Assets Server supports various languages in which the client applications can be run.
This article explains how to manage these languages. The following topics are described:
Supported languages
The following table shows the supported languages for each client application.
Note: Languages that are not supported or that are not listed can be added manually, see Customizing languages.
Language | Code | Assets | Brand portal |
American English (default) | en_US | X | X |
Chinese traditional | zh_TW | X | X |
Chinese simplified | zh_CN | X | X |
Dutch | nl_NL | X | X |
German | de_DE | X | X |
Finnish | fi_FI | - | - |
French | fr_FR | X | X |
Italian | it_IT | X | X |
Japanese | ja_JP | X | X |
Korean | ko_KR | X | X |
Polish | pl_PL | X | X |
Portuguese Brazilian | pt_BR | X | X |
Russian | ru_RU | X | X |
Spanish | es_ES | X | X |
Thai | th_TH | - | - |
Turkish | tr_TR | - | - |
Configuring the client applications
Users choose the language in which they want to use the client application from a list on the Sign In screen.
Figure: Choosing a language in Assets.
Adding languages to or removing languages from this list is done by configuring the file.
Configure the following setting by only adding those languages that should appear in the list. For each language, add its code. Multiple languages are separated by a comma. (For an overview of the language codes, see the table above.):
- proClientSupportedLocales
Example: proClientSupportedLocales=en_US, de_DE, es_ES, fr_FR, it_IT, ja_JP, ko_KR, nl_NL, pl_PL, pt_BR, ru_RU, zh_CN, zh_TW
Customizing languages
Info: Performing the described step requires direct server access. Depending upon how your system is hosted and the level of access you have to that system, coordination may be required with your Partner or WoodWing Support team. For a full overview of the steps that need to be done by WoodWing and how to request them, see WoodWing Cloud - Change management.
When a language is not available or when existing text needs to be corrected or modified (for example to match terminology used in your workflow), then languages can be customized.
Language files
Customizing a language is done by setting up a file containing text that should overrule the default text. This file has a .properties extension and the following naming convention:
lvs_language code
Example: The following file contains custom text in English: |
In the file, refer to the property that holds the default text and specify the new text.
Example: Here, the English term 'Issue' (used in Studio Server) is replaced by 'Book': field_label.sceIssue=Book |
Location of the files
Language files that should overrule the default text are stored in the following location:
<Assets Server>/Config/messages/
Where to get the references from
For a full list of the properties that can be overruled and their default text, run the following URL:
<your Assets Server URL>/app/locale/messages_language code.json
Example: Here, the properties with their German text is looked up: <server>/app/locale/messages_de_DE.json The content of the page will look as follows:
After saving the file, the changes are immediately available in the clients.
Setting up a new language file
Step 1. Create a new file in the following location. In the file name, include the required language code (see Language files above).
<Assets Server>/Config/messages/
Step 2. In the file, add all required properties and the text to use for each property.
Step 3. Make sure that the language is configured in Assets Server so that it appears in the list for the user to choose. See Configuring the client applications above.
Tip: Test the new translations on a test server first to verify if everything is displayed and translated correctly.
About customizing a language
Keep the following in mind:
- Be consistent in your writing style and the use of terminology.
- Do not remove any trailing spaces or special characters (such as : or , ).
- Do not add spaces or special characters at the end of a line (including . or ; ).
- The characters \n are used to add a line break in a message, do not remove these.
- The numbers between curly brackets such as {0}, {1}, {2} and so on, are place holders for live data from the server. The text that is used is different per message. Do not remove or change these curly brackets and their numbers.
Example: The following text is used for showing the progress of uploading a number of files: Uploading in progress... {0} / {1} {0} is replaced by the current file number that is being uploaded, {1} is replaced with the total number of files that are uploaded. Here, the text shows that the second out of four files is being uploaded: Uploading in progress... 2 / 4 |
Additional customization for metadata tooltips
Info: This feature requires Assets Server 6.57 or higher.
When users of Assets add metadata fields to the Metadata panel, text shown in a tooltip provides detailed information about the field.
Figure: Detailed information about a metadata field can be viewed in a tooltip.
The tooltip consists of the following parts:
- Title. Shows the display name and the technical name of the field.
- Description. A short description of the purpose of the field.
- Example value header. A header for a list of examples.
- Examples. A list of examples of the kind of values that the field holds.
Note: The current text of the tooltip as well as the technical name of the field can be looked up in the Asset Info report.
The text for these tooltips can be changed or translated in very much the same was as the regular text as explained above but with a few differences.
Step 1. When translations are required, set up a language file first. See Setting up a new language file above.
Step 2. Access the Server > Configuration page in the Management Console and locate the file for the language in which the changes need to be made.
Step 3. For each of the metadata fields that need to be changed, add the following messages:
Note: Replace [field name] by the technical name of the metadata field.
- webClient.metadata.configurationDialog.exampleValue. Holds the text 'Example value:'. This text is used for all tooltips and therefore only needs to be changed or translated once. The text should be surrounded by double asterisks to make it appear in bold.
- field_label.[field name]. Holds the display name of the field. This is already set for most labels, but can be used to make further adjustments.
- field_description.[field name]. Holds the text of the description.
- field_examples.[field name]. Holds the examples. The text should be in format of: * example1\n* example2\n* example3, where '\n' represents a line break.
Example: Here, the tooltip for the metadata field 'assetType' is translated into Dutch: webClient.metadata.configurationDialog.exampleValue=**Voorbeeldwaarde:** field_label.assetType=Type field_description.assetType=Het soort bestand, meestal gelijk aan de extensie tenzij het bestand onbekend is. In dit geval zal het type 'unknown' zijn. field_examples.assetType=* jpg\n* wwcx Figure: The text of a tooltip translated into Dutch. |
Additional configuration
Info: Performing the described step requires direct server access. Depending upon how your system is hosted and the level of access you have to that system, coordination may be required with your Partner or WoodWing Support team. For a full overview of the steps that need to be done by WoodWing and how to request them, see WoodWing Cloud - Change management.
The language files can also be used for configuring the following:
- Custom e-mail messages for shared files
- Display method of values shown in metadata
- Display method of dates shown in metadata
Custom e-mail messages for shared files
When files are shared by creating a Shared link, an option can be enabled to notify one or more users by e-mail when a change is made:
- A user approves or rejects a file
- A user uploads a file
Default text in English is used for the subject and the body text of the e-mail.
For the review process:
Subject: Assets: <Shared link subject> - review in progress Body text: Hi, A recipient of your shared link '<Shared link subject>' has added feedback to the files you shared. View these changes here: <Shared link URL>. |
Example: Subject: Assets: Photoshoot - review in progress Body text: Hi, A recipient of your shared link 'Photoshoot' has added feedback to the files you shared. View these changes here: http://localhost/app/#/s/hSmKZ1X. |
For uploading files:
Subject: Assets: <Shared link subject> - one or more files uploaded Body text: Hi, A recipient of your shared link '<Shared link subject>' has uploaded <number of files> file(s). View them here: <Shared link URL>. |
Example: Subject: Assets: Photoshoot - one or more files uploaded Body text: Hi, A recipient of your shared link 'Photoshoot' has uploaded 5 file(s). View them here: http://localhost/app/#/s/hSmKZ1X. |
Changing the wording of this text or translating it to your language can be done by adding the following options to the language file. The text that is used in these options is then used for overruling the default text.
For the review process:
The placeholders are automatically filled in by the server:
For uploading files:
The placeholders are automatically filled in by the server:
Display method of metadata values
Values are typically displayed differently in different languages.
To modify the formatting of numbers as displayed in the metadata, add the following options to the language file and set the desired display method in the lvs bundle:
Display method of dates and times
Dates and times are typically displayed differently in different languages.
To modify the formatting of dates and times as displayed in the metadata, add the following options to the language file and set the desired formatting in the lvs bundle: d MMMM yyyy
webClient.locale.format.datetime=EEE d MMMM yyyy H:mm:ss
Pattern letter | Description |
y |
Year. If the number of pattern letters is two, the year is truncated to two digits; otherwise, it appears as four digits. The year can be zero-padded, as the third example shows in the following set of examples:
M |
Month in year. The format depends on the following criteria:
d |
Day in month. While a single-letter pattern string for day is valid, you typically use a two-letter pattern string. Examples:
E |
Day in week. The format depends on the following criteria: If the number of pattern letters is three, the format is interpreted as short text. If the number of pattern letters is four, the format is interpreted as full text. Examples:
A | AM/PM indicator. |
H | Hour in day (1-24). |
h | Hour in AM/PM (0-11). |
m |
Minute in hour. Examples:
s |
Second in minute. Example:
sss |
Millisecond in seconds. Example:
w |
Week number. Example:
Z |
Timezone indicator. Example:
Other text |
You can add punctuation and numbers to enrich the format. It is also possible to use letters, but they may be interpreted as part of the format. Example:
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