Note: The Assets Server SOAP Web service has been deprecated. It remains available and fully supported for on-premise or privately hosted installations so that existing third-party applications or integrations can stay compatible with newer Assets Server versions. Because the SOAP Web service is not available for the cloud version of WoodWing Assets, we advise to use the REST API for any new developments.
Below is an example remove by query request, remove by folder request and response message.
Note: The wrapping SOAP envelope and authentication header have been omitted to make the samples easier to read. Detailed documentation about each of the elements and their possible values is provided in the WSDL.
Remove content by query request body
<e:removeRequest xmlns:e=""
Query specifying the assets to be removed. This will remove only assets, no folders.
<q:queryStringQuery>assetCreated:[* TO NOW-1YEAR]</q:queryStringQuery>
Remove content by folder request body
<e:removeRequest xmlns:e=""
Elvis folderPath of folder to remove, all assets within the folder will also be removed.
<e:folder>/Demo Zone/Video/News</e:folder>
When async is not specified, the response will wait until the operation to complete. In this case the response indicates the number of items processed and the number of items that failed. The reason why it failed can be found in the server logs, in most cases the item was checked out.
Since the operation might run for a while when removing large folders, it can be started asynchronous and will run as a separate process on the Assets Server.
<e:removeRequest async="true">
In this case the operation immediately returns after the process has started and only returns the process id, not the outcome of the operation.
You can make separate requests to retrieve details about the current status of the process.
Which returns the following information.
Or when the process was completed with errors.
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