Swivle for InDesign connects Adobe InDesign or InDesign Server to Swivle.
The main use of Swivle for InDesign is to place files on a layout by dragging them from Swivle, and to open layouts from Swivle directly in InDesign for editing.
This article describes the main features of Swivle for InDesign and is aimed at users who are new to Swivle for InDesign.
For large topics, a summary is given and links to articles with more detailed information are provided.
Note: See also the Quick Start for Swivle for InDesign and the Quick Start for the Brand portal in Swivle.
The following topics are described:
Swivle for InDesign is a plug-in for InDesign and needs to be installed locally on your system. During the installation, various components are added to InDesign, such as a menu and preferences.
For details, see Installing or uninstalling Swivle for InDesign.
Setting up your environment
Swivle for InDesign makes it possible to use various methods of working with the files that are stored in Swivle. The working of these methods can be controlled by setting preferences.
Before you start working with Swivle for InDesign, you might want to set up these preferences to your liking.
For more information, see Preferences for Swivle for InDesign .
Placing files from Swivle on a layout
Files that are stored in Swivle can be easily placed on an InDesign layout by dragging them from Swivle.
All files that are selected in Swivle are loaded into the InDesign place gun from which you can place them in the regular manner.
To show the import dialog box in InDesign to control how or which parts of the file should be placed, press and hold Shift while placing the file.
Tracking placed files
When also storing the layout in Swivle, the Placed files panel in Swivle can be used to see which files are placed on a layout.
Two types of relationships are displayed:
- The Placed files tab is active when a layout is selected. It shows the images in Swivle that are placed on that layout.
- The Placed on tab is active when an image is selected. It shows on which layouts the image is placed.
For more information about using the panel, see Tracking files that are placed from Swivle on InDesign layouts.
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