Access Profiles are sets of Access Rights: rules for allowing or denying users from doing the following:
- Using specific features in Studio or Studio for InDesign and InCopy.
- Performing specific tasks on files.
Example: An access right exists for controlling whether or not a user can access the Planning application in Studio, another for controlling whether or not a user can delete a file, and so on.
How are Access Profiles used?
Different users of the system have different roles: some users only contribute content, designers need to work on many different types of files at once, while others have a managerial role.
Each of these groups require a different set of rules stipulating what they can and cannot do in the system ranging from restrictive to full access. This is accomplished by creating a specific Access Profile that matches the role of the group.
How are Access Profiles assigned?
Access Profiles are assigned on Brand level in combination with a user group, a Category and a Workflow status.
Category and Workflow Status can be used so that a user is allowed to work on a file as long as it is in a particular Category and/or Workflow Status but denied from working on the file as soon as that file moves to a different Category and/or Workflow Status.
Example: Imagine a production process where all contributors should be able to work on all files but as soon as the content reaches a status where it is ready for publication, access should be made available to editors only so that no unwanted changes can be made.
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