The filterExpression setting is one of the settings of an Action plug-in that can be configured in its configuration file. For more information, see Assets Server Action plug-ins - configuration settings.
Required | No |
Description |
Expression to validate an individual asset. For example, the plug-in exclusively works with video assets. Selected assets are filtered by the filterExpression when the action is executed. This results in a filtered selection in the elvisContext, only items that match the filterExpression are in the final selection. The filterExpression can also be used in combination with elvisContext.hasFilteredSelection() as enabledExpression. This enhances the enabled validation with validation on individual items. |
Basic setting |
- item.isContainer(). Returns true when the item is a container asset (collection).
- item.isAsset(). Returns true when the item is an asset.
- item.hasAssetDomain(assetDomain:String). Returns true when the item is an asset and it matches the given assetDomain.
A plug-in that works with a selection of images
In this sample, the selection must contain at least one image, the final selection in the elvisContext is filtered by the filterExpression and will only contain images.
A plug-in that works with videos and images
<filterExpression>item.hasAssetDomain("image") || item.hasAssetDomain("video")</filterExpression>
A plug-in that requires a selection of images
In this sample, the selection should only contain images or containers (if flattenContainersInSelection is true), the plug-in will be disabled if the selection also contains other asset types.
A plug-in that requires a single selected PDF
<enabledExpression>elvisContext.hasFilteredSelection() && elvisContext.isSingleItem()</enabledExpression>
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