One of the actions that you will perform most often in Studio is finding the files that you want to work on by performing a search and then to fine-tune the search results.
This article describes the various methods you can use to achieve this:
- Performing a general search
- Performing a custom search
- Using predefined queries
- Working with search results
- Sharing searches
- Alternative search methods
- Placed files
- Sorting search results
Figure: Searching for files is mainly done by using the Search box (A) and subsequently fine-tuning the results using the Filter (B).
Performing a general search
Most of the time you will know what file to look for and what its name is.
The quickest way of finding such a file is by using the general Search box at the top of the page: type (part of) the file name and press Enter.
Performing a Custom Search
When regularly looking for one or more files based on the same set of criteria, a Custom Search can be created and stored for repeated use. This way, you can quickly run the search without having to enter the criteria each time.
Custom Searches can be created and accessed from the list in the Search box. They can also be shared with other users.
Figure: Setting up a Custom Search.
Figure: Custom Searches (here named 'Recently modified articles') can be accessed from the Search box.
For detailed information, see Using Custom Searches.
Using predefined queries
A predefined query (also known as a Named Query) is very similar to a Custom Search (see above): it is a set of stored search criteria that can be repeatedly used for finding specific files.
The difference with a Custom Search is that a predefined query is set up in the system and cannot be changed from within Studio.
Predefined queries can be accessed from the list in the Search box.
Figure: A list of predefined queries in the Search box.
Working with search results
After performing a search, you may want to fine-tune or modify the results. There are various ways of doing this:
- Filtering the results
- Removing tags
- Modifying a Custom Search
- Reloading the search
Filtering the results
The search results can be quickly filtered by using the Filter on the left side of the page, for example to only show images and/or only show files that are set to a certain status.
Figure: The Filter after performing a general search.
Note: The Filter is not available when performing a Custom Search.
Which filter options appear depend on the type of search that was performed.
- The Filter of a general search makes it possible to filter on Brand, Category, Issue file type and Status (see above image).
Note: In order to filter on Category, Issue or Status, select a Brand first.
- The Filter of a predefined query often has its own custom fields for further narrowing down the search results.
Figure: The Filter after performing a predefined query.
Removing tags
Each time you perform a search by using the Search box or narrow down the search results by using the Filter, a tag is created and shown above the search results.
To quickly change your search results, remove one or more tags.
Reloading the general search
To reload the general search, do one of the following:
- Click the Reload icon to the right of the Search box.
- Place the cursor in the Search box and press Enter.
- Click the Refresh button of the Web browser (this refreshes the full page)
Sharing searches
Working in a team means that many team members will regularly be searching for the same files using the same search criteria. To make this process more efficient, searches can be shared between users.
The quickest way of doing this is by copying the URL from the address bar in the browser and sharing that link with other users. Each time a search is performed namely, the search criteria are included in the link.
Example: http://localhost/StudioServer/contentstation/#/search/?PublicationId=2&CategoryId=4&Type=Image |
Note: Whether the users who use the link can see (all) files depends on the access rights that they have been given.
Copying the link for a Custom Search
The link for a Custom Search can also be copied from the list in the Search box by clicking the Share icon. A window will then appear in which the link can be copied.
Figure: Clicking the Share link in the Search box list to access a window to copy the link from.
Using a shared Custom Search link
When another user shares their Custom Search with you and you paste the link into your browser, you will see the Custom Search window appear. Click Save to add the Custom Search to your list in the Search box.
Alternative search methods
Apart from the methods described above to directly search for files, alternative ways of finding files also exist.
Viewing to which Studio Server files a file is linked
Files in Studio Server are typically related to other files in Studio Server:
- A Dossier can contain one or more files
- A file can be part of one or more Dossiers
- An image or article can be placed on a layout or be part of a Publish Form
- A layout can have one or more articles or images (that are also stored in Studio Server) placed on it
It is important to be aware of these relationships, for example to see if other files are affected when making changes to a particular file.
Viewing such relations, known as links, can be done by using the Linked Files panel in Studio.
Figure: The Linked Files panel shows to which files in Studio Server a file is linked.
For each file, the relation to the selected file is shown: 'Part of' for files that are part of a Dossier, 'Placed on' for files that are placed on a layout, and so on.
For more information, see Viewing to which Studio Server files a file is linked using Studio.
Files that are routed to you
Working on a publication is team work. In a typical workflow therefore, your team members will regularly send you files that you need to edit or review.
You can quickly find the files that have been routed to you by referring to the Inbox.
The Inbox icon at the top of the page shows how many files are currently in your Inbox.
You access the Inbox by clicking the Inbox icon at the top of the page.
Figure: The Inbox shows all files that have been routed to you. It is accessed by clicking the Inbox icon at the top of the page (A).
For more information, see Processing routed files using the Inbox in Studio.
Placed files
Files can be placed more than once on a layout. To keep track of this, view the search results in List view and display the 'Placed On' column. If a file is placed on one or more layouts, the name of each layout is displayed in this column. Note though that when a file is placed more than 50 times, only the text 'Multiple objects' is shown.
Sorting search results
One important aspect to be aware of is the effect that sorting can have on the search results. This applies to installations where the files are stored in Studio Server in which the Solr search engine is used.
Note: How Solr works is quite technical and out of scope for this article. When you are in doubt about the search results that you are seeing when sorting, check with your system administrator if this could be related to the use of Solr.
To explain a possible scenario, assume that two files exist and that we are looking for the word 'WoodWing'. Both files contain the name 'WoodWing' in the 'In use by' field, while only one file contains the name 'WoodWing' in the 'Name' field.
File | Name field | In use by field |
A | Contains WoodWing | Contains WoodWing |
B | Does not contain WoodWing | Contains WoodWing |
What can happen now is the following:
- You search for all files containing the word 'WoodWing'. Both files are found.
- You sort the results on the 'Name' field. Both files are still shown.
- You then sort the results on the 'In use by' field. File B disappears from the results.
If you see files disappearing from the search results therefore that you expect to be there, try sorting on a different field.
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