Part of creating a custom metadata field involves defining the following settings:
- The search index and how the value of the metadata field should be stored in the search index (compass settings)
- Which values are displayed and whether or not they are editable (data settings)
- How the metadata field is displayed in the client (userInterface settings)
<field name="cf_customField" group="My Group">
<storage storeInMetadata="true" />
<compass index="tokenized" analyzer="pureLowerCase" store="yes" excludeFromAll="false" />
<data editable="true" datatype="text" >
<predefinedValues onlyFromList="true">
<value>Product A</value>
<value>Product B</value>
<value>Product C</value>
<userInterface filterUI="checkBoxes" filterValuesSource="usedTerms" />
Note: For a detailed explanation of these settings, see The metadata structure of Assets Server.
Obviously, various combinations of these settings are possible, many of which are already applied to default metadata fields in Assets Server.
Instead of figuring out yourself which of these settings would work best for your custom metadata field, you can use any of the predefined compass settings shown below. We have found that these settings work best for the listed field types.
Long text
Example fields: description, caption.
<compass store="yes" index="tokenized" excludeFromAll="false" />
Sentence of text
Example field: deadline.
<compass store="yes" index="tokenized" excludeFromAll="false" />
Person or company name
Example fields: assetCreator, assetModifier, sceCreator, captionWriter.
<compass store="yes" index="tokenized" excludeFromAll="false" />
Location fields
Example fields: generalSublocation, generalCity, creationRegion, shownWorldRegion.
<compass store="yes" index="tokenized" excludeFromAll="false" />
Title or non-person name
Example fields: scePublication, title, subjectEvent, publicationName.
<compass store="yes" index="tokenized" analyzer="pureLowerCase" excludeFromAll="false" analyzerForAll="default" />
Example fields: sourceUrl, url.
<compass store="yes" index="tokenized" analyzer="pureLowerCase" excludeFromAll="false" analyzerForAll="default" />
E-mail addresses
Example fields: creatorEmail, licensorEmail.
<compass store="yes" index="tokenized" analyzer="pureLowerCase" excludeFromAll="false" analyzerForAll="default" />
Example fields: category, supplementalCategory, publicationChannel, section.
<compass store="yes" index="tokenized" analyzer="pureLowerCase" excludeFromAll="false" analyzerForAll="default" />
<userInterface filterUI="checkBoxes" filterValuesSource="usedTerms" />
Category (multivalue)
Example field: ocTopic.
<compass store="yes" index="tokenized" analyzer="pureLowerCase" excludeFromAll="false" analyzerForAll="default" />
<userInterface filterUI="tagCloud" filterValuesSource="usedTerms" />
Postal code
Example fields: creatorPostalcode, licensorPostalcode.
<compass index="tokenized" analyzer="pureLowerCase" store="yes" excludeFromAll="true" />
Phone number
Example fields: creatorPhone, licensorPhone.
<compass index="un_tokenized" store="yes" excludeFromAll="true" />
Unique code or identifier
Example fields: originalTransmissionReference.
<compass index="un_tokenized" store="yes" excludeFromAll="false" />
Boolean field
Example field: public, doNotCleanup.
<compass index="tokenized" analyzer="pureLowerCase" store="yes" excludeFromAll="true"/>
<data editable="true" datatype="text">
<predefinedValues onlyFromList="true">
<compass index="un_tokenized" store="yes" excludeFromAll="true" />
<data datatype="decimal" />
<compass index="un_tokenized" store="yes" excludeFromAll="true" />
<data datatype="number" />
<compass index="un_tokenized" store="yes" excludeFromAll="true" />
<data datatype="datetime" />
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