this release of Studio.
No changes to the documentation have been made in this release of Studio.
Known issues
The following known issues exist in this release of Studio:
- CSH-6506 Tasks: (Applies to Safari only) When right-clicking a file in a Dossier and choosing 'Add to Task', the list of available Tasks does not appear.
- CSH-6870 Print editor: Hidden characters are not shown for empty paragraphs when using Firefox or Microsoft Edge.
- CSH-8824 Properties: Real-time updating of the Properties panel has been disabled. To see any changes made, the panel should be closed and re-opened again.
- EN-94964 Planned images: After updating a Planned image that is stored in Assets, the image cannot be updated in InDesign.
Fixed issues
The following issues have been fixed in this release of Studio:
CSH-10370 Hyperlinks in Notes break at the position of a special character in the URL.
CSH-10448 The Upload button in a Dossier is grayed out.
CSH-10454 When checking out an image on a layout preview, the image is checked out as undefined and is not recognized when checking in.
Use one of the following installation paths:
- Installing Studio on a system on which Studio is not yet installed
- Upgrading an existing installation of Studio
Studio 11.183
Release date: 11 December 2024
Studio 11.183 build 479
Studio 11.183 Server plug-in 409
Studio Desktop App 4.0.20
InDesign PrintToDigital script 1.0 build 31
The download files for Studio can be found in the Release announcement.
New features
No features have been added in this release of Studio.
No changes have been made in this release of Studio.
No changes to the documentation have been made in this release of Studio.
Known issues
The following known issues exist in this release of Studio:
- CSH-6506 Tasks: (Applies to Safari only) When right-clicking a file in a Dossier and choosing 'Add to Task', the list of available Tasks does not appear.
- CSH-6870 Print editor: Hidden characters are not shown for empty paragraphs when using Firefox or Microsoft Edge.
- CSH-8824 Properties: Real-time updating of the Properties panel has been disabled. To see any changes made, the panel should be closed and re-opened again.
- EN-94964 Planned images: After updating a Planned image that is stored in Assets, the image cannot be updated in InDesign.
Fixed issues
The following issues have been fixed in this release of Studio:
CSH-9876 Not possible to reconfigure default keyboard shortcut for whitespace entry.
CSH-10433 The 'Edit Layout' button is disabled when previewing the layout.
Use one of the following installation paths:
- Installing Studio on a system on which Studio is not yet installed
- Upgrading an existing installation of Studio
Studio 11.182
Release date: 27 November 2024
Studio 11.182 build 408
Studio 11.182 Server plug-in 478
Studio Desktop App 4.0.20
InDesign PrintToDigital script 1.0 build 31
The download files for Studio can be found in the Release announcement.
New features
No features have been added in this release of Studio.
The following changes have been made in this release of Studio:
- The Studio Chrome extension has been updated with support for the Google Chrome Web store manifest version 3. The Studio Desktop application is used for setting up the communication between Studio and other applications and for controlling some of the features of the Desktop app itself. Using the Desktop app and its features requires Google Chrome with the Desktop application extension installed.
The Google Chrome Web Store previously marked all extensions built with Manifest V2 to be deprecated or updated by end of the 2024. If a user navigated to the Chrome Web Store for extensions, they may have noticed a message stating “This extension may soon no longer be supported. Remove or replace it with similar extensions from the Chrome Web Store”.
The new release of the Studio Chrome extension, available now, fully supports Manifest V3.
This impacts all Studio users who currently rely on the Studio Chrome extension to launch content in their native applications. This update has been sent to the Chrome store front. All users currently working with the Chrome extension should automatically receive the extension update. To double check that your extension is up to date, do the following;
Step 1. Navigate to your Chrome Extensions / Manage Extensions.
Step 2. Select Studio Desktop App Chrome Extension / Details.
Step 3. Check that the version number states Version 1.1.x.
Step 4. If your version number is below version 1.0 build 39, upgrade the extension.
Users who are reliant on Microsoft Edge extensions and allow Chrome extensions should also upgrade to the new Studio Chrome extension.
Note: Our browser extension is backwards compatible with the last 18 months of Studio Desktop app and Studio web client versions. If you are using an older version of the Studio Desktop app or Studio Web client, your functionality should continue to work, however we cannot guarantee that all scenarios have been tested. We encourage you to regularly upgrade your software to stay within the maintenance window.
No changes to the documentation have been made in this release of Studio.
Known issues
The following known issues exist in this release of Studio:
- CSH-6506 Tasks: (Applies to Safari only) When right-clicking a file in a Dossier and choosing 'Add to Task', the list of available Tasks does not appear.
- CSH-6870 Print editor: Hidden characters are not shown for empty paragraphs when using Firefox or Microsoft Edge.
- CSH-8824 Properties: Real-time updating of the Properties panel has been disabled. To see any changes made, the panel should be closed and re-opened again.
- EN-94964 Planned images: After updating a Planned image that is stored in Assets, the image cannot be updated in InDesign.
Fixed issues
The following issues have been fixed in this release of Studio:
CSH-10429 Sticky Notes are overlapping each other.
Use one of the following installation paths:
- Installing Studio on a system on which Studio is not yet installed
- Upgrading an existing installation of Studio
Studio 11.181
Release date: 13 November 2024
Studio 11.181 build 477
Studio 11.181 Server plug-in 407
Studio Desktop App 4.0.20
InDesign PrintToDigital script 1.0 build 31
The download files for Studio can be found in the Release announcement.
New features
No features have been added in this release of Studio.
No changes have been made in this release of Studio.
No changes to the documentation have been made in this release of Studio.
Known issues
The following known issues exist in this release of Studio:
- CSH-6506 Tasks: (Applies to Safari only) When right-clicking a file in a Dossier and choosing 'Add to Task', the list of available Tasks does not appear.
- CSH-6870 Print editor: Hidden characters are not shown for empty paragraphs when using Firefox or Microsoft Edge.
- CSH-8824 Properties: Real-time updating of the Properties panel has been disabled. To see any changes made, the panel should be closed and re-opened again.
- EN-94964 Planned images: After updating a Planned image that is stored in Assets, the image cannot be updated in InDesign.
Fixed issues
The following issues have been fixed in this release of Studio:
CSH-10328 Additional selected fields do not show in the Properties panel of images in the Print editor.
CSH-10411 Digital Editor character styles menu and UI is missing.
Use one of the following installation paths:
- Installing Studio on a system on which Studio is not yet installed
- Upgrading an existing installation of Studio
Studio 11.180
Release date: 31 October 2024
Studio 11.180 build 476
Studio 11.180 Server plug-in 406
Studio Desktop App 4.0.20
InDesign PrintToDigital script 1.0 build 31
The download files for Studio can be found in the Release announcement.
New features
No features have been added in this release of Studio.
The following changes have been made in this release of Studio:
- Publication Overview: When opening the layout preview, the new user interface is now shown. Studio 11.173 introduced an improved user interface for the fullscreen preview of layouts. However, this was not yet implemented when opening the preview for a layout in the Publication Overview. This has now been done: when double-clicking a layout in the Publication Overview, or when choosing Preview from the context menu of a layout in the Publication Overview, the new user interface is now shown as well.
- Publication Overview: Sticky Notes can now be moved to a different layout. When a layout is opened in fullscreen preview mode and the displayed spread pages belong to two different layouts, Sticky Notes can now be moved from one layout to the other by dragging the Sticky Note icon from one page to the other.
For more information about working with Sticky Notes, see Working with Sticky Notes on layouts in Studio 11.173 and higher.
The following changes to the documentation have been made in this release of Studio:
Known issues
The following known issues exist in this release of Studio:
- CSH-6506 Tasks: (Applies to Safari only) When right-clicking a file in a Dossier and choosing 'Add to Task', the list of available Tasks does not appear.
- CSH-6870 Print editor: Hidden characters are not shown for empty paragraphs when using Firefox or Microsoft Edge.
- CSH-8824 Properties: Real-time updating of the Properties panel has been disabled. To see any changes made, the panel should be closed and re-opened again.
- EN-94964 Planned images: After updating a Planned image that is stored in Assets, the image cannot be updated in InDesign.
Fixed issues
The following issues have been fixed in this release of Studio:
CSH-10381 'Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'PubChannel')' error when placing a Digital article on a layout.
CSH-10390 Properties panel: When clicking in a field at the bottom of the list, focus is set to a field at the top of the list.
Use one of the following installation paths:
- Installing Studio on a system on which Studio is not yet installed
- Upgrading an existing installation of Studio
Studio 11.179
Release date: 16 October 2024
Studio 11.179 build 474
Studio 11.179 Server plug-in 403
Studio Desktop App 4.0.20
InDesign PrintToDigital script 1.0 build 31
The download files for Studio can be found in the Release announcement.
New features
No features have been added in this release of Studio.
No changes have been made in this release of Studio.
No changes to the documentation have been made in this release of Studio.
Known issues
The following known issues exist in this release of Studio:
- CSH-6506 Tasks: (Applies to Safari only) When right-clicking a file in a Dossier and choosing 'Add to Task', the list of available Tasks does not appear.
- CSH-6870 Print editor: Hidden characters are not shown for empty paragraphs when using Firefox or Microsoft Edge.
- CSH-8824 Properties: Real-time updating of the Properties panel has been disabled. To see any changes made, the panel should be closed and re-opened again.
- EN-94964 Planned images: After updating a Planned image that is stored in Assets, the image cannot be updated in InDesign.
Fixed issues
The following issues have been fixed in this release of Studio:
CSH-10364 Dossier Notes or Dossier Notes count not updated after adding or deleting notes.
CSH-10382 Pressing the Spacebar does not open the Layout preview.
Use one of the following installation paths:
- Installing Studio on a system on which Studio is not yet installed
- Upgrading an existing installation of Studio
Studio 11.178
Release date: 2 October 2024
Studio 11.178 build 472
Studio 11.178 Server plug-in 399
Studio Desktop App 4.0.20
InDesign PrintToDigital script 1.0 build 31
The download files for Studio can be found in the Release announcement.
New features
No features have been added in this release of Studio.
No changes have been made in this release of Studio.
No changes to the documentation have been made in this release of Studio.
Known issues
The following known issues exist in this release of Studio:
- CSH-6506 Tasks: (Applies to Safari only) When right-clicking a file in a Dossier and choosing 'Add to Task', the list of available Tasks does not appear.
- CSH-6870 Print editor: Hidden characters are not shown for empty paragraphs when using Firefox or Microsoft Edge.
- CSH-8824 Properties: Real-time updating of the Properties panel has been disabled. To see any changes made, the panel should be closed and re-opened again.
- EN-94964 Planned images: After updating a Planned image that is stored in Assets, the image cannot be updated in InDesign.
Fixed issues
The following issues have been fixed in this release of Studio:
CSH-10369 Pressing Spacebar does not open the Layout preview in Thumbnail view.
Use one of the following installation paths:
- Installing Studio on a system on which Studio is not yet installed
- Upgrading an existing installation of Studio
Studio 11.177
Release date: 18 September 2024
Studio 11.177 build 471
Studio 11.177 Server plug-in 397
Studio Desktop App 4.0.20
InDesign PrintToDigital script 1.0 build 31
The download files for Studio can be found in the Release announcement.
New features
No features have been added in this release of Studio.
The following changes have been made in this release of Studio:
- Global libraries jQuery and loDash are no longer available. Due to internal changes to the Studio application, the global libraries jQuery and loDash are no longer exposed to the Studio SDK plug-ins. See the provided SDK samples in the Content Station > sdk folder for loading your own local dependencies.
No changes to the documentation have been made in this release of Studio.
Known issues
The following known issues exist in this release of Studio:
- CSH-6506 Tasks: (Applies to Safari only) When right-clicking a file in a Dossier and choosing 'Add to Task', the list of available Tasks does not appear.
- CSH-6870 Print editor: Hidden characters are not shown for empty paragraphs when using Firefox or Microsoft Edge.
- CSH-8824 Properties: Real-time updating of the Properties panel has been disabled. To see any changes made, the panel should be closed and re-opened again.
- EN-94964 Planned images: After updating a Planned image that is stored in Assets, the image cannot be updated in InDesign.
Fixed issues
The following issues have been fixed in this release of Studio:
CSH-10033 Digital editor: Component frames are not aligned with the component they belong to.
CSH-10347 Creating a Sticky Note in the Layout preview is not always reliable or possible.
CSH-10350 Hyperlinks in Notes cannot be clicked on.
CSH-10352 The Dynamic property 'Rating' cannot be edited in the Check In dialog.
CSH-10353 Task Notes do not save or update when edited.
CSH-10360 Search criteria cannot be deleted from the Add Custom Search dialog.
Use one of the following installation paths:
- Installing Studio on a system on which Studio is not yet installed
- Upgrading an existing installation of Studio
Studio 11.176
Release date: 4 September 2024
Studio 11.176 build 470
Studio 11.176 Server plug-in 395
Studio Desktop App 4.0.20
InDesign PrintToDigital script 1.0 build 31
The download files for Studio can be found in the Release announcement.
New features
No features have been added in this release of Studio.
The following changes have been made in this release of Studio:
- When using Firefox, Sticky Notes are now prevented from being moved outside the page bounds. Because of technical limitations, the exact position of a Sticky Note cannot be determined when it is moved outside the page bounds when the Mozilla Firefox web browser is used. Re-positioning Sticky Notes outside of the page bounds using this browser is therefore now prevented. Users are informed to either use InDesign or a different browser when they attempt to move a Sticky Note this way.
No changes to the documentation have been made in this release of Studio.
Known issues
The following known issues exist in this release of Studio:
- CSH-6506 Tasks: (Applies to Safari only) When right-clicking a file in a Dossier and choosing 'Add to Task', the list of available Tasks does not appear.
- CSH-6870 Print editor: Hidden characters are not shown for empty paragraphs when using Firefox or Microsoft Edge.
- CSH-8824 Properties: Real-time updating of the Properties panel has been disabled. To see any changes made, the panel should be closed and re-opened again.
- EN-94964 Planned images: After updating a Planned image that is stored in Assets, the image cannot be updated in InDesign.
Fixed issues
The following issues have been fixed in this release of Studio:
CSH-10304 Prohibit moving Sticky Note pin outside the page bounds on Firefox.
CSH-10327 After updating to Studio 11.171, check boxes in the Check In dialog of a Print article cannot be selected.
Use one of the following installation paths:
- Installing Studio on a system on which Studio is not yet installed
- Upgrading an existing installation of Studio
Studio 11.175
Release date: 21 August 2024
Studio 11.175 build 469
Studio 11.175 Server plug-in 393
Studio Desktop App 4.0.20
InDesign PrintToDigital script 1.0 build 31
The download files for Studio can be found in the Release announcement.
New features
No features have been added in this release of Studio.
No changes have been made in this release of Studio.
No changes to the documentation have been made in this release of Studio.
Known issues
The following known issues exist in this release of Studio:
- CSH-6506 Tasks: (Applies to Safari only) When right-clicking a file in a Dossier and choosing 'Add to Task', the list of available Tasks does not appear.
- CSH-6870 Print editor: Hidden characters are not shown for empty paragraphs when using Firefox or Microsoft Edge.
- CSH-8824 Properties: Real-time updating of the Properties panel has been disabled. To see any changes made, the panel should be closed and re-opened again.
- EN-94964 Planned images: After updating a Planned image that is stored in Assets, the image cannot be updated in InDesign.
Fixed issues
The following issues have been fixed in this release of Studio:
CSH-10307 Dossier notes cannot be copied.
CSH-10323 Overlays for images and articles in the Layout Preview are incorrectly sized and positioned.
Use one of the following installation paths:
- Installing Studio on a system on which Studio is not yet installed
- Upgrading an existing installation of Studio
Studio 11.174
Release date: 8 August 2024
Studio 11.174 build 468
Studio 11.174 Server plug-in 391
Studio Desktop App 4.0.20
InDesign PrintToDigital script 1.0 build 31
The download files for Studio can be found in the Release announcement.
New features
No features have been added in this release of Studio.
No changes have been made in this release of Studio.
No changes to the documentation have been made in this release of Studio.
Known issues
The following known issues exist in this release of Studio:
- CSH-6506 Tasks: (Applies to Safari only) When right-clicking a file in a Dossier and choosing 'Add to Task', the list of available Tasks does not appear.
- CSH-6870 Print editor: Hidden characters are not shown for empty paragraphs when using Firefox or Microsoft Edge.
- CSH-8824 Properties: Real-time updating of the Properties panel has been disabled. To see any changes made, the panel should be closed and re-opened again.
- EN-94964 Planned images: After updating a Planned image that is stored in Assets, the image cannot be updated in InDesign.
Fixed issues
The following issues have been fixed in this release of Studio:
CSH-8461 When creating a Print Variant, the layout has a different Issue assigned than the Print article.
CSH-10238 Sticky Note is not moved to the correct place in Safari.
CSH-10315 Error Connecting to the Service Called Woodwing Cloud Services.
CSH-10316 The Publication Overview shows content from other Brands when there are no Issues in a Brand.
CSH-10319 Sticky Notes created from the Fullscreen Layout Preview are created with no content.
CSH-10320 Timestamps for replies on Sticky Notes are incorrect when created from the Fullscreen Layout Preview.
Use one of the following installation paths:
- Installing Studio on a system on which Studio is not yet installed
- Upgrading an existing installation of Studio
Studio 11.173
Release date: 24 July 2024
Studio 11.173 build 457
Studio 11.173 Server plug-in 374
Studio Desktop App 4.0.20
InDesign PrintToDigital script 1.0 build 31
The download files for Studio can be found in the Release announcement.
New features
No features have been added in this release of Studio.
The following changes have been made in this release of Studio:
- The fullscreen preview mode for layouts has been redesigned and improved. In a continuous effort to improve the working of Studio, the fullscreen preview mode for layouts has been redesigned. Many changes in both the design, position, and the working of the buttons, panels, menus, and tools have been made. This ranges from minor design tweaks to icons, to adding more functionality to the Place Articles panel.
Many of these changes are self-explanatory and users will quickly get to grips with them. The most noticeable changes are the following:
- The components of the top toolbar have been redesigned.
- The icons of the Sticky Notes panel and the Place Articles panel are now placed in the toolbar on the right-hand side.
- The Sticky Notes panel and the Place Articles panel now have a dark background.
- Sticky Note pins can now be hidden.
- The Place Articles panel has new filtering options.
- The zoom tools now include a slider and an option to add a zoom percentage.
- When dragging an article over the layout, frames in which an article can be placed are now better indicated.
- The background shown for placed objects now has rounded corners and more margin around the text but less margin between components.
Figure: The layout fullscreen preview with the Place Articles panel opened. The new design is shown on the left, the old design on the right. Click for a larger view.
Note: The old design is still shown in the following scenarios:
- The following components have been given a new design:
- The Previous and Next buttons
- The Editions menu
- The Page Indicator
- The Sticky Note pin
- The zoom tools
- The Edit Layout button
- The Actions menu icon
- The Sticky Notes panel and the Place Articles panel
- The background shown for placed objects
- The frames in which articles can be placed
- The following components have been moved:
- The Page Selector in the top toolbar has been moved from the left side to the center.
- The Sticky Notes icon and the Place Articles icon have been moved from the toolbar on the top to the page to the right of the page.
- The zoom tools have been moved from the bottom right-hand side of the page to a more easily accessible and more visible bar at the bottom and center of the layout.
- The functionality of the following components have been changed:
- Separate buttons now exist for the Send To and the Send To Next actions.
- The View menu now also contains commands for showing or hiding Sticky Note pins.
- The Place Articles panel has undergone major changes, see below.
The biggest change has been made in the Place Articles panel. The panel is now split into two tabs: The Related Articles tab shows articles that are related to the shown layout (meaning: articles that are part of the same Dossier as the one that the layout is part of). The Other Articles tab shows all other articles in the system: those that are not part of the same Dossier that the layout is in.
This reduces the number of articles shown in the search results and thereby makes it easier to locate articles in the results.
Also, when dragging an article from the panel over the layout, the frames in which an article can be placed are now better indicated.
In the following image, the new design is shown on the left, the old design is shown on the right.
For more information about using this panel, see Placing articles on a layout in Studio 11.173 and higher.
- Minor design changes have been made to Dossier notes. As part of a redesign, Dossier Notes are now not shown in blue and gray, but in a dark and lighter gray.
The following changes to the documentation have been made in this release of Studio:
- Working with layouts in Studio 11.173 and higher - new
- Placing articles on a layout in Studio 11.173 and higher - new
- Working with Sticky Notes on layouts in Studio 11.173 and higher - new
Known issues
The following known issues exist in this release of Studio:
- CSH-6506 Tasks: (Applies to Safari only) When right-clicking a file in a Dossier and choosing 'Add to Task', the list of available Tasks does not appear.
- CSH-6870 Print editor: Hidden characters are not shown for empty paragraphs when using Firefox or Microsoft Edge.
- CSH-8824 Properties: Real-time updating of the Properties panel has been disabled. To see any changes made, the panel should be closed and re-opened again.
- EN-94964 Planned images: After updating a Planned image that is stored in Assets, the image cannot be updated in InDesign.
Fixed issues
The following issues have been fixed in this release of Studio:
CSH-8543 Multi-line text input control when editing a Sticky Note.
CSH-9688 After uploading a Print article, it cannot be placed on a layout.
Use one of the following installation paths:
- Installing Studio on a system on which Studio is not yet installed
- Upgrading an existing installation of Studio
Studio 11.172
Release date: 10 July 2024
Studio 11.172 build 456
Studio 11.172 Server plug-in 373
Studio Desktop App 4.0.20
InDesign PrintToDigital script 1.0 build 31
The download files for Studio can be found in the Release announcement.
New features
No features have been added in this release of Studio.
The following changes have been made in this release of Studio:
- The total number of comments that have been added to a file can now be viewed. The total number of comments that have been added to a file can now be viewed in the following places:
- The Comments icon in the toolbar on the right side when the file is selected.
- The Number of comments column when viewing the search results in List view mode.
Note: The count is automatically updated for a user when that user makes changes such as adding, resolving or deleting a comment. To update the count when other users make changes, users must select another file and then select the original file again. Alternatively, the search results or the page can be refreshed.
The following changes to the documentation have been made in this release of Studio:
Known issues
The following known issues exist in this release of Studio:
- CSH-6506 Tasks: (Applies to Safari only) When right-clicking a file in a Dossier and choosing 'Add to Task', the list of available Tasks does not appear.
- CSH-6870 Print editor: Hidden characters are not shown for empty paragraphs when using Firefox or Microsoft Edge.
- CSH-8824 Properties: Real-time updating of the Properties panel has been disabled. To see any changes made, the panel should be closed and re-opened again.
- EN-94964 Planned images: After updating a Planned image that is stored in Assets, the image cannot be updated in InDesign.
Fixed issues
The following issues have been fixed in this release of Studio:
CSH-10257 Users are not able to edit a Print article when the 'Keep checked out' option is enabled.
CSH-10261 The 'Previous' and 'Next' Issue options are no longer visible in the 'Publish in' list of a file in the Properties panel.
Use one of the following installation paths:
- Installing Studio on a system on which Studio is not yet installed
- Upgrading an existing installation of Studio
Studio 11.171
Release date: 26 June 2024
Studio 11.171 build 455
Studio 11.171 Server plug-in 372
Studio Desktop App 4.0.20
InDesign PrintToDigital script 1.0 build 31
The download files for Studio can be found in the Release announcement.
New features
No features have been added in this release of Studio.
No changes have been made in this release of Studio.
No changes to the documentation have been made in this release of Studio.
Known issues
The following known issues exist in this release of Studio:
- CSH-6506 Tasks: (Applies to Safari only) When right-clicking a file in a Dossier and choosing 'Add to Task', the list of available Tasks does not appear.
- CSH-6870 Print editor: Hidden characters are not shown for empty paragraphs when using Firefox or Microsoft Edge.
- CSH-8824 Properties: Real-time updating of the Properties panel has been disabled. To see any changes made, the panel should be closed and re-opened again.
- EN-94964 Planned images: After updating a Planned image that is stored in Assets, the image cannot be updated in InDesign.
Fixed issues
The following issues have been fixed in this release of Studio:
CSDA-555 Upgrade Angular and Electron to the latest stable release.
CSH-10016 InCopy article is released even if it is still checked out in InDesign (error storing the document to the server).
CSH-10202 Print editor configuration settings do not work and can result in data loss.
CSH-10230 Saving versions of Print articles not possible / check-in of Print article does not save changes when autosave setting is disabled.
Use one of the following installation paths:
- Installing Studio on a system on which Studio is not yet installed
- Upgrading an existing installation of Studio
Studio 11.170
Release date: 12 June 2024
Studio 11.170 build 454
Studio 11.170 Server plug-in 370
Studio Desktop App 4.0.19
InDesign PrintToDigital script 1.0 build 31
The download files for Studio can be found in the Release announcement.
New features
No features have been added in this release of Studio.
No changes have been made in this release of Studio.
No changes to the documentation have been made in this release of Studio.
Known issues
The following known issues exist in this release of Studio:
- CSH-6506 Tasks: (Applies to Safari only) When right-clicking a file in a Dossier and choosing 'Add to Task', the list of available Tasks does not appear.
- CSH-6870 Print editor: Hidden characters are not shown for empty paragraphs when using Firefox or Microsoft Edge.
- CSH-8824 Properties: Real-time updating of the Properties panel has been disabled. To see any changes made, the panel should be closed and re-opened again.
- EN-94964 Planned images: After updating a Planned image that is stored in Assets, the image cannot be updated in InDesign.
Fixed issues
The following issues have been fixed in this release of Studio:
- CSH-10148 Grammar mistake in Dutch error message.
Use one of the following installation paths:
- Installing Studio on a system on which Studio is not yet installed
- Upgrading an existing installation of Studio
Studio 11.169
Release date: 29 May 2024
Studio 11.169 build 453
Studio 11.169 Server plug-in 368
Studio Desktop App 4.0.19
InDesign PrintToDigital script 1.0 build 31
The download files for Studio can be found in the Release announcement.
New features
No features have been added in this release of Studio.
No changes have been made in this release of Studio.
No changes to the documentation have been made in this release of Studio.
Known issues
The following known issues exist in this release of Studio:
- CSH-6506 Tasks: (Applies to Safari only) When right-clicking a file in a Dossier and choosing 'Add to Task', the list of available Tasks does not appear.
- CSH-6870 Print editor: Hidden characters are not shown for empty paragraphs when using Firefox or Microsoft Edge.
- CSH-8824 Properties: Real-time updating of the Properties panel has been disabled. To see any changes made, the panel should be closed and re-opened again.
- EN-94964 Planned images: After updating a Planned image that is stored in Assets, the image cannot be updated in InDesign.
Fixed issues
The following issues have been fixed in this release of Studio:
- CSH-10204 Digital editor: Images do not appear in the Attachments panel when one image has restricted access.
Use one of the following installation paths:
- Installing Studio on a system on which Studio is not yet installed
- Upgrading an existing installation of Studio
Studio 11.168
Release date: 15 May 2024
Studio 11.168 build 452
Studio 11.168 Server plug-in 366
Studio Desktop App 4.0.19
InDesign PrintToDigital script 1.0 build 31
The download files for Studio can be found in the Release announcement.
New features
No features have been added in this release of Studio.
Minor improvements and preparations for future releases of Studio have been made.
No changes to the documentation have been made in this release of Studio.
Known issues
The following known issues exist in this release of Studio:
- CSH-6506 Tasks: (Applies to Safari only) When right-clicking a file in a Dossier and choosing 'Add to Task', the list of available Tasks does not appear.
- CSH-6870 Print editor: Hidden characters are not shown for empty paragraphs when using Firefox or Microsoft Edge.
- CSH-8824 Properties: Real-time updating of the Properties panel has been disabled. To see any changes made, the panel should be closed and re-opened again.
- EN-94964 Planned images: After updating a Planned image that is stored in Assets, the image cannot be updated in InDesign.
Fixed issues
The following issues have been fixed in this release of Studio:
- CSH-10163 User is able to change the Brand when performing a Create print variant.
Note: This fix requires Studio Server 10.40.0 (scheduled to be released later in May), or any higher version of Studio Server.
Use one of the following installation paths:
- Installing Studio on a system on which Studio is not yet installed
- Upgrading an existing installation of Studio
Studio 11.167
Release date: 2 May 2024
Studio 11.167 build 451
Studio 11.167 Server plug-in 365
Studio Desktop App 4.0.19
InDesign PrintToDigital script 1.0 build 31
The download files for Studio can be found in the Release announcement.
New features
No features have been added in this release of Studio.
Minor improvements and preparations for future releases of Studio have been made.
No changes to the documentation have been made in this release of Studio.
Known issues
The following known issues exist in this release of Studio:
- CSH-6506 Tasks: (Applies to Safari only) When right-clicking a file in a Dossier and choosing 'Add to Task', the list of available Tasks does not appear.
- CSH-6870 Print editor: Hidden characters are not shown for empty paragraphs when using Firefox or Microsoft Edge.
- CSH-8824 Properties: Real-time updating of the Properties panel has been disabled. To see any changes made, the panel should be closed and re-opened again.
- EN-94964 Planned images: After updating a Planned image that is stored in Assets, the image cannot be updated in InDesign.
- WSS-14136 Digital editor: Uploaded images in .webp format do not get a width and height. This results in Image components with a height of zero pixels, thereby hiding the content.
Fixed issues
No issues have been fixed in this release of Studio.
Use one of the following installation paths:
- Installing Studio on a system on which Studio is not yet installed
- Upgrading an existing installation of Studio
Studio 11.166
Release date: 17 April 2024
Studio 11.166 build 450
Studio 11.166 Server plug-in 362
Studio Desktop App 4.0.19
InDesign PrintToDigital script 1.0 build 31
The download files for Studio can be found in the Release announcement.
New features
No features have been added in this release of Studio.
Minor improvements and preparations for future releases of Studio have been made.
No changes to the documentation have been made in this release of Studio.
Known issues
The following known issues exist in this release of Studio:
- CSH-6506 Tasks: (Applies to Safari only) When right-clicking a file in a Dossier and choosing 'Add to Task', the list of available Tasks does not appear.
- CSH-6870 Print editor: Hidden characters are not shown for empty paragraphs when using Firefox or Microsoft Edge.
- CSH-8824 Properties: Real-time updating of the Properties panel has been disabled. To see any changes made, the panel should be closed and re-opened again.
- EN-94964 Planned images: After updating a Planned image that is stored in Assets, the image cannot be updated in InDesign.
- WSS-14136 Digital editor: Uploaded images in .webp format do not get a width and height. This results in Image components with a height of zero pixels, thereby hiding the content.
Fixed issues
The following issues have been fixed in this release of Studio:
CSH-10066 Publication Overview: The Download PDF icon is shown in red even though the layout status is not set to Output.
Use one of the following installation paths:
- Installing Studio on a system on which Studio is not yet installed
- Upgrading an existing installation of Studio
Studio 11.165
Release date: 4 April 2024
Studio 11.165 build 449
Studio 11.165 Server plug-in 361
Studio Desktop App 4.0.19
InDesign PrintToDigital script 1.0 build 31
The download files for Studio can be found in the Release announcement.
New features
No features have been added in this release of Studio.
The following changes have been made in this release of Studio:
- Additional image types can now be placed directly into the Digital editor without first having to add them to a Dossier. Adding images in .jpg , .gif, .png, and .svg format to a Digital article can be done by directly adding them to a component or to the Attachments panel. In contrast, placing images in the formats listed below could in previous versions only be done by first adding them to a Dossier after which they could be added to the article via the Attachments panel.
To make the process of adding these images more efficient and inline with images in .jpg , .gif, .png, and .svg format, images in the formats listed below can now also be added to a Digital article by directly adding them to a component or to the Attachments panel.
- .ai
- .eps
- .heic
- .heif
- .psd
- .tif
- .tiff
- .webp
Note: Adding images in these formats requires an integration with WoodWing Assets so that they can be turned into a format that is understandable by the web browser. The exception is the .webp format, this does not require an integration with Assets.
The following changes to the documentation have been made in this release of Studio:
- The components of a Digital article in Studio - updated
- Uploading files to Studio Server in Studio - updated
Known issues
The following known issues exist in this release of Studio:
- CSH-6506 Tasks: (Applies to Safari only) When right-clicking a file in a Dossier and choosing 'Add to Task', the list of available Tasks does not appear.
- CSH-6870 Print editor: Hidden characters are not shown for empty paragraphs when using Firefox or Microsoft Edge.
- CSH-8824 Properties: Real-time updating of the Properties panel has been disabled. To see any changes made, the panel should be closed and re-opened again.
- EN-94964 Planned images: After updating a Planned image that is stored in Assets, the image cannot be updated in InDesign.
- WSS-14136 Digital editor: Uploaded images in .webp format do not get a width and height. This results in Image components with a height of zero pixels, thereby hiding the content.
Fixed issues
The following issues have been fixed in this release of Studio:
COL-44 Comments: Add translations to the User Interface text.
COL-114 Comments: Show a notification when an unexpected error occurs.
COL-165 Comments: Remove whitespaces in comments and replies.
CSH-8762 Digital articles: Files in .psd format cannot be directly placed on a Digital article but have to be uploaded to a Dossier first.
CSH-10136 Publication Overview: The Linked Files icon is shown incorrectly.
CSH-10162 Print articles: The Open in New Tab command causes article lockouts until autosave settings are disabled and reenabled.
Use one of the following installation paths:
- Installing Studio on a system on which Studio is not yet installed
- Upgrading an existing installation of Studio
Studio 11.164
Release date: 20 March 2024
Studio 11.164 build 448
Studio 11.164 Server plug-in 359
Studio Desktop App 4.0.19
InDesign PrintToDigital script 1.0 build 31
The download files for Studio can be found in the Release announcement.
New features
No features have been added in this release of Studio.
No changes have been made in this release of Studio.
No changes to the documentation have been made in this release of Studio.
Known issues
The following known issues exist in this release of Studio:
- CSH-6506 Tasks: (Applies to Safari only) When right-clicking a file in a Dossier and choosing 'Add to Task', the list of available Tasks does not appear.
- CSH-6870 Print editor: Hidden characters are not shown for empty paragraphs when using Firefox or Microsoft Edge.
- CSH-8824 Properties: Real-time updating of the Properties panel has been disabled. To see any changes made, the panel should be closed and re-opened again.
- EN-94964 Planned images: After updating a Planned image that is stored in Assets, the image cannot be updated in InDesign.
- Adding comments to any file: The text in the user interface is available in English only. Translations are planned to be added in a future release.
Fixed issues
The following issues have been fixed in this release of Studio:
COL-147 Comments: Enlarge the click area of a comment footer to navigate to replies.
COL-153 Comments: The creator of a comment is unable to edit or delete the original comment from the reply view.
CSDA-552 Desktop app: Upgrade the electron-builder as a fix for CVE-2024-27303.
CSH-10144 When signing in or signing out, an extra Sign In screen is shown.
Use one of the following installation paths:
- Installing Studio on a system on which Studio is not yet installed
- Upgrading an existing installation of Studio
Studio 11.163
Release date: 7 March 2024
Studio 11.163 build 447
Studio 11.163 Server plug-in 357
Studio Desktop App 4.0.18
InDesign PrintToDigital script 1.0 build 31
The download files for Studio can be found in the Release announcement.
New features
The following has been added in this release of Studio:
- Comments can now be added to any file in Studio. As part of the Content Collaboration project in which improved tools are made available for collaborating on content within a team, the option to add comments to a file and to reply on comments has been added.
Using the new Comments panel, a comment or reply can now be added to any file in Studio, including those that are part of a Dossier or Task. The file can be an article, a layout, a Dossier, or any file of any type that is stored in Studio.
Comments can be created, edited, deleted, and resolved. For more information, see Adding a comment to any file anywhere in Studio.
Note: This feature is available on WoodWing Cloud only. It is expected that the Cloud environment will be updated with Studio 11.163 within the coming weeks.
Figure: Comments for a file can be added and viewed in the Comments panel.
No changes have been made in this release of Studio.
The following changes to the documentation have been made in this release of Studio:
- Adding comments in Studio - new
- Adding a comment to any file anywhere in Studio - new
- Keyboard shortcuts for Studio on macOS - updated
- Keyboard shortcuts for Studio on Windows - updated
Known issues
The following known issues exist in this release of Studio:
- CSH-6506 Tasks: (Applies to Safari only) When right-clicking a file in a Dossier and choosing 'Add to Task', the list of available Tasks does not appear.
- CSH-6870 Print editor: Hidden characters are not shown for empty paragraphs when using Firefox or Microsoft Edge.
- CSH-8824 Properties: Real-time updating of the Properties panel has been disabled. To see any changes made, the panel should be closed and re-opened again.
- EN-94964 Planned images: After updating a Planned image that is stored in Assets, the image cannot be updated in InDesign.
- Adding comments to any file: The text in the user interface is available in English only. Translations are planned to be added in a future release.
Fixed issues
The following issues have been fixed in this release of Studio:
CSH-10140 Article templates with graphic elements no longer work in Studio.
CSH-10145 Add support for adding comments on objects.
Use one of the following installation paths:
- Installing Studio on a system on which Studio is not yet installed
- Upgrading an existing installation of Studio
Studio 11.162
Release date: 21 February 2024
Studio 11.162 build 446
Studio 11.162 Server plug-in 355
Studio Desktop App 4.0.18
InDesign PrintToDigital script 1.0 build 31
The download files for Studio can be found in the Release announcement.
New features
No features have been added in this release of Studio.
The following changes have been made in this release of Studio:
- In the log on flow, the logon ticket is no longer included in the ContentStationSdk.getInfo() call for non-SSO connections. The API call 'ContentStationSdk.getInfo()' now no longer returns the logon ticket in the returned object for non-Single Sign-On connections.
- The treatment of non-breaking spaces in the PSV output of Digital articles has changed. When a Digital article is published, a package of article files and metadata is gathered and sent to the publish channel endpoint: the publish package. One of the files in this package is a rendition of the article in PSV (Prism Source Vocabulary) format.
Within this file, all non-breaking spaces (HTML entity ' ') were replaced by regular space characters in the output. This was done because XML does not support the ' ' entity, and replacing it with a regular space turned out to be the simplest solution at the time.
To create a more accurate export of the content, all ' 'entities are now replaced with '
' Unicode character references.
Any customer who does not like the non-breaking spaces in the XML, can do a transformation to get rid of the non-breaking spaces. This would require a script to change back the '
' to ' '. This does require clean-up on the customer's end.
The following changes to the documentation have been made in this release of Studio:
Known issues
The following known issues exist in this release of Studio:
- CSH-6506 Tasks: (Applies to Safari only) When right-clicking a file in a Dossier and choosing 'Add to Task', the list of available Tasks does not appear.
- CSH-6870 Print editor: Hidden characters are not shown for empty paragraphs when using Firefox or Microsoft Edge.
- CSH-8824 Properties: Real-time updating of the Properties panel has been disabled. To see any changes made, the panel should be closed and re-opened again.
- EN-94964 Planned images: After updating a Planned image that is stored in Assets, the image cannot be updated in InDesign.
Fixed issues
The following issues have been fixed in this release of Studio:
CSH-9633 Remove logon ticket from `ContentStationSDK.getInfo`.
CSH-9953 'Publish in' is not set when the user changes the Brand property of an object.
CSH-10108 Non-breaking spaces are not displayed in the output.psv file.
Use one of the following installation paths:
- Installing Studio on a system on which Studio is not yet installed
- Upgrading an existing installation of Studio
Studio 11.161
Release date: 7 February 2024
Studio 11.161 build 445
Studio 11.161 Server plug-in 353
Studio Desktop App 4.0.18
InDesign PrintToDigital script 1.0 build 31
The download files for Studio can be found in the Release announcement.
New features
No features have been added in this release of Studio.
The following changes have been made in this release of Studio:
- Support for opening files from InDesign and InCopy 2024. In preparation for the upcoming release of Studio for InDesign and InCopy for Adobe 2024 later in Q1 2024, support has been added to the Studio Desktop application for opening files from these applications.
The following changes to the documentation have been made in this release of Studio:
- Compatibility of Studio - updated
Known issues
The following known issues exist in this release of Studio:
- CSH-6506 Tasks: (Applies to Safari only) When right-clicking a file in a Dossier and choosing 'Add to Task', the list of available Tasks does not appear.
- CSH-6870 Print editor: Hidden characters are not shown for empty paragraphs when using Firefox or Microsoft Edge.
- CSH-8824 Properties: Real-time updating of the Properties panel has been disabled. To see any changes made, the panel should be closed and re-opened again.
- EN-94964 Planned images: After updating a Planned image that is stored in Assets, the image cannot be updated in InDesign.
Fixed issues
The following issues have been fixed in this release of Studio:
CSH-9992 A previous version of an image is restored when restoring a Digital article.
CSH-10016 A Print article can be edited in Studio while it is checked-out in InDesign, thereby preventing the article from being checked-in in InDesign.
CSDA-544 Studio Desktop application: Auto-update is not downloading the new version.
CSDA-547 Studio Desktop application: Add support for InCopy and InDesign 2024.
Use one of the following installation paths:
- Installing Studio on a system on which Studio is not yet installed
- Upgrading an existing installation of Studio
Studio 11.160
Release date: 24 January 2024
Studio 11.160 build 444
Studio 11.160 Server plug-in 352
Studio Desktop App 4.0.17
InDesign PrintToDigital script 1.0 build 31
The download files for Studio can be found in the Release announcement.
New features
No features have been added in this release of Studio.
No changes have been made in this release of Studio.
No changes to the documentation have been made in this release of Studio.
Known issues
The following known issues exist in this release of Studio:
- CSH-6506 Tasks: (Applies to Safari only) When right-clicking a file in a Dossier and choosing 'Add to Task', the list of available Tasks does not appear.
- CSH-6870 Print editor: Hidden characters are not shown for empty paragraphs when using Firefox or Microsoft Edge.
- CSH-8824 Properties: Real-time updating of the Properties panel has been disabled. To see any changes made, the panel should be closed and re-opened again.
- EN-94964 Planned images: After updating a Planned image that is stored in Assets, the image cannot be updated in InDesign.
Fixed issues
The following issues have been fixed in this release of Studio:
CSDA-545 Updating the Studio Desktop App via the button within the App does not work.
Use one of the following installation paths:
- Installing Studio on a system on which Studio is not yet installed
- Upgrading an existing installation of Studio
Studio 11.159
Release date: 10 January 2024
Studio 11.159 build 443
Studio 11.159 Server plug-in 351
Studio Desktop App 4.0.16
InDesign PrintToDigital script 1.0 build 31
The download files for Studio can be found in the Release announcement.
New features
The following features have been added in this release of Studio:
- Support for adding tables, maps, and charts in a Digital article. Data in a Digital article can now be visualized by adding tables, maps, and charts using the integration between Studio and Infogram.
These visual elements serve as a powerful tool for presenting complex data in a clear and organized manner. Graphs, such as bar charts or line graphs, can effectively communicate trends, comparisons, and patterns, enhancing the user's understanding of information. Tables, on the other hand, offer a structured way to display detailed data, making it easily digestible.
To make this work, a new Component Set is made available. This adds a 'Data' tab to the Component selector containing a Chart component with which a table, map, or chart can be created in Infogram.
When adding the component, the Infogram site is accessed and the Infogram tools are used for creating the table, map or chart.
For more information, see the following articles:
- Adding tables, maps, and charts to a Digital article in Studio
- Configuring Studio for adding tables, maps, and charts to a Digital article
No changes have been made in this release of Studio.
The following changes to the documentation have been made in this release of Studio:
- Adding tables, maps, and charts to a Digital article in Studio - new
- Configuring Studio for adding tables, maps, and charts to a Digital article - new
- The components of a Digital article in Studio - updated
Known issues
The following known issues exist in this release of Studio:
- CSH-6506 Tasks: (Applies to Safari only) When right-clicking a file in a Dossier and choosing 'Add to Task', the list of available Tasks does not appear.
- CSH-6870 Print editor: Hidden characters are not shown for empty paragraphs when using Firefox or Microsoft Edge.
- CSH-8824 Properties: Real-time updating of the Properties panel has been disabled. To see any changes made, the panel should be closed and re-opened again.
- EN-94964 Planned images: After updating a Planned image that is stored in Assets, the image cannot be updated in InDesign.
Fixed issues
No issues have been fixed in this release of Studio.
Use one of the following installation paths:
- Installing Studio on a system on which Studio is not yet installed
- Upgrading an existing installation of Studio
Studio 11.158
Release date: 14 December 2023
Studio 11.158 build 442
Studio 11.158 Server plug-in 349
Studio Desktop App 4.0.16
InDesign PrintToDigital script 1.0 build 31
The download files for Studio can be found in the Release announcement.
New features
No features have been added in this release of Studio.
Minor improvements and preparations for future releases of Studio have been made.
No changes to the documentation have been made in this release of Studio.
Known issues
The following known issues exist in this release of Studio:
- CSH-6506 Tasks: (Applies to Safari only) When right-clicking a file in a Dossier and choosing 'Add to Task', the list of available Tasks does not appear.
- CSH-6870 Print editor: Hidden characters are not shown for empty paragraphs when using Firefox or Microsoft Edge.
- CSH-8824 Properties: Real-time updating of the Properties panel has been disabled. To see any changes made, the panel should be closed and re-opened again.
- EN-94964 Planned images: After updating a Planned image that is stored in Assets, the image cannot be updated in InDesign.
Fixed issues
No issues have been fixed in this release of Studio.
Use one of the following installation paths:
- Installing Studio on a system on which Studio is not yet installed
- Upgrading an existing installation of Studio
Studio 11.157
Release date: 1 December 2023
Studio 11.157 build 441
Studio 11.157 Server plug-in build 347
Studio Desktop App 4.0.16
InDesign PrintToDigital script 1.0 build 31
The download files for Studio can be found in the Release announcement.
New features
No features have been added in this release of Studio.
The following changes have been made in this release of Studio:
- Minor improvements and preparations for future releases of Studio have been made.
- The Desktop app has been updated to fix a vulnerability with libwebp. This involved updating several libraries; no functional changes have been made.
No changes to the documentation have been made in this release of Studio.
Known issues
The following known issues exist in this release of Studio:
- CSH-6506 Tasks: (Applies to Safari only) When right-clicking a file in a Dossier and choosing 'Add to Task', the list of available Tasks does not appear.
- CSH-6870 Print editor: Hidden characters are not shown for empty paragraphs when using Firefox or Microsoft Edge.
- CSH-8824 Properties: Real-time updating of the Properties panel has been disabled. To see any changes made, the panel should be closed and re-opened again.
- EN-94964 Planned images: After updating a Planned image that is stored in Assets, the image cannot be updated in InDesign.
Fixed issues
No issues have been fixed in this release of Studio.
Use one of the following installation paths:
- Installing Studio on a system on which Studio is not yet installed
- Upgrading an existing installation of Studio
Studio 11.156
Release date: 15 November 2023
Studio 11.156 build 440
Studio 11.156 Server plug-in build 345
Studio Desktop App 4.0.15 build 154
InDesign PrintToDigital script 1.0 build 31
The download files for Studio can be found in the Release announcement.
New features
No features have been added in this release of Studio.
Minor improvements and preparations for future releases of Studio have been made.
No changes to the documentation have been made in this release of Studio.
Known issues
The following known issues exist in this release of Studio:
- CSH-6506 Tasks: (Applies to Safari only) When right-clicking a file in a Dossier and choosing 'Add to Task', the list of available Tasks does not appear.
- CSH-6870 Print editor: Hidden characters are not shown for empty paragraphs when using Firefox or Microsoft Edge.
- CSH-8824 Properties: Real-time updating of the Properties panel has been disabled. To see any changes made, the panel should be closed and re-opened again.
- EN-94964 Planned images: After updating a Planned image that is stored in Assets, the image cannot be updated in InDesign.
Fixed issues
No issues have been fixed in this release of Studio.
Use one of the following installation paths:
- Installing Studio on a system on which Studio is not yet installed
- Upgrading an existing installation of Studio
Studio 11.155
Release date: 1 November 2023
Studio 11.155 build 439
Studio 11.155 Server plug-in build 344
Studio Desktop App 4.0.15 build 154
InDesign PrintToDigital script 1.0 build 31
The download files for Studio can be found in the Release announcement.
New features
No features have been added in this release of Studio.
Minor improvements and preparations for future releases of Studio have been made.
No changes to the documentation have been made in this release of Studio.
Known issues
The following known issues exist in this release of Studio:
- CSH-6506 Tasks: (Applies to Safari only) When right-clicking a file in a Dossier and choosing 'Add to Task', the list of available Tasks does not appear.
- CSH-6870 Print editor: Hidden characters are not shown for empty paragraphs when using Firefox or Microsoft Edge.
- CSH-8824 Properties: Real-time updating of the Properties panel has been disabled. To see any changes made, the panel should be closed and re-opened again.
- EN-94964 Planned images: After updating a Planned image that is stored in Assets, the image cannot be updated in InDesign.
Fixed issues
No issues have been fixed in this release of Studio.
Use one of the following installation paths:
- Installing Studio on a system on which Studio is not yet installed
- Upgrading an existing installation of Studio
Studio 11.154
Release date: 18 October 2023
Studio 11.154 build 438
Studio 11.154 Server plug-in build 341
Studio Desktop App 4.0.15 build 154
InDesign PrintToDigital script 1.0 build 31
The download files for Studio can be found in the Release announcement.
New features
No features have been added in this release of Studio.
No changes have been made in this release of Studio.
No changes to the documentation have been made in this release of Studio.
Known issues
The following known issues exist in this release of Studio:
- CSH-6506 Tasks: (Applies to Safari only) When right-clicking a file in a Dossier and choosing 'Add to Task', the list of available Tasks does not appear.
- CSH-6870 Print editor: Hidden characters are not shown for empty paragraphs when using Firefox or Microsoft Edge.
- CSH-8824 Properties: Real-time updating of the Properties panel has been disabled. To see any changes made, the panel should be closed and re-opened again.
- EN-94964 Planned images: After updating a Planned image that is stored in Assets, the image cannot be updated in InDesign.
Fixed issues
The following issues have been fixed in this release of Studio:
CSH-9975 Thumbnails in the Linked files panel are constantly updated when another user previews the layout and updates the status of the files.
Use one of the following installation paths:
- Installing Studio on a system on which Studio is not yet installed
- Upgrading an existing installation of Studio
Studio 11.153
Release date: 4 October 2023
Studio 11.153 build 437
Studio 11.153 Server plug-in build 335
Studio Desktop App 4.0.15 build 154
InDesign PrintToDigital script 1.0 build 31
The download files for Studio can be found in the Release announcement.
New features
No features have been added in this release of Studio.
No changes have been made in this release of Studio.
No changes to the documentation have been made in this release of Studio.
Known issues
The following known issues exist in this release of Studio:
- CSH-6506 Tasks: (Applies to Safari only) When right-clicking a file in a Dossier and choosing 'Add to Task', the list of available Tasks does not appear.
- CSH-6870 Print editor: Hidden characters are not shown for empty paragraphs when using Firefox or Microsoft Edge.
- CSH-8824 Properties: Real-time updating of the Properties panel has been disabled. To see any changes made, the panel should be closed and re-opened again.
- EN-94964 Planned images: After updating a Planned image that is stored in Assets, the image cannot be updated in InDesign.
Fixed issues
The following issues have been fixed in this release of Studio.
CSH-8444 When creating a new print Article from a template and selecting a Status for which auto-routing is applied, the routing is not set.
Use one of the following installation paths:
- Installing Studio on a system on which Studio is not yet installed
- Upgrading an existing installation of Studio
Studio 11.152
Release date: 20 September 2023
Studio 11.152 build 435
Studio 11.152 Server plug-in build 332
Studio Desktop App 4.0.15 build 154
InDesign PrintToDigital script 1.0 build 31
The download files for Studio can be found in the Release announcement.
New features
No features have been added in this release of Studio.
No changes have been made in this release of Studio.
No changes to the documentation have been made in this release of Studio.
Known issues
The following known issues exist in this release of Studio:
- CSH-6506 Tasks: (Applies to Safari only) When right-clicking a file in a Dossier and choosing 'Add to Task', the list of available Tasks does not appear.
- CSH-6870 Print editor: Hidden characters are not shown for empty paragraphs when using Firefox or Microsoft Edge.
- CSH-8824 Properties: Real-time updating of the Properties panel has been disabled. To see any changes made, the panel should be closed and re-opened again.
- EN-94964 Planned images: After updating a Planned image that is stored in Assets, the image cannot be updated in InDesign.
Fixed issues
The following issues have been fixed in this release of Studio:
CSH-9965 Pasteboard width of the layout is reduced after placing a digital article with option CS_PLACE_ON_PASTEBOARD_FOR_EXISTING_LAYOUT’ enabled.
Use one of the following installation paths:
- Installing Studio on a system on which Studio is not yet installed
- Upgrading an existing installation of Studio
Studio 11.151
Release date: 6 September 2023
Studio 11.151 build 434
Studio 11.151 Server plug-in build 331
Studio Desktop App 4.0.15 build 154
InDesign PrintToDigital script 1.0 build 31
The download files for Studio can be found in the Release announcement.
New features
No features have been added in this release of Studio.
Minor improvements and preparations for future releases of Studio have been made.
No changes to the documentation have been made in this release of Studio.
Known issues
The following known issues exist in this release of Studio:
- CSH-6506 Tasks: (Applies to Safari only) When right-clicking a file in a Dossier and choosing 'Add to Task', the list of available Tasks does not appear.
- CSH-6870 Print editor: Hidden characters are not shown for empty paragraphs when using Firefox or Microsoft Edge.
- CSH-8824 Properties: Real-time updating of the Properties panel has been disabled. To see any changes made, the panel should be closed and re-opened again.
- EN-94964 Planned images: After updating a Planned image that is stored in Assets, the image cannot be updated in InDesign.
Fixed issues
No issues have been fixed in this release of Studio.
Use one of the following installation paths:
- Installing Studio on a system on which Studio is not yet installed
- Upgrading an existing installation of Studio
Studio 11.150
Release date: 23 Augustus 2023
Studio 11.150 build 433
Studio 11.150 Server plug-in build 330
Studio Desktop App 4.0.15 build 154
InDesign PrintToDigital script 1.0 build 31
The download files for Studio can be found in the Release announcement.
New features
The following has been added in this release of Studio:
- Additional properties of an image are now shown in the Attachments panel of the Digital editor. The Attachments panel of the Digital editor is used for placing images into a component of the Digital article such as a slideshow. To provide better context about an image, the following properties are now also shown:
- The file format
- The DPI value
- The dimensions/resolution
- The Workflow status
No changes have been made in this release of Studio.
No changes to the documentation have been made in this release of Studio.
Known issues
The following known issues exist in this release of Studio:
- CSH-6506 Tasks: (Applies to Safari only) When right-clicking a file in a Dossier and choosing 'Add to Task', the list of available Tasks does not appear.
- CSH-6870 Print editor: Hidden characters are not shown for empty paragraphs when using Firefox or Microsoft Edge.
- CSH-8824 Properties: Real-time updating of the Properties panel has been disabled. To see any changes made, the panel should be closed and re-opened again.
- EN-94964 Planned images: After updating a Planned image that is stored in Assets, the image cannot be updated in InDesign.
Fixed issues
The following issues have been fixed in this release of Studio:
CSH-9945 Images are not loaded in the iFrame of the Digital editor in Firefox with SameSite=lax explicitly enabled due to a bug in Firefox.
Use one of the following installation paths:
- Installing Studio on a system on which Studio is not yet installed
- Upgrading an existing installation of Studio
Studio 11.149
Release date: 9 Augustus 2023
Studio 11.149 build 432
Studio 11.149 Server plug-in build 328
Studio Desktop App 4.0.15 build 154
InDesign PrintToDigital script 1.0 build 31
The download files for Studio can be found in the Release announcement.
New features
The following has been added in this release of Studio:
- When using a Custom Search, a search can now also be done on 'This week'. A Custom Search is one of the ways of searching for files in Studio. It makes it possible to store a set of search criteria for repeated use. When setting up the criteria for a Custom Search, the operator 'This week' can now also be used. The period is defined by the first day of the current week (default Monday 00:00:00hrs), to the last day of the current week (default Sunday 23:59:59hrs).
The following changes have been made in this release of Studio:
- Improvements and adjustments to the Attachments panel of the Digital editor have been made in preparation of upcoming functionality. Shown now are the image format, DPI, and resolution of the images. Also the indicator that an image is placed now stands out more.
The following changes to the documentation have been made in this release of Studio:
- Using Custom Searches in Studio - updated
Known issues
The following known issues exist in this release of Studio:
- CSH-6506 Tasks: (Applies to Safari only) When right-clicking a file in a Dossier and choosing 'Add to Task', the list of available Tasks does not appear.
- CSH-6870 Print editor: Hidden characters are not shown for empty paragraphs when using Firefox or Microsoft Edge.
- CSH-8824 Properties: Real-time updating of the Properties panel has been disabled. To see any changes made, the panel should be closed and re-opened again.
- EN-94964 Planned images: After updating a Planned image that is stored in Assets, the image cannot be updated in InDesign.
Fixed issues
The following issues have been fixed in this release of Studio:
CSH-9851 Add support for 'This week' in Custom Searches.
CSH-9933 Print editor causes paragraph override styles on footnotes and reverts to default style after editing.
Use one of the following installation paths:
- Installing Studio on a system on which Studio is not yet installed
- Upgrading an existing installation of Studio
Studio 11.148
Release date: 26 July 2023
Studio 11.148 build xxx
Studio 11.148 Server plug-in build xxx
Studio Desktop App 4.0.15 build 154
InDesign PrintToDigital script 1.0 build 31
The download files for Studio can be found in the Release announcement.
New features
No features have been added in this release of Studio.
Minor improvements and preparations for future releases of Studio have been made.
No changes to the documentation have been made in this release of Studio.
Known issues
The following known issues exist in this release of Studio:
- CSH-6506 Tasks: (Applies to Safari only) When right-clicking a file in a Dossier and choosing 'Add to Task', the list of available Tasks does not appear.
- CSH-6870 Print editor: Hidden characters are not shown for empty paragraphs when using Firefox or Microsoft Edge.
- CSH-8824 Properties: Real-time updating of the Properties panel has been disabled. To see any changes made, the panel should be closed and re-opened again.
- EN-94964 Planned images: After updating a Planned image that is stored in Assets, the image cannot be updated in InDesign.
Fixed issues
No issues have been fixed in this release of Studio.
Use one of the following installation paths:
- Installing Studio on a system on which Studio is not yet installed
- Upgrading an existing installation of Studio
Studio 11.147
Release date: 12 July 2023
Studio 11.147 build 430
Studio 11.147 Server plug-in build 324
Studio Desktop App 4.0.15 build 154
InDesign PrintToDigital script 1.0 build 31
The download files for Studio can be found in the Release announcement.
New features
No features have been added in this release of Studio.
No changes have been made in this release of Studio.
No changes to the documentation have been made in this release of Studio.
Known issues
The following known issues exist in this release of Studio:
- CSH-6506 Tasks: (Applies to Safari only) When right-clicking a file in a Dossier and choosing 'Add to Task', the list of available Tasks does not appear.
- CSH-6870 Print editor: Hidden characters are not shown for empty paragraphs when using Firefox or Microsoft Edge.
- CSH-8824 Properties: Real-time updating of the Properties panel has been disabled. To see any changes made, the panel should be closed and re-opened again.
- EN-94964 Planned images: After updating a Planned image that is stored in Assets, the image cannot be updated in InDesign.
Fixed issues
The following issues have been fixed in this release of Studio:
CSH-8361 Dossier opened in another tab seems to remember the previous 'Remove from Dossier' action.
CSH-8646 Adding fields to query results resets column settings.
CSH-9809 A 'file_name_preview.ext' file is added to Studio when dragging and dropping an image from the fullscreen mode in Assets.
CSH-9915 Inconsistent use of uppercase and lowercase for terms in Dutch.
Use one of the following installation paths:
- Installing Studio on a system on which Studio is not yet installed
- Upgrading an existing installation of Studio
Studio 11.146
Release date: 28 June 2023
Studio 11.146 build 429
Studio 11.146 Server plug-in build 323
Studio Desktop App 4.0.15 build 154
InDesign PrintToDigital script 1.0 build 31
The download files for Studio can be found in the Release announcement.
New features
No features have been added in this release of Studio.
No changes have been made in this release of Studio.
No changes to the documentation have been made in this release of Studio.
Known issues
The following known issues exist in this release of Studio:
- CSH-6506 Tasks: (Applies to Safari only) When right-clicking a file in a Dossier and choosing 'Add to Task', the list of available Tasks does not appear.
- CSH-6870 Print editor: Hidden characters are not shown for empty paragraphs when using Firefox or Microsoft Edge.
- CSH-8824 Properties: Real-time updating of the Properties panel has been disabled. To see any changes made, the panel should be closed and re-opened again.
- EN-94964 Planned images: After updating a Planned image that is stored in Assets, the image cannot be updated in InDesign.
Fixed issues
The following issues have been fixed in this release of Studio:
CSH-9722 Custom searches containing a double quote in the name show a blank panel when trying to edit them.
CSH-9879 Using the Alt+Command+Backspace keyboard shortcut incorrectly merges article components.
CSH-9889 Management Console: When creating a new Conversion Rule, the list for mapping the Intro component does not appear.
Use one of the following installation paths:
- Installing Studio on a system on which Studio is not yet installed
- Upgrading an existing installation of Studio
Studio 11.145
Release date: 15 June 2023
Studio 11.145 build 419
Studio 11.145 Server plug-in build 320
Studio Desktop App 4.0.15 build 154
InDesign PrintToDigital script 1.0 build 31
The download files for Studio can be found in the Release announcement.
New features
No features have been added in this release of Studio.
No changes have been made in this release of Studio.
No changes to the documentation have been made in this release of Studio.
Known issues
The following known issues exist in this release of Studio:
- CSH-6506 Tasks: (Applies to Safari only) When right-clicking a file in a Dossier and choosing 'Add to Task', the list of available Tasks does not appear.
- CSH-6870 Print editor: Hidden characters are not shown for empty paragraphs when using Firefox or Microsoft Edge.
- CSH-8824 Properties: Real-time updating of the Properties panel has been disabled. To see any changes made, the panel should be closed and re-opened again.
- EN-94964 Planned images: After updating a Planned image that is stored in Assets, the image cannot be updated in InDesign.
Fixed issues
The following issues have been fixed in this release of Studio:
CSH-8646 Custom column settings in List view are reset when a field is added to the query results.
CSH-9858 'Invalid operation S1019' error when selecting multiple files in the Trash Can.
Use one of the following installation paths:
- Installing Studio on a system on which Studio is not yet installed
- Upgrading an existing installation of Studio
Studio 11.144
Release date: 2 June 2023
Studio 11.144 build 417
Studio 11.144 Server plug-in build 297
Studio Desktop App 4.0.15 build 154
InDesign PrintToDigital script 1.0 build 31
The download files for Studio can be found in the Release announcement.
New features
No features have been added in this release of Studio.
Minor improvements and preparations for future releases of Studio have been made.
No changes to the documentation have been made in this release of Studio.
Known issues
The following known issues exist in this release of Studio:
- CSH-6506 Tasks: (Applies to Safari only) When right-clicking a file in a Dossier and choosing 'Add to Task', the list of available Tasks does not appear.
- CSH-6870 Print editor: Hidden characters are not shown for empty paragraphs when using Firefox or Microsoft Edge.
- CSH-8824 Properties: Real-time updating of the Properties panel has been disabled. To see any changes made, the panel should be closed and re-opened again.
- EN-94964 Planned images: After updating a Planned image that is stored in Assets, the image cannot be updated in InDesign.
Fixed issues
No issues have been fixed in this release of Studio.
Use one of the following installation paths:
- Installing Studio on a system on which Studio is not yet installed
- Upgrading an existing installation of Studio
Studio 11.143
Release date: 17 May 2023
Studio 11.143 build 414
Studio 11.143 Server plug-in build 293
Studio Desktop App 4.0.15 build 154
InDesign PrintToDigital script 1.0 build 31
The download files for Studio can be found in the Release announcement.
New features
No features have been added in this release of Studio.
No changes have been made in this release of Studio.
No changes to the documentation have been made in this release of Studio.
Known issues
The following known issues exist in this release of Studio:
- CSH-6506 Tasks: (Applies to Safari only) When right-clicking a file in a Dossier and choosing 'Add to Task', the list of available Tasks does not appear.
- CSH-6870 Print editor: Hidden characters are not shown for empty paragraphs when using Firefox or Microsoft Edge.
- CSH-8824 Properties: Real-time updating of the Properties panel has been disabled. To see any changes made, the panel should be closed and re-opened again.
- EN-94964 Planned images: After updating a Planned image that is stored in Assets, the image cannot be updated in InDesign.
Fixed issues
The following issues have been fixed in this release of Studio:
CSH-9831 Print editor: When copying and pasting text, character styles are not included.
CSH-9736 When placing an article of which a copy is already placed, the message 'This article is already placed in this Brand' that appears is unclear and confusing.
Use one of the following installation paths:
- Installing Studio on a system on which Studio is not yet installed
- Upgrading an existing installation of Studio
Studio 11.142
Release date: 3 May 2023
Studio 11.142 build 409
Studio 11.142 Server plug-in build 288
Studio Desktop App 4.0.15 build 154
InDesign PrintToDigital script 1.0 build 31
The download files for Studio can be found in the Release announcement.
New features
No features have been added in this release of Studio.
No changes have been made in this release of Studio.
No changes to the documentation have been made in this release of Studio.
Known issues
The following known issues exist in this release of Studio:
- CSH-6506 Tasks: (Applies to Safari only) When right-clicking a file in a Dossier and choosing 'Add to Task', the list of available Tasks does not appear.
- CSH-6870 Print editor: Hidden characters are not shown for empty paragraphs when using Firefox or Microsoft Edge.
- CSH-8824 Properties: Real-time updating of the Properties panel has been disabled. To see any changes made, the panel should be closed and re-opened again.
- EN-94964 Planned images: After updating a Planned image that is stored in Assets, the image cannot be updated in InDesign.
Fixed issues
The following issues have been fixed in this release of Studio:
CSH-9409 Issue Manager: The Description column shows encoded text.
CSH-9756 Published slideshow components are not working when publishing on a slow network connection.
CSH-9806 The 'Create print variant' dialog does not adapt to small window sizes.
CSDA-532 When checking out a layout for the first time in Studio, the version of InDesign to open the layout with cannot be chosen because the list to choose from is cut off in the dialog.
Use one of the following installation paths:
- Installing Studio on a system on which Studio is not yet installed
- Upgrading an existing installation of Studio
Studio 11.141
Release date: 19 April 2023
Studio 11.141 build 385
Studio 11.141 Server plug-in build 278
Studio Desktop App 4.0.14 build 153
InDesign PrintToDigital script 1.0 build 31
The download files for Studio can be found in the Release announcement.
New features
No features have been added in this release of Studio.
The following changes have been made in this release of Studio:
- The list of devices for previewing a Digital article has been updated with more recent devices. When working on a Digital article, the article can be previewed in the dimensions of various smart phones, tablets, and desktop monitors. This list has now been updated to reflect more recent devices and their dimensions.
The following table shows the list of devices that can now be chosen from:
Device | Dimensions | Notes |
Desktop | 1920 x 1080px | Horizontal view only |
Galaxy A32, OnePlus 9 | 412 x 915px | |
Galaxy ZFlip | 412 x 1004px | |
Google Pixel 5 | 393 x 851px | |
Galaxy Tab S8 | 800 x 1280px | |
iPad Pro | 1024 x 1366px | |
iPad 10th generation iPad Air |
810 x 1080px | |
iPad Mini | 768 x 1024px | |
iPhone 14 Pro | 393px × 852px | |
iPhone 14 & 13 | 390px × 844px | |
iPhone SE | 375 x 667px |
No changes to the documentation have been made in this release of Studio.
Known issues
The following known issues exist in this release of Studio:
- CSH-6506 Tasks: (Applies to Safari only) When right-clicking a file in a Dossier and choosing 'Add to Task', the list of available Tasks does not appear.
- CSH-6870 Print editor: Hidden characters are not shown for empty paragraphs when using Firefox or Microsoft Edge.
- CSH-8824 Properties: Real-time updating of the Properties panel has been disabled. To see any changes made, the panel should be closed and re-opened again.
- EN-94964 Planned images: After updating a Planned image that is stored in Assets, the image cannot be updated in InDesign.
Fixed issues
The following issues have been fixed in this release of Studio:
CSH-9647 The Publication Overview shows too many missing pages when the number of characters in the page prefix of the new section does not match that of the previous section.
CSH-9713 Print editor: When choosing Insert note > 'Convert selected text to a note' while 'Show hidden characters' is enabled, the text in the created note does not contain any spaces.
CSH-9715 Publication Overview: The list of files in the Linked files panel cannot be scrolled.
CSH-9774 Publication Overview: Sections are not displayed correctly.
Use one of the following installation paths:
- Installing Studio on a system on which Studio is not yet installed
- Upgrading an existing installation of Studio
Studio 11.140
Release date: 5 April 2023
Studio 11.140 build 383
Studio 11.140 Server plug-in build 277
Studio Desktop App 4.0.14 build 153
InDesign PrintToDigital script 1.0 build 31
The download files for Studio can be found in the Release announcement.
New features
No features have been added in this release of Studio.
The following changes have been made in this release of Studio:
- The width of the article preview in the Print editor has been increased. To improve the readability of the article in the Print editor and to better maximize available screen space, the width of the article preview has been increased from 620px to 850px.
- The instructions for restoring a layout or Print article via drag-and-drop have been corrected. The documentation for restoring a layout or Print article incorrectly stated that this could be done by dragging the file from Assets directly to Studio. This has now been corrected.
The following methods of restoring layouts and articles to Studio are available:
- For layouts: By opening the layout first in Assets for InDesign and restoring it using WoodWing Studio > Restore from Archive... .
- For Print articles: By downloading the article to the local system first and then adding it to an opened Dossier.
- Other files:
- By dragging the file onto a Dossier in the Pinned Dossiers panel in Assets.
- By dragging the file directly into an opened Dossier.
- Depending on the file type, placing the file on a layout or in a Digital article.
The following changes to the documentation have been made in this release of Studio:
- Adding files from Assets Server to Studio Server - updated
- Restoring archived files from Assets to Studio - updated
Known issues
The following known issues exist in this release of Studio:
- CSH-6506 Tasks: (Applies to Safari only) When right-clicking a file in a Dossier and choosing 'Add to Task', the list of available Tasks does not appear.
- CSH-6870 Print editor: Hidden characters are not shown for empty paragraphs when using Firefox or Microsoft Edge.
- CSH-8824 Properties: Real-time updating of the Properties panel has been disabled. To see any changes made, the panel should be closed and re-opened again.
- EN-94964 Planned images: After updating a Planned image that is stored in Assets, the image cannot be updated in InDesign.
Fixed issues
The following issues have been fixed in this release of Studio:
- CSH-9653 Block the restoring of layouts and articles from Assets Server via drag-and-drop.
Use one of the following installation paths:
- Installing Studio on a system on which Studio is not yet installed
- Upgrading an existing installation of Studio
Studio 11.139
Release date: 22 March 2023
Studio 11.139 build 382
Studio 11.139 Server plug-in build 275
Studio Desktop App 4.0.14 build 153
InDesign PrintToDigital script 1.0 build 31
The download files for Studio can be found in the Release announcement.
New features
No features have been added in this release of Studio.
The following changes have been made in this release of Studio:
- Various parts of the user interface have been updated. As part of a project to modernize the user interface and to standardize it across the family of WoodWing products, various changes have been made to the UI. This ranges from changes to the background color of panels, to changes in design of panels and dialogs.
These changes can be seen in the following areas:
Area | Details |
Digital editor panels |
Digital editor dialogs |
Digital editor confirmation dialogs |
Studio dialogs |
Some examples:
- The Properties panel of the Digital editor:
New design | Old design |
- A confirmation dialog:
New design | Old design |
- The Publish dialog for Digital articles:
New design | Old design |
No changes to the documentation have been made in this release of Studio.
Known issues
The following known issues exist in this release of Studio:
- CSH-6506 Tasks: (Applies to Safari only) When right-clicking a file in a Dossier and choosing 'Add to Task', the list of available Tasks does not appear.
- CSH-6870 Print editor: Hidden characters are not shown for empty paragraphs when using Firefox or Microsoft Edge.
- CSH-8824 Properties: Real-time updating of the Properties panel has been disabled. To see any changes made, the panel should be closed and re-opened again.
- EN-94964 Planned images: After updating a Planned image that is stored in Assets, the image cannot be updated in InDesign.
Fixed issues
No issues have been fixed in this release of Studio.
Use one of the following installation paths:
- Installing Studio on a system on which Studio is not yet installed
- Upgrading an existing installation of Studio
Studio 11.138
Release date: 9 March 2023
Studio 11.138 build 381
Studio 11.138 Server plug-in build 274
Studio Desktop App 4.0.14 build 153
InDesign PrintToDigital script 1.0 build 31
The download files for Studio can be found in the Release announcement.
New features
No features have been added in this release of Studio.
No changes have been made in this release of Studio.
No changes to the documentation have been made in this release of Studio.
Known issues
The following known issues exist in this release of Studio:
- CSH-6506 Tasks: (Applies to Safari only) When right-clicking a file in a Dossier and choosing 'Add to Task', the list of available Tasks does not appear.
- CSH-6870 Print editor: Hidden characters are not shown for empty paragraphs when using Firefox or Microsoft Edge.
- CSH-8824 Properties: Real-time updating of the Properties panel has been disabled. To see any changes made, the panel should be closed and re-opened again.
- EN-94964 Planned images: After updating a Planned image that is stored in Assets, the image cannot be updated in InDesign.
Fixed issues
The following issues have been fixed in this release of Studio:
CSH-9742 User queries originally created with Studio for InDesign cause users to not being able to log in.
Use one of the following installation paths:
- Installing Studio on a system on which Studio is not yet installed
- Upgrading an existing installation of Studio
Studio 11.137
Release date: 23 February 2023
Studio 11.137 build 380
Studio 11.137 Server plug-in build 273
Studio Desktop App 4.0.13 build 150
InDesign PrintToDigital script 1.0 build 31
The download files for Studio can be found in the Release announcement.
New features
No features have been added in this release of Studio.
The following changes have been made in this release of Studio:
- Improved performance of the Desktop application on Apple M1 systems. The virtual memory of the Desktop application on Apple systems with an M1 processor has been increased, thereby improving its performance.
- The PSV Digital article rendition format has been updated. The PSV rendition format for outputting a Digital article has been extended. Properties for which the dataType is set to 'data' in the Component set are now added to the PSV component tag as attributes. This is supported for the controls specified in the generic UI controls section of the boilerplate.
Attributes are prefixed with 'data-prop-'.
Example: A property named extra-info with value Extra info text, would result in the following attribute: data-prop-extra-info="Extra info text" |
For full example PSV files of the current format and the updated format, see this announcement.
The following changes to the documentation have been made in this release of Studio:
- Compatibility of Studio - updated
Known issues
The following known issues exist in this release of Studio:
- Desktop application. When trying to update the Desktop application via the update feature of the application, the new version number may not appear and once the update is completed, the application may not have updated. This is related to the availability of the file on AWS. After running the update via the application, please verify if it has actually updated. To resolve this, do one of the following:
- Try the update in 2 days, the file should then be available through AWS.
- Download the latest version from the software download page and update the application manually.
- CSH-6506 Tasks: (Applies to Safari only) When right-clicking a file in a Dossier and choosing 'Add to Task', the list of available Tasks does not appear.
- CSH-6870 Print editor: Hidden characters are not shown for empty paragraphs when using Firefox or Microsoft Edge.
- CSH-8824 Properties: Real-time updating of the Properties panel has been disabled. To see any changes made, the panel should be closed and re-opened again.
- EN-94964 Planned images: After updating a Planned image that is stored in Assets, the image cannot be updated in InDesign.
Fixed issues
The following issues have been fixed in this release of Studio:
CSH-9723 Unable to publish Digital articles that have a '&' character in the name.
CSDA-490 Desktop application: Add support for Apple M1 processors.
Use one of the following installation paths:
- Installing Studio on a system on which Studio is not yet installed
- Upgrading an existing installation of Studio
Studio 11.136
Release date: 8 February 2023
Studio 11.136 build 379
Studio 11.136 Server plug-in build 272
Studio Desktop App 4.0.12 build 128
InDesign PrintToDigital script 1.0 build 31
The download files for Studio can be found in the Release announcement.
New features
The following features have been added in this release of Studio:
- Setting a Print Issue as the Current Issue can now also be done in the Issue Manager. In Publication Channels of type Print, one Issue can be set as the Current Issue: the Issue that is going to be published next.
When doing so, publications that are scheduled to be released immediately before or after the Current Issue are automatically set as the Previous Issue and Next Issue.
Users can then assign content such as articles to the previous, current, or next Issue, or base searches on them instead of selecting a particular Issue by name (with the risk of selecting an incorrect Issue).
Historically, setting a Print Issue as the Current Issue could only be done on the Publication Channel Maintenance page in Studio Server.
To make this process more efficient, this can now also be done from within the Issue Manager in Studio.
The following has been added to the Issue Manager:
- A new column in which an icon is shown for Print Issues that are set as the current Issue.
- Options 'Set as the current Issue' and 'Remove as the current Issue' in the context menu of an Issue.
For more information, see Managing Issues in Studio.
The following changes have been made in this release of Studio:
- Localization: French translations of 'uploading' have been changed to 'envoyer'. To better match the real-world use of the French translation of 'uploading', all references (such as 'télécharger') have been changed to 'envoyer'.
Note: Similar changes have been made to references in Studio Server which also appear in Studio. To see these changes, Studio Server 10.23.0 or higher is required.
The following changes to the documentation have been made in this release of Studio:
- Managing Issues in Studio - updated
Known issues
The following known issues exist in this release of Studio:
- CSH-6506 Tasks: (Applies to Safari only) When right-clicking a file in a Dossier and choosing 'Add to Task', the list of available Tasks does not appear.
- CSH-6870 Print editor: Hidden characters are not shown for empty paragraphs when using Firefox or Microsoft Edge.
- CSH-8824 Properties: Real-time updating of the Properties panel has been disabled. To see any changes made, the panel should be closed and re-opened again.
- EN-94964 Planned images: After updating a Planned image that is stored in Assets, the image cannot be updated in InDesign.
Fixed issues
The following issues have been fixed in this release of Studio:
CSH-9610 Issue Manager: Add support for managing current Issues.
CSH-9665 Localization: Change French translation for 'upload' to 'envoyer'.
Use one of the following installation paths:
- Installing Studio on a system on which Studio is not yet installed
- Upgrading an existing installation of Studio
Studio 11.135
Release date: 25 January 2023
Studio 11.135 build 378
Studio 11.135 Server plug-in build 271
Studio Desktop App 4.0.12 build 128
InDesign PrintToDigital script 1.0 build 31
The download files for Studio can be found in the Release announcement.
New features
No features have been added in this release of Studio.
The following changes have been made in this release of Studio:
- The output of a Digital article in PSV format is now fully XHTML compatible. When publishing a Digital article in PSV format, the format that is now used is fully XHTML compatible. With these changes, script tags are better supported and the encoding process is more robust.
As part of this change, the PSV output is rendered slightly differently compared to previous Studio versions:
- Invalid XML characters are now encoded: < becomes < and & becomes &.
- Empty tags are now always closed: <div></div> becomes <div/>.
- The order of the namespace attributes in the root <psv:psv> tag has changed.
No changes to the documentation have been made in this release of Studio.
Known issues
The following known issues exist in this release of Studio:
- CSH-6506 Tasks: (Applies to Safari only) When right-clicking a file in a Dossier and choosing 'Add to Task', the list of available Tasks does not appear.
- CSH-6870 Print editor: Hidden characters are not shown for empty paragraphs when using Firefox or Microsoft Edge.
- CSH-8824 Properties: Real-time updating of the Properties panel has been disabled. To see any changes made, the panel should be closed and re-opened again.
- EN-94964 Planned images: After updating a Planned image that is stored in Assets, the image cannot be updated in InDesign.
Fixed issues
The following issues have been fixed in this release of Studio:
CSH-9637 Prevent embed code from resulting in malformed PSV output.
Use one of the following installation paths:
- Installing Studio on a system on which Studio is not yet installed
- Upgrading an existing installation of Studio
Studio 11.134
Release date: 11 January 2023
Studio 11.134 build 377
Studio 11.134 Server plug-in build 268
Studio Desktop App 4.0.12 build 128
InDesign PrintToDigital script 1.0 build 31
The download files for Studio can be found in the Release announcement.
New features
No features have been added in this release of Studio.
Minor improvements and preparations for future releases of Studio have been made.
No changes to the documentation have been made in this release of Studio.
Known issues
The following known issues exist in this release of Studio:
- CSH-6506 Tasks: (Applies to Safari only) When right-clicking a file in a Dossier and choosing 'Add to Task', the list of available Tasks does not appear.
- CSH-6870 Print editor: Hidden characters are not shown for empty paragraphs when using Firefox or Microsoft Edge.
- CSH-8824 Properties: Real-time updating of the Properties panel has been disabled. To see any changes made, the panel should be closed and re-opened again.
- EN-94964 Planned images: After updating a Planned image that is stored in Assets, the image cannot be updated in InDesign.
Fixed issues
No issues have been fixed in this release of Studio.
Use one of the following installation paths:
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