Using Studio Server, content can be published to print or in a digital format. By default, this is done by setting up Publication Channels which define if the publication (a layout or article) should be published to print or digital output.
When a Publication Channel is not needed anymore in Studio Server, it can be removed as explained in the following steps.
Step 1. Access the Brand Maintenance page for which you want to delete the Publication Channel by doing the following:
Step 1a. In the Maintenance menu or on the Home page, click Brands. The Brands page appears.
Step 1b. Click the name of the Brand that you want to modify. The Brand Maintenance page appears.
Step 2. Locate the Publication Channel options.
Step 3. Click the Delete icon next to the Publication Channel name that needs to be deleted.
A message appears asking to confirm the action.
Step 4. Click OK to delete the Publication Channel.
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