On regular occasions, code in Studio Server that it is replaced or not used anymore is marked as deprecated and at some later point removed from the software.
This includes global functions, class methods, and classes as listed in this article.
Note: These global functions, class methods, and classes should no longer be called by custom server plug-ins. If a replacement is provided, call that instead.
Code marked as deprecated
The following table shows the global functions, class methods, and classes (in alphabetical order) that are currently marked as deprecated. They are candidates to be removed one year after the release in which they are communicated as being deprecated (which is after 12 minor releases).
Removed (old) | Replacement (new) | Deprecated since |
AppServiceDispatcher class | Not available. Callers should no longer use it. | 10.43.0 |
AppServiceDispatcher::__construct() method | Not available. Callers should no longer use it. | 10.43.0 |
AppServiceDispatcher::handleJson() method | Not available. Callers should no longer use it. | 10.43.0 |
AppServiceDispatcher::handleSoap() method | Not available. Callers should no longer use it. | 10.43.0 |
'appservices.php' module | Not available. Callers should no longer use it. | 10.43.0 |
AppSession class | Not available. Callers should no longer use it. | 10.43.0 |
AppSession::GetObjectIcons() method | Not available. Callers should no longer use it. | 10.43.0 |
AppSession::GetPubChannelIcons() method | Not available. Callers should no longer use it. | 10.43.0 |
AppSession::InstantiateWidget() method | Not available. Callers should no longer use it. | 10.43.0 |
AppSession::LogOff() method | Not available. Callers should no longer use it. | 10.43.0 |
AppSession::LogOn() method | Not available. Callers should no longer use it. | 10.43.0 |
AppSession::SendDiagnostics() method | Not available. Callers should no longer use it. | 10.43.0 |
AppSessionTestApp class | Not available. Callers should no longer use it. | 10.43.0 |
AppSessionTestApp::__construct() method | Not available. Callers should no longer use it. | 10.43.0 |
AppSessionTestApp::testGetObjectIcons() method | Not available. Callers should no longer use it. | 10.43.0 |
AppSessionTestApp::testGetPubChannelIcons() method | Not available. Callers should no longer use it. | 10.43.0 |
AppSessionTestApp::testLogOff() method | Not available. Callers should no longer use it. | 10.43.0 |
AppSessionTestApp::testLogOn() method | Not available. Callers should no longer use it. | 10.43.0 |
AppSessionTestSoapProxy class | Not available. Callers should no longer use it. | 10.43.0 |
AppSessionTestSoapProxy::__construct() method | Not available. Callers should no longer use it. | 10.43.0 |
AppSessionTestSoapProxy::call() method | Not available. Callers should no longer use it. | 10.43.0 |
BizCustomField::insertFieldAtModel() method | Not available. Callers should no longer use it. | 10.44.0 |
BizDiagnostics class | Not available. Callers should no longer use it. | 10.43.0 |
BizDiagnostics::handle() method | Not available. Callers should no longer use it. | 10.43.0 |
BizFileStoreXmpFileInfo::getInDesignDocumentVersion() method | BizFileStoreXmpFileInfo::getLayoutInternalVersion() method | 10.40.0 |
BizInDesignServerJobs::updateObjectVersionByJobId() method | Not available. Callers should no longer use it. | 10.44.0 |
BizObject::completeMetaDataStructure() method | WW_BizClasses_Metadata class | 10.48.0 |
BizProperty::collectCustomPropertyNamesFromCorePlugins() method | Not available. Callers should no longer use it. | 10.44.0 |
BizProperty::convertCustomPropertyTypeToDB() method | WW_DbClasses_Adm_CustomProperty::mapPropertyTypeToDbType() method | 10.44.0 |
BizProperty::updateIndexFieldWithSpecialProperties() method | Not available. Callers should no longer use it. | 10.47.0 |
BizResources::getObjectIcons() method | Not available. Callers should no longer use it. | 10.43.0 |
BizResources::getPubChannelIcons() method | Not available. Callers should no longer use it. | 10.43.0 |
BizUser::validatePassword() method | WW_BizClasses_PasswordRulesValidator::validate() method | 10.43.0 |
cookieMonster() function | Not available. Callers should no longer use it. | 10.39.0 |
DBConfig::getContactInfo() method | Not available. Callers should no longer use it. | 10.43.0 |
DBCustomField::insertFieldAtModel() method | Not available. Callers should no longer use it. | 10.44.0 |
DBObjectFlag::deleteAllObjectFlags() method | Not available. Callers should no longer use it. | 10.47.0 |
Diagnostics class | Not available. Callers should no longer use it. | 10.43.0 |
Diagnostics::execute() method | Not available. Callers should no longer use it. | 10.43.0 |
GetObjectIcons class | Not available. Callers should no longer use it. | 10.43.0 |
GetObjectIcons::execute() method | Not available. Callers should no longer use it. | 10.43.0 |
GetPubChannelIcons class | Not available. Callers should no longer use it. | 10.43.0 |
GetPubChannelIcons::execute() method | Not available. Callers should no longer use it. | 10.43.0 |
InCopyUtils class | WW_Utils_InCopyTextUtils class | 10.47.0 |
InCopyUtils::createGUID() method | NumberUtils::createGUID() method | 10.47.0 |
InCopyUtils::replaceGUIDs() method | WW_Utils_InCopyTextUtils::replaceGUIDs() method | 10.47.0 |
NameValidation_EnterpriseConnector::validatePassword() method | Not available. Callers should no longer use it. | 10.46.0 |
SendDiagnostics class | Not available. Callers should no longer use it. | 10.43.0 |
SendDiagnostics::execute() method | Not available. Callers should no longer use it. | 10.43.0 |
'server/wwtest/appsessionservicetest.php' module | Not available. Callers should no longer use it. | 10.43.0 |
VersionUtils::getVersionDigits() method | WW_Utils_VersionHandler::getVersionDigits() method | 10.48.0 |
VersionUtils::versionCompare() method | WW_Utils_VersionHandler::compareVersions()} or | 10.48.0 |
WflGetDialogService class | Not available. Callers should no longer use it. | 10.40.0 |
WflGetDialogService::execute() method | \WflGetDialog2Service::execute() method | 10.40.0 |
WflGetDialogService::runCallback() method | Not available. Callers should no longer use it. | 10.40.0 |
WW_BizClasses_Atn_OpenIdConfig::isOpenIdEnabled() method | Not available. Callers should no longer use it. | 10.47.0 |
WW_BizClasses_Facades_User::validatePassword() method | WW_BizClasses_PasswordRulesValidator::validate() method | 10.43.0 |
WW_SOAP_AppClient class | Not available. Callers should no longer use it. | 10.43.0 |
WW_SOAP_AppClient::__construct() method | Not available. Callers should no longer use it. | 10.43.0 |
WW_SOAP_AppServer class | Not available. Callers should no longer use it. | 10.43.0 |
WW_SOAP_AppServer::__construct() method | Not available. Callers should no longer use it. | 10.43.0 |
WW_SOAP_AppServer::wsdlRequest() method | Not available. Callers should no longer use it. | 10.43.0 |
Code that has been removed
The following table shows the global functions, class methods, and classes (in alphabetical order) that were marked as deprecated more than a year ago and which have now been removed from the code in Studio Server.
Deprecated (old) | Replacement (new) | Deprecated since version | Removed in version |
\BizInDesignServer::nextIDSWithUnknownVersion() | Not available. Callers should no longer use it. | 10.28.0 | 10.41.0 |
\DateTimeFunctions::calculateDateTime() | Not available. Callers should no longer use it. | 10.28.0 | 10.41.0 |
\DateTimeFunctions::getDaysToNextFirstDay() | Not available. Callers should no longer use it. | 10.28.0 | 10.41.0 |
\DateTimeFunctions::getDaysToPrevFirstDay() | Not available. Callers should no longer use it. | 10.28.0 | 10.41.0 |
\DBInDesignServer::nextIDSWithUnknownVersion() | Not available. Callers should no longer use it. | 10.28.0 | 10.41.0 |
\Flags::addBits() | Not available. Callers should no longer use it. | 10.28.0 | 10.41.0 |
\Flags::addFlags() | Not available. Callers should no longer use it. | 10.28.0 | 10.41.0 |
\Flags::bits2flags() | Not available. Callers should no longer use it. | 10.28.0 | 10.41.0 |
\Flags::clear() | Not available. Callers should no longer use it. | 10.28.0 | 10.41.0 |
\Flags::flags2bits() | Not available. Callers should no longer use it. | 10.28.0 | 10.41.0 |
\Flags::getBits() | Not available. Callers should no longer use it. | 10.28.0 | 10.41.0 |
\Flags::getFlags() | Not available. Callers should no longer use it. | 10.28.0 | 10.41.0 |
\Flags::hasBit() | Not available. Callers should no longer use it. | 10.28.0 | 10.41.0 |
\Flags::hasFlag() | Not available. Callers should no longer use it. | 10.28.0 | 10.41.0 |
\Flags::listAllNames() | Not available. Callers should no longer use it. | 10.28.0 | 10.41.0 |
\Flags::removeBits() | Not available. Callers should no longer use it. | 10.28.0 | 10.41.0 |
\Flags::removeFlags() | Not available. Callers should no longer use it. | 10.28.0 | 10.41.0 |
\Flags::setBits() | Not available. Callers should no longer use it. | 10.28.0 | 10.41.0 |
\Flags::setFlag() | Not available. Callers should no longer use it. | 10.28.0 | 10.41.0 |
\FolderUtils::cleanDirRecursive() | \WW_Utils_FolderUtils::cleanDirRecursive() | 10.28.0 | 10.41.0 |
\FolderUtils::copyDirectoryRecursively() | \WW_Utils_FolderUtils::copyDirectoryRecursively() | 10.28.0 | 10.41.0 |
\FolderUtils::encodePath() | \WW_Utils_FolderUtils::encodePath() | 10.28.0 | 10.41.0 |
\FolderUtils::ensureDirExists() | \WW_Utils_FolderUtils::ensureDirExists() | 10.28.0 | 10.41.0 |
\FolderUtils::extractParentFolder() | \WW_Utils_FolderUtils::extractParentFolder() | 10.28.0 | 10.41.0 |
\FolderUtils::getFilesInFolderRecursive() | \WW_Utils_FolderUtils::getFilesInFolderRecursive() | 10.28.0 | 10.41.0 |
\FolderUtils::getFilesPathInFolder() | \WW_Utils_FolderUtils::getFilesPathInFolder() | 10.28.0 | 10.41.0 |
\FolderUtils::getLibraryFolders() | \WW_Utils_FolderUtils::getLibraryFolders() | 10.28.0 | 10.41.0 |
\FolderUtils::getReflectionPath() | \WW_Utils_FolderUtils::getReflectionPath() | 10.28.0 | 10.41.0 |
\FolderUtils::isDirWritable() | \WW_Utils_FolderUtils::isDirWritable() | 10.28.0 | 10.41.0 |
\FolderUtils::isEmptyDirectory() | \WW_Utils_FolderUtils::isEmptyDirectory() | 10.28.0 | 10.41.0 |
\FolderUtils::isLocalRootFolder() | \WW_Utils_FolderUtils::isLocalRootFolder() | 10.28.0 | 10.41.0 |
\FolderUtils::mkFullDir() | \WW_Utils_FolderUtils::mkFullDir() | 10.28.0 | 10.41.0 |
\FolderUtils::replaceDangerousChars() | \WW_Utils_FolderUtils::replaceDangerousChars() | 10.28.0 | 10.41.0 |
\FolderUtils::scanDirForFiles() | \WW_Utils_FolderUtils::scanDirForFiles() | 10.28.0 | 10.41.0 |
\HtmlDateTimeField::drawBody() | \WW_Utils_HtmlClasses_HtmlDateTimeField::drawBody() | 10.28.0 | 10.41.0 |
\HtmlDateTimeField::drawHeader() | \WW_Utils_HtmlClasses_HtmlDateTimeField::drawHeader() | 10.28.0 | 10.41.0 |
\HtmlDateTimeField::getDisplayValue() | \WW_Utils_HtmlClasses_HtmlDateTimeField::getDisplayValue() | 10.28.0 | 10.41.0 |
\HtmlDateTimeField::requestInput() | \WW_Utils_HtmlClasses_HtmlDateTimeField::requestInput() | 10.28.0 | 10.41.0 |
\HtmlDateTimeField::requestValue() | \WW_Utils_HtmlClasses_HtmlDateTimeField::requestValue() | 10.28.0 | 10.41.0 |
\HtmlDateTimeField::setValue() | \WW_Utils_HtmlClasses_HtmlDateTimeField::setValue() | 10.28.0 | 10.41.0 |
\MimeTypeHandler::fileExt2MimeType | \WW_Utils_MimeTypeHandler::fileExt2MimeType | 10.28.0 | 10.40.0 |
\MimeTypeHandler::filename2ObjType | \WW_Utils_MimeTypeHandler::filename2ObjType | 10.28.0 | 10.40.0 |
\MimeTypeHandler::filePath2MimeType | \WW_Utils_MimeTypeHandler::filePath2MimeType | 10.28.0 | 10.40.0 |
\MimeTypeHandler::getExtensionMap | \WW_Utils_MimeTypeHandler::getExtensionMap | 10.28.0 | 10.40.0 |
\MimeTypeHandler::isInCopy | \WW_Utils_MimeTypeHandler::isInCopy | 10.28.0 | 10.40.0 |
\MimeTypeHandler::isJPEG | \WW_Utils_MimeTypeHandler::isJPEG | 10.28.0 | 10.40.0 |
\MimeTypeHandler::mime2ObjType | \WW_Utils_MimeTypeHandler::filename2ObjType | 10.28.0 | 10.40.0 |
\MimeTypeHandler::mimeType2FileExt | \WW_Utils_MimeTypeHandler::mimeType2FileExt | 10.28.0 | 10.40.0 |
\MimeTypeHandler::native2DBname | \WW_Utils_MimeTypeHandler::native2DBname | 10.28.0 | 10.40.0 |
\MimeTypeHandler::repairMimetype | \WW_Utils_MimeTypeHandler::repairMimetype | 10.28.0 | 10.40.0 |
\PhpConfigParser::parseDefines() | \WW_Utils_PhpConfigParser::parseDefines() | 10.28.0 | 10.41.0 |
\PhpConfigParser::parseDefineValues() | \WW_Utils_PhpConfigParser::parseDefineValues() | 10.28.0 | 10.41.0 |
\RemovePhpComments::iterFile() | Not available. Callers should no longer use it. | 10.28.0 | 10.41.0 |
\RemovePhpComments::iterFolder() | Not available. Callers should no longer use it. | 10.28.0 | 10.41.0 |
\RemovePhpComments::removeAllComments() | Not available. Callers should no longer use it. | 10.28.0 | 10.41.0 |
\RemovePhpComments::skipFile() | Not available. Callers should no longer use it. | 10.28.0 | 10.41.0 |
\RemovePhpComments::skipFolder() | Not available. Callers should no longer use it. | 10.28.0 | 10.41.0 |
\UtfConverter::convert2UTFAdobe() | Not available. Callers should no longer use it. | 10.28.0 | 10.41.0 |
\WW_Utils_ListEncoder::decodeList() | Not available. Callers should no longer use it. | 10.28.0 | 10.41.0 |
\WW_Utils_ListEncoder::encodeList | Not available. Callers should no longer use it. | 10.28.0 | 10.41.0 |
\WW_Utils_ListEncoder::encodeListItem() | Not available. Callers should no longer use it. | 10.28.0 | 10.41.0 |
\WW_Utils_MimeTypeHandler::mime2ObjType | \WW_Utils_MimeTypeHandler::filename2ObjType | 10.28.0 | 10.40.0 |
authorizationmodule::getRightsCached() method | Not available. Callers should no longer use it. | 10.18.0 | 10.31.0 |
BizAccess::checkRights() method | BizAccess::checkRightsForObjectProps() method | 9.4.0 | 10.26.0 |
BizAccess::checkRightsForMetaDataAndIssue() method | BizAccess::checkRightsForObjectMetaData() method | 10.26.0 | 10.39.0 |
BizAccess::checkRightsForMetaDataAndTargets() method | BizAccess::checkRightsForObjectMetaData() method | 10.26.0 | 10.39.0 |
BizAccess::checkRightsMetaDataTargets() method | BizAccess::checkRightsForObjectMetaData() method | 9.4.0 | 10.26.0 |
BizContentSource::ifAlienGetOrCreateShadowObject() method | BizContentSource::createShadowObjectInEnterprise() method | 10.26.0 | 10.39.0 |
BizInDesignServerJobs::restartJob() method | BizInDesignServerJobs::doRestartJob() method | 10.6.1 | 10.26.0 |
BizLDAP::isInstalled() method | BizLDAP::isLdapInstalled() method | 10.26.0 | 10.39.0 |
BizMetaDataPreview::generatePreviewLater() method | BizMetaDataPreview::generatePreviewNow() method | 10.27.0 | 10.40.0 |
BizMetaDataPreview::getBufferAsFile() method | Not available. Callers should no longer use it. | 10.27.0 | 10.40.0 |
BizMetaDataPreview::getJobConfig() method | Not available. Callers should no longer use it. | 10.27.0 | 10.40.0 |
BizMetaDataPreview::runJob() method | Not available. Callers should no longer use it. | 10.27.0 | 10.40.0 |
BizNamedQuery::getNamedQueries() method | WW_BizClasses_Wfl_NamedQuery::getNamedQueries() method | 6.0.0 | 10.26.0 |
BizObject::isAlternateLayout() method | Not available. Callers should no longer use it. | 10.19.0 | 10.32.0 |
BizObject::validateOverruledPublications() method | Not available. Callers should no longer use it. | 10.26.0 | 10.39.0 |
BizPage::listIssuePages() method | Not available. Callers should no longer use it. | 10.26.0 | 10.39.0 |
BizPublication::getChannelEditionInfos() method | WW_BizClasses_Wfl_Publication::getChannelEditionInfos() method | 10.26.0 | 10.39.0 |
BizPublication::getChannelInfo() method | WW_BizClasses_Wfl_Publication::getChannelInfo() method | 10.26.0 | 10.39.0 |
BizPublication::getChannelInfos() method | WW_BizClasses_Wfl_Publication::getChannelInfos() method | 10.26.0 | 10.39.0 |
BizPublication::getChannelIssueInfos() method | WW_BizClasses_Wfl_Publication::getChannelIssueInfos() method | 10.26.0 | 10.39.0 |
BizPublication::getIssueEditionInfos() method | WW_BizClasses_Wfl_Publication::getChannelEditionInfos() method | 10.26.0 | 10.39.0 |
BizPublication::getIssueInfo() method | WW_BizClasses_Wfl_Publication::getIssueInfo() method | 10.26.0 | 10.39.0 |
BizPublication::getPublEditionInfos() method | WW_BizClasses_Wfl_Publication::getChannelEditionInfos() method | 10.26.0 | 10.39.0 |
BizPublication::getPublIssueInfos() method | WW_BizClasses_Wfl_Publication::getChannelIssueInfos() method | 10.26.0 | 10.39.0 |
BizPublication::getSectionInfos() method | WW_BizClasses_Wfl_Publication::getCategoryInfos() method | 10.26.0 | 10.39.0 |
BizPublication::getStateInfos() method | WW_BizClasses_Wfl_Publication::getPublicationInfosByRequestInfo() method | 10.26.0 | 10.39.0 |
BizPublication::getCategoryInfos function | WW_BizClasses_Wfl_Publication::getCategoryInfos function | 10.23.0 | 10.36.0 |
BizPublication::getPublicationInfo method | WW_BizClasses_Wfl_Publication::getPublicationInfosByRequestInfo method | 10.22.0 | 10.35.0 |
BizPublication::getPublicationInfos method | WW_BizClasses_Wfl_Publication::getPublicationInfosByRequestInfo method | 10.22.0 | 10.35.0 |
BizPublication::getPublicationInfosByRequestInfo method | WW_BizClasses_Wfl_Publication::getPublicationInfosByRequestInfo method | 10.22.0 | 10.35.0 |
BizPublication::getPublications method | WW_BizClasses_Wfl_Publication::getPublicationInfosByRequestInfo method | 10.22.0 | 10.35.0 |
BizQuery::queryObjects() method | BizQuery::queryObjects2() method | 10.2.0 | 10.26.0 |
BizRelation::getDeletedPlacedRelations() method | BizRelation::getPlacedRelationsToDelete() method | 10.19.0 | 10.32.0 |
BizServerJob::formatTimeInSecondsWithMilliSeconds | DateTimeFunctions::formatUtcTimeWithMicroSeconds | 10.31.0 | 10.44.0 |
BizTransferServer::copyFromFileTransferServer() method | Not available. Callers should no longer use it. | 10.36.0 | 10.48.0 |
BizUser::checkDuplicates() method | WW_BizClasses_Adm_User::checkDuplicates() method | 10.26.0 | 10.39.0 |
BizUser::getSettings() method | WW_BizClasses_UserSetting::getSettings() method | 10.3.0 | 10.26.0 |
BizUser::updateSettings() method | WW_BizClasses_UserSetting::saveSettings() method | 10.3.0 | 10.26.0 |
BizUser::validateEmail() method | WW_BizClasses_Adm_User::validateEmail() method | 10.26.0 | 10.39.0 |
BizUser::validateName() method | WW_BizClasses_Adm_User::validateName() method | 10.26.0 | 10.39.0 |
BizWebEditWorkspace::previewArticleAtWorkspace() method | BizWebEditWorkspace::previewArticlesAtWorkspace() method | 10.26.0 | 10.39.0 |
BizWorkflow::validateMultipleTargets() method | BizWorkflow::validateTargetsForUpdateOperation() method | 10.21.0 | 10.34.0 |
BizWorkflow::validateWorkflowData method | BizWorkflow::validateWorkflowMetadata() method | 10.33.0 | 10.46.0 |
checkFields() function | Not available. Callers should no longer use it. | 10.26.0 | 10.39.0 |
DBAdmStatus::getIssueIdsForStatusIds() method | Not available. Callers should no longer use it. | 10.26.0 | 10.39.0 |
DBAdmStatus::getStatusesForIds() method | Not available. Callers should no longer use it. | 10.26.0 | 10.39.0 |
DBAdmWorkflowUserGroupAuthorization::getIssueIdsForWorkflowUserGroupAuthorizationIds() method | Not available. Callers should no longer use it. | 10.26.0 | 10.39.0 |
DBAuthorizations::deleteAuthorization() method | Not available. Callers should no longer use it. | 10.26.0 | 10.39.0 |
DBChanneldata::insert() method | DBChanneldata::insertCustomPropertyForIssue() method | 10.26.0 | 10.39.0 |
DBChanneldata::update() method | DBChanneldata::updateCustomPropertyForIssue() method | 10.26.0 | 10.39.0 |
DBEdition::createEditionsObj() method | DBAdmEdition::createEditionsObj() method | 10.26.0 | 10.39.0 |
DBEdition::editionsUsed() method | Not available. Callers should no longer use it. | 10.26.0 | 10.39.0 |
DBEdition::getEditionsViaChannelId() method | Not available. Callers should no longer use it. | 10.26.0 | 10.39.0 |
DBEdition::insertIssueEdition() method | Not available. Callers should no longer use it. | 10.26.0 | 10.39.0 |
DBEdition::modifyChannelEditionsObj() method | DBAdmEdition::modifyChannelEditionsObj() method | 10.26.0 | 10.39.0 |
DBObject::getUniqueObjectName() method | BizObject::getUniqueObjectName() method | 10.26.0 | 10.39.0 |
DBObjectFlag::deleteObjectFlags() method | Not available. Callers should no longer use it. | 10.26.0 | 10.39.0 |
DBObjectLock::changeOnlineStatus() method | BizObjectLock::releaseLock() method | 10.3.1 | 10.26.0 |
DBObjectLock::checkLock() method | BizObjectLock::isLocked() method | 10.3.1 | 10.26.0 |
DBObjectLock::lockObject() method | BizObjectLock::lockObject() method | 10.3.1 | 10.26.0 |
DBObjectLock::unlockObjects() method | DBObjectLock::unlockObjectsByUser() method | 10.4.2 | 10.26.0 |
DBObjectRelation::getObjectRelation() method | DBObjectRelation::getObjectRelations() method | 10.26.0 | 10.39.0 |
DBPlacements::getPlacementsOfArticlesPlacedOnLayout() method | Not available. Callers should no longer use it. | 10.18.0 | 10.31.0 |
DBPlacements::getPlacementsWithPageOrientation() method | Not available. Callers should no longer use it. | 10.18.0 | 10.31.0 |
DBRouting::deleteRouting() method | Not available. Callers should no longer use it. | 10.26.0 | 10.39.0 |
DBTicket::DBendticket() method | BizTicket::deleteTicketsAndAffiliatedStructures() method | 10.26.0 | 10.39.0 |
DBTicket::DBpurgetickets() method | BizTicket::deleteExpiredTicketsAndAffiliatedStructures() method | 10.26.0 | 10.39.0 |
DBTicket::DbPurgeTicketsByUser() method | BizTicket::deleteTicketsAndAffiliatedStructuresByUser() method | 10.5.1 | 10.26.0 |
DBUser::addGroupsToUser() method | DBUser::addUserToGroup() method | 10.26.0 | 10.39.0 |
DBUser::addUsersToGroup() method | DBUser::addUserToGroup() method | 10.26.0 | 10.39.0 |
DBUser::listPublAuthorizations() method | Not available. Callers should no longer use it. | 10.26.0 | 10.39.0 |
DBUser::removeGroupsFromUser() method | DBUser::removeUserFromGroup() method | 10.26.0 | 10.39.0 |
DBUser::removeUsersFromGroup() method | DBUser::removeUserFromGroup() method | 10.26.0 | 10.39.0 |
DBUser::getRights() | - | 10.15.0 | 10.28.0 |
DBUserSetting::hasSetting() method | DBUserSetting::getSettingId() method | 10.3.0 | 10.26.0 |
DBUserSetting::purgeSettings() method | DBUserSetting::deleteAllSettingsByUserShortName() method | 10.20.0 | 10.33.0 |
deletefile() function | Not available. Callers should no longer use it. | 10.26.0 | 10.39.0 |
FileStorage::getSize() method | Not available. Callers should no longer use it. | 10.36.0 | 10.48.0 |
FileStorage::getSoap() method | Not available. Callers should no longer use it. | 10.36.0 | 10.48.0 |
FileStorage::listFilenames() method | Not available. Callers should no longer use it. | 10.36.0 | 10.48.0 |
LogHandler::getDebugLevel() method | LogHandler::getLogLevel() method | 10.26.0 | 10.39.0 |
LogHandler::infoMode() method | LogHandler::getLogLevel() method | 10.26.0 | 10.39.0 |
MimeTypeHandler::fileExt2MimeType() method | WW_Utils_MimeTypeHandler::fileExt2MimeType() method | 10.28.0 | 10.40.0 |
MimeTypeHandler::filename2ObjType() method | WW_Utils_MimeTypeHandler::filename2ObjType() method | 10.28.0 | 10.40.0 |
MimeTypeHandler::filePath2MimeType() method | WW_Utils_MimeTypeHandler::filePath2MimeType() method | 10.28.0 | 10.40.0 |
MimeTypeHandler::getExtensionMap() method | WW_Utils_MimeTypeHandler::getExtensionMap() method | 10.28.0 | 10.40.0 |
MimeTypeHandler::isInCopy() method | WW_Utils_MimeTypeHandler::isInCopy() method | 10.28.0 | 10.40.0 |
MimeTypeHandler::isJPEG() method | WW_Utils_MimeTypeHandler::isJPEG() method | 10.28.0 | 10.40.0 |
MimeTypeHandler::mime2ObjType() method | WW_Utils_MimeTypeHandler::mime2ObjType() method | 10.28.0 | 10.40.0 |
MimeTypeHandler::mimeType2FileExt() method | WW_Utils_MimeTypeHandler::mimeType2FileExt() method | 10.28.0 | 10.40.0 |
MimeTypeHandler::native2DBname() method | WW_Utils_MimeTypeHandler::native2DBname() method | 10.28.0 | 10.40.0 |
MimeTypeHandler::repairMimetype() method | WW_Utils_MimeTypeHandler::repairMimetype() method | 10.28.0 | 10.40.0 |
mkpath() function | Not available. Callers should no longer use it. | 10.26.0 | 10.39.0 |
openFile() function | Not available. Callers should no longer use it. | 10.26.0 | 10.39.0 |
PubMgr::getEditions method | BizPublication::getEditions method | 10.22.0 | 10.35.0 |
PubMgr::getIssues method | BizPublication::getIssues method | 10.22.0 | 10.35.0 |
PubMgr::getPublications method | WW_BizClasses_Wfl_Publication::getPublicationInfosByRequestInfo method | 10.22.0 | 10.35.0 |
PubMgr::getSections method | BizPublication::getSections method | 10.22.0 | 10.35.0 |
PubMgr::getStates method | BizWorkflow::getStates method | 10.22.0 | 10.35.0 |
WW_BizClasses_Wfl_Publication::getAuthorizedStates() method | WW_BizClasses_Wfl_Publication::getAuthorizedStatesByBrandsId() method | 10.18.0 | 10.31.0 |
WW_BizClasses_Wfl_Publication::getSectionInfos() method | WW_BizClasses_Wfl_Publication::getCategoryInfos() method | 10.18.0 | 10.31.0 |
WW_BizClasses_Wfl_Publication::getStateInfos() method | WW_BizClasses_Wfl_Publication::getStateInfosForBrandsId() method | 10.18.0 | 10.31.0 |
WW_DbClasses_Wfl_Query_QueryObjectComposer::filterOnAuthorizationAndBrandsId() method | WW_DbClasses_Wfl_Query_QueryObjectComposer::addFilterOnUserRights() method | 10.20.0 | 10.33.0 |
WW_DbDrivers_DriverBase::autoincrement() method | Not available. Callers should no longer use it. | 10.11.0 | 10.37.0 |
WW_Utils_ArrayInjector class | WW_Utils_ArrayAppender class | 10.14.0 | 10.27.0 |
WW_Utils_ArrayInjector::insertAfterKey() method | WW_Utils_ArrayAppender::insertAfterKey() method | 10.14.0 | 10.27.0 |
WW_Utils_ArrayInjector::insertBeforeKey() method | WW_Utils_ArrayAppender::insertBeforeKey() method | 10.14.0 | 10.27.0 |
WW_Utils_MimeTypeHandler::mime2ObjType() method | WW_Utils_MimeTypeHandler::filename2ObjType() method | 10.27.0 | 10.40.0 |
WW_Utils_ShellScript class | Not available. Callers should no longer use it. | 10.27.0 | 10.40.0 |
WW_Utils_ShellScript::buildCmd() method | Not available. Callers should no longer use it. | 10.27.0 | 10.40.0 |
WW_Utils_ShellScript::init() method | Not available. Callers should no longer use it. | 10.27.0 | 10.40.0 |
WW_Utils_ShellScript::shell_exec() method | Not available. Callers should no longer use it. | 10.27.0 | 10.40.0 |
WW_Utils_ShellTransferClient class | Not available. Callers should no longer use it. | 10.27.0 | 10.40.0 |
WW_Utils_ShellTransferClient::__construct() method | Not available. Callers should no longer use it. | 10.27.0 | 10.40.0 |
WW_Utils_ShellTransferClient::cleanupFile() method | Not available. Callers should no longer use it. | 10.27.0 | 10.40.0 |
WW_Utils_ShellTransferClient::downloadContentInParallel() method | Not available. Callers should no longer use it. | 10.27.0 | 10.40.0 |
WW_Utils_ShellTransferClient::downloadFile() method | Not available. Callers should no longer use it. | 10.27.0 | 10.40.0 |
WW_Utils_ShellTransferClient::uploadFile() method | Not available. Callers should no longer use it. | 10.27.0 | 10.40.0 |
WW_Utils_TransferClient:setCurlOptionsForSsl method | Not available. Callers should no longer use it. | 10.33.0 | 10.46.0 |
WW_Utils_XmlParser::getXmlParserError() method | Not available. Callers should no longer use it. | 10.14.1 | 10.27.0 |
WW_Utils_ZipUtility::extractArchive() method | Not available. Callers should no longer use it. | 10.37.0 | 10.49.0 |
WW_Utils_ZipUtility_ZipArchive::extractArchive() method | Not available. Callers should no longer use it. | 10.37.0 | 10.49.0 |
WW_Utils_ZipUtility_CommandLine::extractArchive() method | Not available. Callers should no longer use it. | 10.37.0 | 10.49.0 |
- 6 February 2025: Updated the article with deprecated code that has been removed in Studio Server 10.49.0.
- 9 January 2025: Updated the article with code marked as deprecated and removed in Studio Server 10.48.0.
- 12 December 2024: Updated the article with code marked as deprecated in Studio Server 10.47.0.
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