There are several ways of adding content to Assets Server, from adding a large number of legacy files and folders by using a bulk import to adding files manually in small numbers or one-by-one.
Bulk import
A bulk import of files into Assets Server is typically done when the system has just been set up and assets need to be moved from your existing file store location(s) into Assets Server.
This will also be a good moment to analyze the files that have accumulated in your file storage location and to exclude unwanted files from the import to ensure an Assets Server system that is as clean as possible.
Various methods of importing files in bulk are available. For more information, see Importing files to Assets Server in bulk.
Manual import
A manual import is typically done by end users who upload their files to share with others or to make them part of the production process.
Uploading files this way can be done by using Assets.
Uploading files by users
Once Assets Server is used in production, files are uploaded by users. This is typically done by using Assets.
For more information, see Uploading files using Assets.
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