Delimiters are used in Smart Styles for setting up patterns. The number of characters recognized as delimiter in Smart Styles is limited. The delimiters that can be used are shown below.
Unicode symbol | Remark |
0x0007 - 0x0009 |
Tabs |
0x000A |
Line feed |
0x0021 - 0x002F |
! “ # $ % & ’ ( ) * + , - . / |
0x003A - 0x0040 |
: ; < = > ? @ |
0x005B - 0x0060 |
[ \ ] ^ _ ` |
0x007B - 0x007E |
{ | } ~ |
0x00A1 - 0x00BF |
¡ ¢ £ ¤ ¥ ¦ § “ © a « ¬ ® o ± 2 3 ’ μ ¶ · ‚1 ° » 1⁄2 1⁄4 3⁄4 ¿ |
0x200C - 0x20CF |
Various symbols |
0x2500 - 0x27BF |
Box, block and other symbols |
0x3000 - 0x3002 |
Japanese normal space |
0xE000 |
Inline items |
0xFE35 - 0xFE4 |
4 ⌢⌣︹︺︷︸︿﹀︽︾﹁﹂﹃﹄︻︼ |
0xFE50 - 0xFE6F |
Various symbols |
0xFF08 - 0xFF09 |
( ) |
0xFF0B - 0xFF0F |
+ , - . / |
0xFF1A - 0xFF1A |
: ; |
0xFF1F ? |
0xFF01 ! |
0xFFE5 |
¥ |
0xFF03 |
# |
0xFF3B |
[ |
0xFF3D |
] |
0xFF5B |
{ |
0xFF5D |
} |
0x0020 |
Normal space |
0x2000 - 0x200B |
Special spaces |
0x203B |
※ |
0x00A0 |
Hard space |
0x3008 - 0x3011 |
< > |
0x3014 - 0x3015 |
[ ] |
0x30FB |
• |
Preferred delimiters
A number of delimiters have preference over other delimiters. This means that if two possible delimiters are found and one of them is preferred, the preferred delimiter will be used.
Unicode symbol | Remark |
0x0007 - 0x0009 |
Tabs |
0x000A |
Line feed |
0x002C |
Line feed |
0x003A |
Line feed |
0x2010 - 0x2015 |
Dashes |
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