Working on files in the Brand portal in Assets begins with first finding the files that you want to work on.
This article describes the various ways that can be used.
Ways of searching
There are various ways in which you can search for files:
- By entering a search term
- By browsing Categories
- By choosing a taxonomy
- By filtering the search results by using additional criteria
Each of these methods can be used individually or in combination with one or all of the other methods.
Example: Here, all 3 methods are used: a search term "flower" is entered in the Search box (A), Category "Fauna" is being searched (B) and the search results are filtered by a tag (C). |
Entering a search term
Enter a search term in the Search box to find any files with that phrase in their file name, description, tags, and so on.
- After entering the search term press Enter to perform the search.
- Leave the Search box empty to find all files within a location.
- Choose to search in all files or in a specific Category (folder). Sub-Categories are automatically included when searching,
Browsing Categories
Note: Browsing Categories is the default navigation method but can optionally be replaced by using taxonomies (see below).
In the Brand portal, Categories represent the folders in Assets. Instead of showing a folder structure, the Categories and any sub Categories are shown as a list.
Figure: Using Categories to navigate the assets in the Brand portal.
To navigate to previously accessed Categories, use the Back button in the Category panel or choose a Category from the main menu.
Figure: When navigating sub-Categories, return to previously accessed Categories by using the Back button or by choosing a Category from the menu.
Choosing a taxonomy
Instead of browsing files by using Categories, the Brand portal can also be set up to use taxonomies.
Choose one or more taxonomies from the lists to make those assets appear that have these taxonomies assigned.
Figure: Using taxonomies to find assets in the Brand portal.
Filtering the search results
Use the Filter to further narrow down the search results.
Note: The available fields to filter on depends on the way the system is configured.
Saving a Search
If you regularly search for the same files, save the search by creating a bookmark in the Web browser.
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