The Smart Mover Release Notes contain information about the new features, changes, fixed issues, known issues and upgrade instructions for each release of Smart Mover version 9.
The versions are sorted by version number in descending order. Use the Navigation block to the right of the page to quickly navigate to the information of a released version.
Smart Mover 9.7.3 - build 93
Release date: August 2017
New features
The following new features have been added in Smart Mover 9.7.3 - build 93:
- Elvis XML Upload Task: Support for %GUID% replacements has been added.
- Enterprise Download Task: Option added to store files into the Brand > Issue > Channel > Category folder structure.
- Smart Mover Manager: Hovering the mouse over the disabled OK button in the Setup window now lists the requirements to enable that button.
The following change has been implemented in Smart Mover 9.7.3 - build 93:
- Copy Files Task: Files are now only opened to check if the file should be copied if the Name, Type or Extension qualify it for copying.
No changes have been made to the Smart Mover User Guide.
Fixed issues
The following issues have been fixed in Smart Mover 9.7.3 - build 93:
- Preferences > Logs option would not enable for Elvis-only sites.
- FTP Get Task incorrectly saves an empty file in the destination folder when there is an error getting the file. Now no file is saved.
- FTP Get Task is now able to download files with names that include # and other special characters.
- Added support for Elvis 6.x.
Smart Mover 9.7.1 - build 91
Release date: March 2017
New features
No new features have been introduced in Smart Mover 9.7.1 - build 91.
The following change has been implemented in Smart Mover 9.7.1 - build 91:
- When deleting a Process, the option to “Also Delete ‘Process Folder’ in ‘Base Path’” would resolve alias/links/shortcuts and thus delete those folders and files. Now only files and folders actually located inside the Base Folder are deleted.
No changes have been made to the Smart Mover User Guide.
Fixed issues
The following issues have been fixed in Smart Mover 9.7.1 - build 91:
- Facebook Upload Task now complies with the new API.
- Enterprise to Elvis Transfer setting number of Versions to 0 was not transferring any versions. It now transfers all.
Smart Mover 9.7.0 - build 90
Release date: 9 November 2016
New features
The following new features have been introduced in Smart Mover 9.7.0 - build 90:
- Added code to Smart Mover Service to prevent multiple copies from being launched.
- Enterprise XML Upload no longer requires <Name>, <Format> or <Type> of attachments. If left empty Smart Mover will obtain those vales from the file being uploaded.
- Send Mail Task now supports CC and BCC recipients.
- SOAP XML-RPC Task now includes option to skip verification of XML request.
- Added "SMMKeepAlive" to SmartMoverService.conf to keep connection to Smart Manager alive under some VMs.
- S3 Download Task includes option to only include files that match a regular expression.
- Get Mail Task now allows setting of IMAP Port independent of security encryption.
- Get Mail Task allows setting of SSL/TSL type.
- Get Mail Task includes option to encrypt password.
- Send Mail Task allows for type of security connection.
- Elvis and Enterprise can now have different HTTPS connection types.
The following change has been implemented in Smart Mover 9.7.0 build 90:
- Smart Mover Manager now uses CURL for connection to Enterprise and Elvis.
The Smart Mover User Guide has been updated.
Fixed issues
The following issues have been fixed in Smart Mover 9.7.0 build 90:
- Enterprise Transfer Server requests now explicitly set content length to 0 which is required by some servers.
- Enterprise based Task setups would not include User Queries in the query popup.
- Mac distribution includes “” to create required folders under newer versions of Mac OS X.
- Fixed incorrect GUID calls in sample XSL templates that create .wcml files.
- Get Mail Task does additional checks looking for base 64 encoding.
- Smart Mover Manager could crash if its window was maximized and then closed.
- Smart Mover Manager will no longer “nap” when screen saver comes on.
- Improved error trapping and reporting when Smart Mover Service does not have proper privileges.
Smart Mover 9.6.0 - build 75
Release date: 25 November 2015
New features
The following new features have been introduced in Smart Mover 9.6.0 - build 75:
- Added S3 Upload and S3 Download Tasks.
- Embed XMP Task now works under Linux.
- SQL Execute Task includes option to control how many records are stored in a file.
- Added "Put" option to Post URL Task.
- Enterprise to Elvis Transfer Task now supports {IssueDateYear}, {IssueDateMonth}, {IssueDateDay} in the Elvis Path.
- Added "FTP (SSL)" option to FTP Get and Put Tasks.
- Added option to encrypt Mover Manager/Mover Service communications.
- Added TSLV11 & TSLV12 to SSL/TSL Enterprise and Elvis communications.
- Enterprise Download Task added option to save the files in Brand-Channel-Issue-Category subfolders.
The following changes have been implemented in Smart Mover 9.6.0 build 75:
- Increased Mover Manager's Enterprise login classes to time out set in 60 seconds.
- Enterprise Publish Task now includes Edition option.
- Enterprise and Elvis Tasks now use CURL for communications.
- Improved memory management for Elvis & Enterprise download Tasks.
- Manager and Service are now Cocoa apps on Mac OS X.
- Manager and Service require at least Mac OS X 10.7.
- Get Mail Task now limits files name to 100 characters.
- Get Mail Task includes better message parsing.
- Get Mail Task POP now deletes messages form the server as they are received.
- Enterprise to Elvis Transfer Task removed option to include Publish Forms and Publish Forms Templates.
- FTP Put Task now uses PASV and not EPSV.
The Smart Mover User Guide has been updated. For an overview of all changes, see appendix N, Revisions.
Fixed issues
The following issues have been fixed in Smart Mover 9.6.0 build 75:
- Elvis Download when downloading Collections/Dossiers for Elvis 5.x could generate "unable to parse" errors.
- Enterprise Dossier Folder Upload & Enterprise Folder Upload could return an Invalid Status error.
- Enterprise Dossier Folder Upload could not properly upload when a Brand, Channel, Category included some double byte characters.
- Memory leaks when using HTTPS form Enterprise and Elvis communications.
- Enterprise Download Task could get a log entry that "none" rendition was not available.
- Get Mail Task misspelled <HTMLBody> node.
- Get Mail Task could crash Mover Service if email included invalid utf-8 characters.
Smart Mover 9.5.0 - build 50
Release date: 1 March 2015
New features
The following new features have been introduced in Smart Mover 9.5.0 - build 50:
- Enterprise Dossier Upload Task & Dossier Folder Upload Task now include option "Apply Pub Channels to Dossiers ONLY (not to children)".
- Enterprise Check Out-In Task now includes option to just Check Out, In or both (default).
- Elvis Check Out-In Task now includes option to just Check Out, In or both (default).
- Each Process can now e-mail error logs to different addresses.
- SQL Execute Task.
- Search & Replace Task (to replace deprecated Move Files Task).
- Flatten Folder Task.
- Copy Files Task now include the option to merge subfolder contents.
- Extract MetaData Task now includes 2 additional nodes for GPS data: LatitudeDecimal and LongitudeDecimal.
- Edit Process window now includes buttons to enable or disable all Tasks with one click.
- Make SubFolders Task.
- 'Test Mode' added to the Process editing window.
- Run Command Line Task now support use of "{BasePath}" and "{ProcessFolder}".
- Enterprise Download, CheckOut-In, Transfer Copy, Transfer to Elvis and Dossier Publish Tasks now allow modification of custom fields for each downloaded object.
- FTP Get Task and FTP PutTask now support FTPS.
- Added option to automatically shutdown Smart Mover Service at a specified time.
The following changes have been implemented in Smart Mover 9.5.0 build 50:
- Embed XMP Task includes improved error trapping and includes more detailed error messages.
- Enterprise XML Upload Task now supports Relations.
The Smart Mover User Guide has been updated. For an overview of all changes, see appendix N, Revisions.
Fixed issues
The following issues have been fixed in Smart Mover 9.5.0 build 50:
- Enterprise Dossier Upload Task could get "invalid status" when uploading a new Dossier with the Status not set to 'First'.
- Enterprise Transfer Task now will include Adverts that do not have an associated file.
- Enterprise Transfer Task now transfers the HighResFile field.
- Mac & Linux Run Command Line could time out before specified value.
- Enterprise to Elvis Transfer Task could error on Enterprise objects not assigned certain metadata fields and Smart Mover might not flag this as an error.
- Get Mail Task now removes any * from the subject to create the file or folder name.
- All Enterprise Tasks that download an object could crash on very large files when Mover Service is running under Windows.
- All Enterprise Upload Tasks could skip updating the Plain Content field for some InCopy Articles.
- Alias now resolved correctly when running Smart Mover Service under Mac Yosemite 10.10.
- Get Mail memory leak when using a secure socket.
- Twitter & Facebook Tasks changed to use TLS instead of SSL.
All the Enterprise Upload Tasks could fail to upload “as version” when Enterprise is running with Oracle.
Smart Mover 9.2.0 - build 25
Release date: 19 May 2014
New features
The following new features have been introduced in Smart Mover 9.2.0 build 25:
- Default Elvis URL added to Preferences.
- Convert File Encoding Task codes and decoded base64 and quote-printable files, also can convert text encoding.
- Image File Processing (sips) Task provides simple access to SIPS when Smart Mover Service is running on a Mac.
- Image File Processing (ImageMagick) Task provides simple access to ImageMagick (which must be installed on the Service machine).
- Create and Test buttons added to "Base Path" Preferences > Misc.
- "Auto Connect Manager to Service" added to Preferences > Misc. When enabled, the Connect window automatically opens when Smart Mover Manager is launched.
- "Password" added to Preferences > Misc. When entered, fills in the password field on the Connect window.
- Enterprise Copy Task now includes an option to put the copy into the same Dossier as the original.
- Elvis XML Upload Task includes the option to delete dependent files.
- Enterprise XML Upload Task includes the option to delete dependent files.
- Added Preference to "Enable Elvis Tasks".
The following changes have been implemented in Smart Mover 9.2.0 build 25:
- Slight changes to Get Mail Setup Window:
- Ability to save the raw e-mail message to help support issues
- XML option includes HMTL body
- Removed Mac creator and Type selection
- Can specify the HTML file extension
- Enterprise Task setup windows now automatically scroll the Channels list to the first chosen value when the window is first opened.
- Enterprise Download Task now properly represents parent-child-grand child relations better in the folder structure.
- Enterprise XML Upload Task now supports "full" Attachment Paths.
- Manager Activity Window displays the execution time including seconds.
- Enterprise Mod MetaData Pub Channels list now includes a "No Change" option.
- The setup window for Delete Files, Copy Files and Move Files Tasks was changed to use a comma-delimited list for file extensions and Mac types.
- Enterprise to Elvis Transfer "as version" supports use of the Enterprise system ID if the Enterprise and Elvis versions support it.
Fixed issues
The following issues have been fixed in Smart Mover 9.2.0 build 25:
- Get Mail Task improves message parsing
- Plan and HTML body now saved as UTF8
If the Service port is not available, only one '105 error' is generated instead of dozens.
- Enterprise Download Task better supports objects with the same name.
- Enterprise Upload Task truncates object names at 64 characters instead of 64 bytes.
- Elvis XML Upload Task includes better error trapping on each asset that is uploaded.
- Enterprise & Elvis XML Upload Tasks now work if the XMLfile includes a BOM (byte order mark).
- Extract Image MetaData Task could crash Smart Mover Service when processing certain images.
- Enterprise Copy Task would not properly set the Category if the object's Brand was changed but the Category was set to "No Change".
- Enterprise Mod metaData Task would not properly set the Category if the object's Brand was changed but the Category was set to "No Change".
- Smart Mover Manager could crash if an Enterprise Task was edited but no WWSettings.xml file was found.
- Enterprise Transfer Task could fail to find the proper destination Issue if the original object included a "Publish In".
- Authorization not working due to error in version number.
Move Files with Text Translations could loop indefinitely in certain situations.
Enterprise Tasks that download articles when the "XML Geometry" Server Feature is turned on could fail.
Smart Mover 9.1.0 - build 10
Release date:12 December 2013
New features
The following new features have been introduced in Smart Mover 9.1.0 build 10:
- The Elvis to Enterprise Transfer Task now includes an option to create Linked/Shadow Objects.
- The Enterprise Transfer Task now includes the option to Maintain Shadow Links.
- The Smart Mover Manager main window now includes the option to only display Logs that include an error.
- JSON-RPC Task.
- Support for Enterprise 9.1 Object Labels including:
- Downloaded metadata files include ObjectLabels nodes when appropriate.
- Enterprise XML Upload supports adding Object Labels to Dossiers and children.
- Enterprise Transfer will transfer both Dossier and child Object Labels.
- Enterprise Dossier Upload and Enterprise Dossier Folder Upload supports Object Label -metadata.xml overrides.
- Enterprise Copy will include Object Labels for Dossier children.
The following changes have been implemented in Smart Mover 9.1.0 build 10:
- Linux Smart Mover Service no longer requires CURL to be installed to use the SFTP Tasks.
- All and None buttons added to numerous Task setup screens to make selection of long lists easier.
- Rename Files Task allows for RegEx subexpressions in an RBScript.
- The Edit Process window now lists the available Tasks in hierarchical groups.
Fixed issues
The following issues have been fixed in Smart Mover 9.1.0 build 10:
- Move Files Task text translations could fail if it had to replace more than 1000 strings.
- Mover Manager Select folder dialogs now check for and avoids alias/link recursion.
- -metadata.xml files could fail to be saved on some Linux systems if no native rendition was found.
- Enterprise Admin Transfer Task now transfers all Issue metadata if provided by the source server.
- FTPGet Task could fail to get a directory list from some servers.
- Extract Image MetaData Task could fail on some files.
- Get Mail would not properly decode some email bodies and HTML.
- Enterprise Transfer would not transfer thumbs and previews for 8.x and above servers.
- Enterprise Transfer could swap Page thumbs and previews.
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