Error messages that originate from Enterprise Server include an error code. Such codes start with 'S1' and are enclosed in brackets.
Examples: (S1029) Record not found. Unable to open the article; it is already being edited in another tab (S1091). |
Error codes make it possible to recognize the type of error regardless of the language that the error is displayed in.
Error code overview
All error codes can be found in the file that contains all Enterprise Server software strings for a particular language.
The file is stored in the following location:
<Enterprise Server path>/config/resources
The following files are available:
File name | Language |
csCZ.xml | Czech |
deDE.xml | German |
enUS.xml | English |
esES.xml | Spanish |
fiFI.xml | Finnish |
frFR.xml | French |
itIT.xml | Italian |
jaJP.xml | Japanese |
koKR.xml | Korean |
nlNL.xml | Dutch |
plPL.xml | Polish |
ptBR.xml | Brazilian Portuguese |
ruRU.xml | Russian |
zhCN.xml | Chinese (Simplified) |
zhTW.xml | Chinese (Traditional) |
The following is an overview of the error messages, sorted by code number. It is based on the software strings found in the enUS.xml file:
Code | Description |
S1000 | Missing function parameter. |
S1001 | Unable to save attached data to file. |
S1002 | Access denied. |
S1003 | Couldn't connect to database. |
S1004 | Database error. |
S1005 | Database already initialized. |
S1006 | Database already up-to-date. |
S1007 | Database not initialized. |
S1008 | Failed to delete: |
S1009 | Name already exists as user. |
S1010 | Name already exists in database. |
S1011 | Name already exists as User Group. |
S1012 | Error. |
S1013 | Failed to export, EXPORTDIRECTORY not defined. |
S1014 | Failed to export, unable to find or save to. |
S1016 |
User has fixed password. Can appear when a user tries to update the account password while this is managed in LDAP or Active Directory. |
S1017 | Invalid {STATE}: '%1'. |
S1018 | Invalid e-mail address. |
S1019 | Invalid operation. |
S1020 | Invalid property. |
S1021 | Unable to perform this action; the file has been checked-out. |
S1022 | Problem: Could not move low-res file to destination directory : |
S1023 | Please complete required fields and retry. |
S1024 | First and second password are different. |
S1025 | Name already exists in this {ISSUE}. |
S1026 | Name has invalid characters or is too long. |
S1027 | Problem: Could not move native file to destination directory. |
S1028 | None available. |
S1029 | Record not found. |
S1030 | Unable to perform this action; the file is not checked-out. |
S1031 | Not available. |
S1032 | Empty name is not allowed. |
S1033 | Empty password is not allowed. |
S1034 | No action taken. |
S1035 | No database => init database . |
S1036 | No %1 found. |
S1037 | No Slugline. |
S1038 | %1 %2 already exists. |
S1039 | Metadata updated, but database cannot be changed. Please contact your administrator. |
S1040 | This name already exists in the database with another type. Metadata not updated. |
S1041 | Unable to create temp folder. Please check the access rights for the ATTACHMENTDIRECTORY. |
S1042 | Problem: Could not move thumb file to destination directory. |
S1042 | Error: Invalid or expired logon ticket. Please re-logon. |
S1044 | Template missing: |
S1045 | File type is not supported. |
S1046 | The file size is larger than the value for upload_max_filesize established in php.ini. |
S1047 | The file size is larger than the MAX_FILE_SIZE established in html. |
S1048 | The file is partially uploaded. |
S1049 | Could not find file to upload. |
S1050 | Not allowed to mix objects of different types in one upload session. |
S1051 | User deactivated. |
S1052 | Choose a language. |
S1053 | Wrong user name or password. |
S1054 | No authorization server found. Check your network domain suffix or contact your local administrator. |
S1055 | Access to authorization servers failed. Please try again later or contact your administrator. |
S1056 | %1 %2 does not exist. |
S1059 | %1 can not be deleted since it has been configured. Please contact your administrator. |
S1060 | The server plug-in %1 is required for this feature, but is not enabled. |
S1061 | Solr Search Error: %1. |
S1064 | Could not upload attachment to Drupal. |
S1065 | Unable to perform this action; the file is linked to another file which is checked-out. |
S1066 | Unable to edit the article; it is locked. |
S1067 | Error composing article. |
S1068 | Error connecting to server. Please check your connection and try again. |
S1070 | Article is not placed on layout. |
S1071 | Error creating PDF. |
S1072 | Not allowed to perform this operation. |
S1073 | Please only add files of the same type. |
S1074 | Error uploading files. Click OK to try again or click Cancel to stop uploading. |
S1075 | Error parsing WWSettings.xml file. |
S1076 | Default is not in the list. |
S1077 | You don't have the right permissions to execute this application. |
S1078 | No Comment. |
S1079 | The file type could not be detected because the extension is unknown. |
S1080 | Content Source not found for alien or shadow object %1. |
S1081 | No Comments. |
S1082 | Cannot publish because publish system is set to {ENTERPRISE}. Please contact your system administrator. |
S1083 | Server configuration problem: slugline column missing in query. Please contact your system administrator. |
S1084 | Either the source {PUBLICATION} is not specified or the new {PUBLICATION} is blank. |
S1085 | Cannot add Dossier to itself. |
S1086 | Air or Flex SDK does not match. |
S1087 | Either the source user name is not specified or the new user name is blank. |
S1088 | The Content Station Documents folder is not defined in the WWsettings.xml file. |
S1089 | Abort export magazine error, please contact the system administrator. |
S1090 | Application cannot be loaded. |
S1091 | Unable to edit the article; it is already being edited in another tab. |
S1092 | {DOSSIER} could not be removed because it is published to %1. Unpublish this Dossier and try again. |
S1094 | Enterprise Agent must be running to start applications. |
S1095 | No text was entered. |
S1096 | Server configuration problem: format column missing in query. Please contact your system administrator. |
S1097 | Exporting the magazine could not be started. Please contact the system administrator. |
S1098 | URL not found. |
S1099 | The Dossier order could not be determined. Please contact the system administrator. |
S1100 | Either the source group name is not specified or the new group name is blank. |
S1101 | This browser is not supported. Please check the Help Center for compatible browsers. |
S1102 | Invalid SQL. |
S1103 | Invalid URL. |
S1104 | Module can not be loaded. |
S1105 | Not allowed to have 'Automatically Send To Next' option enabled without 'Next Status' defined for Status %1. |
S1106 | Application %1 not found. |
S1107 | No default template found. |
S1108 | Error: your browser needs to support Javascript. Please configure your browser accordingly. |
S1109 | No previews folder found. |
S1110 | No web-edit cache folder found. |
S1111 | This Safari browser version is not supported. Please download Safari version 3 or above to access the Web Editor. |
S1112 | Properties not saved. Only one {ISSUE} allowed for this object. |
S1113 | This feature is only available in Content Station - Pro Edition. |
S1114 | Passwords do not match. |
S1115 | Passwords cannot be left blank. |
S1116 | New passwords do not match. Please try again. |
S1117 | Publish error from %1: %2. |
S1118 | An error in InDesign Server occurred. |
S1120 | The plug-in contains errors. Please repair and refresh the Server Plug-ins page to reload your fixes. |
S1121 | Article conversion to WCML failed. |
S1122 | Invalid Date. |
S1125 | Import of the Suggestion Entity failed. |
S1126 | A publish system ID is already set for this Publication Channel. |
S1127 | Invalid publish system ID. |
S1128 | The properties could not be updated. |
S1129 | Invalid {CATEGORY}: '%1'. |
S1130 | Elasticsearch error. Please contact your system administrator. |
S1131 | Deleting your own user account is not allowed. |
S1132 | Deactivating your own user account is not allowed. |
S1133 | Version mismatch due to an incorrect processing sequence while saving the layout. The Job will be rescheduled. |
S1134 | InDesign Server does not respond. |
S1135 | No active available InDesign Servers found. |
S1136 | Fatal server problem occurred. Job was requeued to try once more. |
S1137 | Time-out, job not ready in acceptable time. |
S1138 | No InDesign Server is defined. |
S1139 | No active InDesign Server configurations found for job %1. Please configure an InDesign Server %2 that serves priority %3. |
S1140 | Operation can not be executed. There is a newer version available in the File Store. Please get latest version and try again. |
S1141 | The text component '%1' of article '%2' was already placed. It is not allowed to place it once more. |
S1142 | The text component '%1' of article '%2' was already placed. Nevertheless, it is now placed once more. |
S1143 | No text components found in dossier that can be placed on matching frames of the layout. |
S1144 | Error connecting to the service named %1. Please check your connection and try again. |
S1145 | Password expired, please change password. |
S1146 | User account not valid any more. |
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