The status of any InDesign Server Job that enters the system can be followed by using the InDesign Server Jobs Maintenance page of Enterprise Server.
Step 1. Click Integrations in the Maintenance menu or on the Home page.
Step 2. In the InDesign Server Jobs section, click InDesign Server Jobs. The InDesign Server Jobs page appears.
- The InDesign Server list shows all InDesign Server instances that have been defined through the Overview of InDesign Servers page.
- The Search area can be used for filtering the list of Server Jobs.
- The Jobs list shows all Server Jobs that are available in the system.
Re-starting Background Jobs
When a background job has not started because no InDesign Servers are available, these jobs can be restarted at any time by clicking the Force-Start Handling Background Jobs button () at the top of the page.
Background jobs that have already completed can be run again by clicking their corresponding Redo icon in the Redo column.
Refreshing the InDesign Server Jobs Page
Refreshing the InDesign Server Jobs page can be done manually or automatically.
- Manual refresh. Click the Refresh button.
- Auto refresh. Enter a value in the Refresh box to indicate the time interval in seconds between each refresh. (Leave the box blank to disable automatic refreshing). After entering or changing a value, click the Refresh button () to implement the change.
Related Information
About InDesign Server Jobs in Enterprise Server 9
Related Tasks
Setting up instances of InDesign Server in Enterprise Server 9
Reference Materials
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