When editing an article in InCopy is completed, the changes that were made need to be saved and the article itself needs to be closed.
These actions can be done in various ways and have different outcomes. These are described in this article.
The most common methods used are 1) regularly saving the changes locally while continuing to work on the article, and 2) saving the changes back to Studio Server when all work is done.
1. Saving the changes locally
Saving your changes regularly is important and makes sure that no changes are lost should you encounter any problems. To save your changes locally, do one of the following:
- Press Cmd+S (macOS) or Ctrl+S (Windows).
- From the menu, choose File > Save.
Note: Saving your article locally does not save it to Studio Server. It will only be saved to Studio Server if you use one of the other methods listed below.
2. Checking-in the article and closing it
When finished working on the article, it needs to be saved to Studio Server and closed. This process is referred to as 'checking-in' the article and makes the article available to other users for editing.
Step 1. Do one of the following:
- From the menu, choose WoodWing Studio > Check In Article... .
- In Layout view, use the Text Selection tool to place the text cursor somewhere in the article. Right-click the article and from the menu that appears, choose Check In Article.... (Requires Studio for InDesign and InCopy 18.0.2 for Adobe 2023, or any higher version of version 18, or Studio for InDesign and InCopy for any higher version of Adobe InCopy.)
The Check In dialog box appears.
Note: When the article is not yet added to Studio Server , the Save As dialog box appears instead. See Creating an article (template) using Studio for InCopy.
Step 2. (Optional) In the Name box, modify the article name or leave the original name.
Note: See also: Using duplicate file names in Studio Server and Invalid file name characters in Studio Server.
Step 3. (Optional) From the Brand list, choose the Brand of which the article should be part.
Info: This requires Studio for InCopy 16.0.0 for Adobe 2021 or higher. (See how to check the version that is installed.)
Step 4. (Optional) Set the Category, Status, and Route To fields as needed, and leave a comment for the next user who will work on the article.
Step 5. Click OK.
Additional methods
The following sections describe additional, less often used methods.
- Saving the changes to Studio Server as a new article version and continue editing the article
- Saving and closing the article and continue working on a copy of the article
- Working on the article without being connected to Studio Server
- Saving the article outside of Studio Server
- Closing the article and returning it to its last saved state without saving a version
- Closing the article without showing the Check In dialog box
Info: Use the filter to only show information for one method: |
1. Saving the changes to Studio Server as a new article version and continue editing the article
This method:
- Saves the made changes to Studio Server by creating a new version of the article.
- Keeps the article open for editing.
Step 1. From the menu, choose WoodWing Studio > Save Article Version....
Troubleshooting: The Save Article Version command is grayed-out and cannot be chosen. This happens when:
The Save dialog box appears.
Step 2. (Optional) Change any of the properties of the article.
Note: See also: Using duplicate file names in Studio Server and Invalid file name characters in Studio Server.
Step 3. Click OK.
About saving versions
- Saved article versions can be viewed and restored by accessing the Show Versions window (WoodWing Studio > Show Versions...).
Note: For more information, see Viewing and restoring file versions using Studio for InDesign and InCopy.
- The number of article versions that are stored in Studio Server is limited to a set number (10 by default). This means that when the maximum number of stored versions is reached, the oldest version is removed the next time a new version is saved. This could potentially mean that the version you want to restore may not be available anymore. Be careful therefore with the number of times you save an article.
Example: Consider a scenario where the maximum number of article versions are stored: article versions 1.1 to 1.10. The next time the article is saved, version 1.1 (the oldest) is removed and version 1.2 now becomes the oldest version.
Note: Studio Server can also be configured to have all minor versions removed as soon as the article is saved to a new Workflow Status. You could therefore see no versions listed when starting to work on a article that has just been moved to a new Workflow Status.
For information about configuring file versioning in Studio Server Server, see Saving file versions with Studio Server.
2. Saving and closing the article and continue working on a copy of the article
This method:
- Saves the current article as a new version and closes the article.
- Creates a copy of the article and opens it for editing.
Step 1. Do one of the following:
- From the menu, choose File > Save Article As.
- From the menu, choose WoodWing Studio > Save Article As.
- Use a keyboard shortcut for any of the above mentioned commands.
The Save As dialog box appears.
Step 2. In the Name box, enter a descriptive name.
Note: See also: Using duplicate file names in Studio Server and Invalid file name characters in Studio Server.
Step 3. (Optional) Change any of the properties of the article.
Step 4. From the Dossier list, choose one of the following options:
- Choose the blank option to not add the article to a Dossier.
- Choose New Dossier to create a Dossier with the same name as the article and automatically add the article to the Dossier.
- Choose an existing Dossier to add the article to it.
Step 5. (Optional) In the Comment box, add a comment. When a user will next open the file, the comment will be displayed on screen.
Step 6. Click OK.
The following actions take place:
- The current article is stored in Studio Server and closed. It is available to other users for editing.
- A copy of the article is made and stored in Studio Server. It is opened for editing.
3. Working on the article without being connected to Studio Server
This method:
- Makes it possible to work on an article without being connected to Studio Server, for example when working while commuting or when on location.
- Saves the article locally.
- Keeps the article checked-out to prevent others from editing it.
To take the article offline, do the following:
- From the menu, choose WoodWing Studio > Close All for Offline Usage.
Accessing offline articles
Articles that you have taken offline can be accessed by choosing Offline in the Search menu of the Studio panel.
Figure: When choosing 'Offline' in the Search menu of the Studio panel, all articles that you have taken offline are shown.
Bringing articles online again
To bring a article online again, simply open it when a connection to Studio Server is active.
4. Saving the article outside of Studio Server
This method:
- Saves the article to your local system outside of the Studio Server workflow environment.
- Keeps the original article open for editing.
Step 1. From the menu, choose File > Save Article As... .
The Save As dialog box appears.
Step 2. Click the Browse... button at the bottom of the dialog box.
Step 3. Browse to the desired location and click Save.
The file is saved as a .wcml file and kept open for editing.
5. Closing the article and returning it to its last saved state without saving a version
This method:
- Closes the article without saving any changes that were made.
- Brings the article back to its last saved state in Studio Server: the state after checking-in the article or after saving a version of the article.
Use this method when:
- You have opened the article by mistake or decided that you do not want to work on it
- You want to close the article without saving any changes that you have made
To perform this action, do one of the following:
- From the menu, choose WoodWing Studio > Abort Check Out.
- In Layout view, use the Text Selection tool to place the text cursor somewhere in the article. Right-click the article and from the menu that appears, choose Abort Check Out. (Requires Studio for InDesign and InCopy 18.0.2 for Adobe 2023, or any higher version of version 18, or Studio for InDesign and InCopy for any higher version of Adobe InCopy.)
One of the following actions occur:
- When no changes were made, the article is closed immediately.
- When the article was changed, a message appears. Click Yes to continue:
Are you sure you want to close this file without saving the made changes?
6. Closing the article without showing the Check In dialog box
This method:
- Saves the made changes to Studio Server by creating a new version of the article.
- Closes the article.
- Does not show the Check In dialog box.
To perform this action, do the following:
- From the menu, choose File > Close.
One of the following actions occur:
- When no changes were made, the article is closed immediately.
- When the article was changed, a message appears. Click Yes to continue:
Save changes to the Adobe InCopy document "<document name>" before closing?
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