The language in which Studio as an application is displayed (meaning: the text that appears in menus, buttons, messages and so on) is controlled by the following settings:
- The "CompanyLanguage" setting of Studio Server. This is a global setting which affects all applications that are logged in to the Server.
- The language setting of the user profile in Studio Server. This is a local setting for the logged-in user only. This setting overrules the "CompanyLanguage" setting, thereby making it possible to use a different language than the default company language.
This article explains how to change the language in which Studio is displayed by using these settings.
Note: Localization of the supported languages in Studio is not supported.
Changing the company language
Info: Performing the described step requires direct server access. Depending upon how your system is hosted and the level of access you have to that system, coordination may be required with your Partner or WoodWing Support team. For a full overview of the steps that need to be done by WoodWing and how to request them, see WoodWing Cloud - Change management.
A company language is used as the default language. This means that when the user is not known yet, the language is displayed in the set company language.
Example: The Log In dialog box could initially be displayed in the company language; once the user is logged in, the application switches to the language set in the user’s profile.
The company language is controlled by the following option in Studio Server:
- File: configserver.php file
- Name of option: CompanyLanguage
- Possible values: The four-letter code of one of the following languages:
- csCZ Czech
- deDE German
- enUS American English
- esES Spanish
- fiFI Finnish
- frFR French
- itIT Italian
- jaJP Japanese
- koKR Korean
- nlNL Dutch
- plPL Polish
- ptBR Brazilian Portuguese
- ruRU Russian
- zhCN Chinese (Simplified)
- zhTW Chinese (Traditional)
- Default setting: enUS
- Example:
new Feature( 'CompanyLanguage' , 'enUS'),
Changing the user language
The user language is the language that the user prefers to use. It overrules the company language.
Example: When the company language is set to English and the user language is set to Spanish, Studio will run in Spanish for that user.
Step 1. In Studio Server, click Users in the Maintenance menu or on the Home page.
The Overview of Users page appears.
Step 2. Choose the user for which the language needs to be changed.
The User Maintenance page appears.
Step 3. From the Language list, choose the language:
Čeština | Czech | |
Deutsch | German | |
English (US) | American English | |
Español | Spanish | |
Français | French | |
Italiano | Italian | |
日本語 | Japanese | |
한국어 | Korean | |
Nederlands | Dutch | |
Polski | Polish | |
Português | Brazilian Portuguese | |
Русский | Russian | |
Suomi | Finnish | |
简体 | Chinese (Simplified) | |
繁體 | Chinese (Traditional) |
Step 4. Click Update (or the equivalently named button in case Studio Server is run in a language other than English).
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