The Smart Styles Release Notes contain information about the new features, changes, fixed issues, and known issues for each release of Smart Styles for Adobe 2020.
The versions are sorted by version number in descending order. Use the Navigation block to the right of the page to quickly navigate to the information of a released version, or filter the article by version to only show that version:
Smart Styles for Adobe 2020 (version 15.0.3)
Version: 15.0.3 build 38
Release date: 6 July 2021
For information about downloading Smart Styles, see Smart Styles installers.
New features
No features have been added in this release of Smart Styles.
The following changes have been made in this release of Smart Styles:
- About WoodWing dialog. The About WoodWing dialog and Welcome screen have been changed so that they do not rely on the Adobe Extension (zxp) technology any longer. Instead, these dialogs are now implemented as native InDesign dialogs. As a consequence the ExManCmd command line tool is no longer part of the installer and the WoodWingUI ZXP extension is not installed during installation of the plug-ins.
Known issues
No known issues exist in this release of Smart Styles.
No changes to the documentation have been made in this release of Smart Styles.
Fixed issues
The following issues have been fixed in this release of Smart Styles:
SS-1253 The About WoodWing dialog is not working on the latest version of InDesign and InCopy.
For information about installing, see:
Smart Styles for Adobe 2020 (version 15.0.1)
Version: 15.0.1 build 23
Release date: 19 May 2019
For information about downloading Smart Styles, see Smart Styles installers.
New features
No features have been introduced in this release of Smart Styles.
No changes have been made in this release of Smart Styles.
Known issues
No known issues exist in this release of Smart Styles.
No changes to the documentation have been made in this release of Smart Styles.
Fixed issues
The following issue has been fixed in this release of Smart Styles:
SS-1218 InDesign will not start if Smart Connection version 15 was first installed, followed by Smart Styles version 15.
For information about installing, see:
Smart Styles for Adobe 2020 (version 15.0.0)
Version: 15.0.0 build 17
Release date: 4 November 2019
For information about downloading Smart Styles, see Smart Styles installers.
New features
The following features have been introduced in this release of Smart Styles:
- Support for Adobe 2020. Smart Styles can now be used in InDesign 2020 and InCopy 2020.
- Support for InDesign 2020 features. Support has been added for the following new features of InDesign 2020:
- Column Rules. This can be enabled or disabled through the Smart Styles property Object Style > Text Frame Options > Column Rules.
- Variable Fonts. This can be enabled or disabled through the Smart Styles property Text Style > Character Settings when it is not part of a character or paragraph Style, otherwise Text Style > Character Styles or Text Style > Paragraph Styles can be used.
- Documentation. The documentation for Smart Styles can now be accessed via Help > Smart Styles Help... .
The following changes have been made in this release of Smart Styles:
- Installer. The installer for Windows has been updated and can now also be installed silently. For more information, see Installing, activating, and uninstalling Smart Styles.
- Example files. On Windows, the example files that accompany Smart Styles are now always installed; there is no option in the installer anymore to not install them.
- Documentation. The documentation for Smart Styles is now available as part of the WoodWing Help Center.
Known issues
No known issues exist in this release of Smart Styles.
The following changes to the documentation have been made in this release of Smart Styles:
- Installing, activating, and uninstalling Smart Styles - Updated
- Smart Styles element properties - Updated
Fixed issues
The following issue has been fixed in this release of Smart Styles:
SS-1208 Context menu in a table takes long to appear when Smart Styles is installed.
For information about installing Smart Styles, see:
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