This is step 8 of performing a full installation of Enterprise Server 9. (See a list of all steps)
Purpose of this step
Initializing the Enterprise Server plug-ins is necessary because much of the functionality of Enterprise Server is based on the functionality of Server plug-ins. During the initialization process, the available Server plug-in folders are accessed and the plug-ins that are found are added to the database.
Note: Registering Server plug-ins needs to be done when:
Steps to follow
Step 1. In Enterprise Server, click Server Plug-ins in the Maintenance menu or on the Home page.
The Server Plug-ins page appears and any installed plug-ins will be automatically registered.
Note: Because the plug-ins are registered while the page is opened, the process of opening the page can take a few moments.
Step 2. Make sure that the required plug-ins are enabled. If needed, resolve any conflicts.
Note: Normally, no conflicts should arise and no further action will be required after accessing the page.
Next step
Step 9. Testing the Enterprise Server installation
Reference Materials
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