This is step 15 and the final step of performing a major upgrade from Enterprise Server 8 to Enterprise Server 9.2 or higher. (See a list of all steps)
Instances of older versions of InDesign Server can be removed as soon as all users are fully making use of documents for that new version only. To do this, follow these steps:
Step 1. Access the Overview of InDesign Servers page in Enterprise Server.
Step 1a. In the Maintenance menu, click Integrations. A page showing links to integrated services appears.
Step 1b. Click InDesign Servers.
Figure: The Overview of InDesign Servers page.
Step 2. Remove any instances referring to previous versions of InDesign Server.
Step 3. (Optional) Uninstall any previous versions of InDesign Server by following the instructions provided by Adobe.
Next step
You have reached the final step of the installation process: no further steps are necessary.
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